Look outside...WOULD YOU RIDE TODAY??

Who doesn't ride with the slightest bit of damp roads?

Not freezing, and so far I haven't seen any salt, of course I rode. Been riding every non rainy day this month!... and night I might add.
Who doesn't ride with the slightest bit of damp roads?

Not freezing, and so far I haven't seen any salt, of course I rode. Been riding every non rainy day this month!... and night I might add.

Plenty of folks out there that only ride Saturday and Sunday May-August in above 24*C weather with a perfect blue sky. I personally don`t get those people at all.
I did so I guess my answer is yes. Rode yesterday too.
Plenty of folks out there that only ride Saturday and Sunday May-August in above 24*C weather with a perfect blue sky. I personally don`t get those people at all.

I personally don't get the people who ride in 4 degrees, with the road wet and possibility of ice. Salt all over the place. Zero traction, and freezing your balls off. Where is the fun in that? Forget the fun, common sense anyone? Or is it just so that you can feel superior to others by claiming you are "hardcore"? lol
I would definitely go out for a short ride while the sun's out. It's been a decent week weather wise
I personally don't get the people who ride in 4 degrees, with the road wet and possibility of ice. Salt all over the place. Zero traction, and freezing your balls off. Where is the fun in that? Forget the fun, common sense anyone? Or is it just so that you can feel superior to others by claiming you are "hardcore"? lol

4 degrees is not the freezing point so there is no salt. Can't be dragging you knee but there is plenty of traction for normal commuting, and clothing keeps the balls from freezing.

As for common sense, seeing there is absolutely no issue in the operation of a motorcycle (besides adjusting for the weather, which of course you also do when it's 30+) it's cheaper to park, traffic is not that big a deal, insurance is already paid for why wouldn't you ride?

What doesn't make sense is people spending thousands on bikes, insurance, mods etc etc and only riding the bike 8 -12 weeks a year. Perhaps it's so they can feel cooler then other people and say the ride a motorcycle.
i drove my litre SV over to the shop where I store it and holy crap was the back end ever sliding around...when the roads are cold monster torque can be unfriendly! But i thought it was so nice i went home and took my old duallie out for a few hours...in the woods and back roads cant get going too fast so wind chill isnt as big a factor as at 80-100 kph. I found the fogging of glasses and shield was more of a pain in the a** than the cold was.... If i wasnt at work, i think i'd be out on it again. Definitely not the SV though....no fun riding it the way you have to on the cold roads
I was sweating on my ride home yesterday. Even in negative temps the only part of me that gets cold is my neck and hands. Neck is easily remedied with some more clothing. Hands wouldn't be a problem with heated grips. Even at -1 or -2 my non-heated gloves will keep my hands warm enough (not numb) and they aren't as wind proof as some gloves.
I personally don't get the people who ride in 4 degrees, with the road wet and possibility of ice. Salt all over the place. Zero traction, and freezing your balls off. Where is the fun in that? Forget the fun, common sense anyone? Or is it just so that you can feel superior to others by claiming you are "hardcore"? lol

Well I'm only into my 2nd year, so I still have the bug. If there's no snow, no rain and no ice, the bike comes out. Plus up here, no brine and no salt. Flannel lined jeans, a scarf and a thermal liner for the jacket are enough to keep warm.

4 degrees is not the freezing point so there is no salt. Can't be dragging you knee but there is plenty of traction for normal commuting, and clothing keeps the balls from freezing.

As for common sense, seeing there is absolutely no issue in the operation of a motorcycle (besides adjusting for the weather, which of course you also do when it's 30+) it's cheaper to park, traffic is not that big a deal, insurance is already paid for why wouldn't you ride?

What doesn't make sense is people spending thousands on bikes, insurance, mods etc etc and only riding the bike 8 -12 weeks a year. Perhaps it's so they can feel cooler then other people and say the ride a motorcycle.

What he said. I've met guys that ride 24-30 days a year. They pay ~$1800 on insurance for their Supersports that they bought brand new.

So let's break that down, a 2009 CBR1000RRA bought brand new for $15k+tax, fees etc. Let's call it $17k. 1800/yr for 3 years since then makes $22,400. That's $248.89 per ride + maintenance, storage, gas and gear (Dainese, only the best!) assuming the max of 30 days a year (again, not kidding).

How does THAT make sense?
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4 degrees is not the freezing point so there is no salt. Can't be dragging you knee but there is plenty of traction for normal commuting, and clothing keeps the balls from freezing.

As for common sense, seeing there is absolutely no issue in the operation of a motorcycle (besides adjusting for the weather, which of course you also do when it's 30+) it's cheaper to park, traffic is not that big a deal, insurance is already paid for why wouldn't you ride?

What doesn't make sense is people spending thousands on bikes, insurance, mods etc etc and only riding the bike 8 -12 weeks a year. Perhaps it's so they can feel cooler then other people and say the ride a motorcycle.

4 degrees out meanwhile the road is a couple degrees colder, even colder on bridges and you have the possibility of ice.
Salt has been applied nightly for the last week or so, and whenever temperature dips near 0 at night
I personally don't get the people who ride in 4 degrees, with the road wet and possibility of ice. Salt all over the place. Zero traction, and freezing your balls off. Where is the fun in that? Forget the fun, common sense anyone? Or is it just so that you can feel superior to others by claiming you are "hardcore"? lol

Do you also park the bike when it rains, or there is a slight chance of a sprinkle?
really? because the two are exactly the same eh?
Personally I am more afraid of my traction in rain than in cold. Although ice and snow are a different animal altogether.
Are you going to answer the question?

Paul1000RR just has too big of an ego with his big boy bike to answer the question ;)
I rode and was pretty wet (outside only)after a 25k ride to work,tomorrow looks good too.

Yeah, my only fear of riding in the morning to school is someone ramming me up the *** cause they either don't have their headlights on, or they have their high beams on in thick fog >.>

I ride anyways...
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