Macdocs Lament ••• Forks - same old same old, maybe a bit better.

Doesn't Loblaws have a seniors only time slot very early.?
In Aus we have to get doing stuff early - including riding for most months as too warm and humid later in the day.

I think Tim's uses robusta beans with a bjillion gms of caffeine.
I'm not a coffee gourmet so as long as it isn't church coffee it's OK. Church coffee is the cheapest beans and tastes like popcorn. Timmies baked goods went crap when they went pre-baked. Variety is shot as they went "Take'em the way we make'em" Muffins are smaller and no more oat cakes. McDonald's are smaller pieces of crap. Who looks forward to a mini donut?

If you want to properly plug your arteries try Monster Donut in Hamilton.

My rare go-to for an apple fritter is the Amish Door in Winesburg Ohio. Worth the drive on a motorcycle but not car.

I fell in love with onion rings at the A&W on Lakeshore & Front in Port Credit back when you could skate on the Credit River in winter. The building is still there operating as a indy restaurant. Starbucks is in front.
Apple Fritters at Sweet Paradise ftw.
There's one on Stonechurch West, and one on #5 in Waterdown.
Had some food at the Lancaster smokehouse in Kitchener a few weeks ago, food was so good, but so unhealthy lol
Could only eat 50% of the plate before verging into 'unable to ride home' territory
Well I misread the weather ....very soggy rider ....not a dry spot cept top of my head.
Made it worse by chasing down a lead on an upholstery guy on Myerside without making contact.
Had a couple pretty hard down bursts - got home which was still dry and it started to rain just as I pulled in.
If I had come straight home might have been damp but not drenched.
Still had a good chat with old friends, early lunch and filled the tank ...$7.87 🙄

Pretty wild looking sky and some fairly serious gusts which did not bother the scoot.
Need something to make the water bead better on the visor;
Pretty wild looking sky and some fairly serious gusts which did not bother the scoot.
Need something to make the water bead better on the visor;
rainx works well last i heard?
How often are you using reverse? Can you go straight forward into a spot to parallel park or do you have to back in? In toronto, where bikes are supposed to be ass to curb, what is expected of a sidecar?
All the time. Gotta find out the max in reverse. Lol
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