magats take over congress

Woman gets shot lefties are like cool

No it’s not cool, it’s sad. Put it in context. She was a QANON supporter. She believed what the orange idiot told her which has been proven false time and time again. She thought she was a revolutionary egged on by similar deluded idiots. She didn’t think there would be an issue breaking through a barricade manned by armed police protecting a room full of government officials, said police pointing guns at her presumably shouting something to the effect of “get back or else”.

What she actually did was tantamount to slow motion suicide by cop with a number of different places where a sensible decision to do some other action would mean she would still be alive today.
Several videos of the girl being shot are online now. One shows the gun and her falling back, the other shows her climbing up into a smashed window in a guarded door. I wonder what was said to her as she climbed up.
I definitely stopped the surge forward. I was surprised (although I probably shouldn't have been) at the number of people that just stood there and filmed her dying. If people are getting shot, I am out of there, especially if I am somewhere I am not allowed to be and they are authorized to use deadly force. If this had been BLM, that hallway would have been a shooting gallery and all those morons would have been massacred.
GG you’re watching to many Biden videos talking about how it would be different for blm
I definitely stopped the surge forward. I was surprised (although I probably shouldn't have been) at the number of people that just stood there and filmed her dying. If people are getting shot, I am out of there, especially if I am somewhere I am not allowed to be and they are authorized to use deadly force. If this had been BLM, that hallway would have been a shooting gallery and all those morons would have been massacred.

A sad sorry **** show. None of this would have happened if Trump hadn’t incited the crowd to march on the Capitol and Rudy's “trial by combat” speech really didn’t help either.
GG you’re watching to many Biden videos talking about how it would be different for blm

You can't seriously say with a straight face that the response would have been significantly different?


Here was the response to the BLM protests:


Here was the response for the MAGA protest...which they knew was coming days before as it was openly planned online.


Hell, get them convicted and put them on behaviour bonds. That can provide huge penalties for violating and set conditions not to congregate, not to go within xxx feet of certain locations etc. Locking them up may make them martyrs when they are shortly released but it's hard to be a martyr when your punishment was a strongly worded letter.
Add in a restrictions on banning them from having guns, and watch their collective heads explode....
That would, quite possibly lead to more Waco level stuff.
Debating with you is pointless. You answer questions with questions, deflect at almost every opportunity and when you run out of ways to wiggle out of answering you simply don't respond. Why bother.
Maybe he has a future in politics? Your comments are exactly what's required of a politician.
You can't seriously say with a straight face that the response would have been significantly different?


Here was the response to the BLM protests:

View attachment 46432

Here was the response for the MAGA protest...which they knew was coming days before as it was openly planned online.

View attachment 46433


If that's not racism............

Holy **** lol
Big difference in the two events
One went on for months

The other a few hrs
Maybe he has a future in politics? Your comments are exactly what's required of a politician.
If the shoe fits, i could picture him in the Liberal bench during question period.
...there’s a few other differences too...


couldn’t be a politician.....couldn’t take the pay cut.
If the shoe fits, i could picture him in the Liberal bench during question period.
He is awfully smart and has a solid science background. That may disqualify him from being in the liberal party. Only arts majors need apply.
Woman gets shot lefties are like cool

I'd consider myself center leaning left. Not cool.

Most lefties (not the ones on this site) are closer to the right extremist that want to abolish anything they don't agree with. I don't see a difference between the two
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