Macdocs Lament ••• Forks - same old same old, maybe a bit better.

Cooksville Care Center 905-270-0170
55 Queensway West Mississauga, Ontario L5B 1B5
RM 101
Toll paid in TimBits :D

It's not a hospital but a rehab center available to all accident victims in Ontario as a free service - part of the no fault system.

Clean bill of health today - full weight bearing so time to get some quad muscles rebuilt...looks like granpas knee right now. Big knob with mush around it.
Shaky as hell - first time upright since accident....lotsa physio coming
In and out of wheelchair on my own....more independence planned
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One more Fracture clinic on Oct 12 then off to Aus on Oct 24thPasted Graphic.png
tho depends on the kid ... :cry: happy to delay if he holds on longer than projected.
Glad your are making progress.
Hoping you stay here for longer than your current return date.
Heh - some relearning after being PSWed for 9 weeks. :unsure:
Have to warn them off helping unless I ask. Still very hesitant vertically...waiting for physio to return after long weekend.
It isn't rare for someone wanting to help to be a member of the Dunning Kruger Society, cognitively biased.

Few blind people want a stranger to grab their elbow and drag them across an intersection.
So nice to arrange my life far more around my own timing... tho there are someways to go yet.
Just being to able to get out of bed when I want and go to meals in my own time and back into bed without waiting for someone is a treat.
I'll go over to my kids tomorrow ....order up the w/chair taxi on my own and aside from a push up the ramp into the back door that will be an independent journey Pasted Graphic.png
Big plus for my mental state.
Lamb stew, diced turnips and mashed with gravy hits the spot for supper ...inside the dining are this time and nice and hot. (y)

Further updates will be on the Down Under thread
Thanks to all for kind wishes as this unexpected adventure unfolds, bowing69.jpeg
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Rented a small SUV today and heading up the Forks likely both days on the weekend ....will also get over to Arthur for the glider port.
Say hi. Felt good to be back on the road tho juggling the walker requires some extra parking space.,,..driving was no issue. Being able to get to the sink and mirror in one makes a difference. Can shave easily now.
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Have to ask ....thanks for idea
More tired from yesterday than I thought. Driving and visiting. Right leg was sore and foot puffed up.
Better this am but slept in.
At the kids this afternoon sorting out the mcycle gear for sale. Will be listed shortly - some good cool weather gear available. Stay tuned
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