magats take over congress

No again. He understands numbers. Also understands that to add something here, you have to take away from there. If you just keep adding, the beaker overflows and there is an uncontained reaction.
Whelp, that leaves Quebecois. C'est la vie.
Amazing. Wearing your ID badge outside your clothes while looting. Do we think if we added the IQ of the hoard we would break 1000?

Duck Dynasty represent!
Plus their buddy in the Chewbacca bikini.
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No again. He understands numbers. Also understands that to add something here, you have to take away from there. If you just keep adding, the beaker overflows and there is an uncontained reaction.
For someone you claims so smart he sure has no people skills
The defence thing. Whitehouse Down.
I served, so I'm quite aware of what the reality of engagements can be vs Hollywood. Doesn't make the comment any less funny, imo.

Give him 24 hours, he'll contradict it all on Twitter.
Isat one of those deep fake things

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It sure looks like it and when it comes down to it, what's the difference between a computer generated trump speaking like a real person and living trump with a gun pointed at his head speaking like a human?
That video must be fake.

Was wondering what happened to the US is ****** thread.
It is on Trumpies official Youtube account. It's possible that it is fake but unlikely. You need someone to gain access to the youtube account, someone to make a long deepfake video (most are only a few seconds due to processing power required) and trumpie and his entire team taking more than an hour to get it taken down.
It was just so weird to hear him saying those things I figured it could only be fake.
I had to turn it off even before 2 minutes, because hearing him say kind, thoughtful and articulate things was crossing all kinds of wires in my brain - I could not compute.

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