Live: 2014 Corvette Revealed!

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I guess there are lots of corvette lovers here. You guys should watch "the last Stand"

Another corvette commercial as NFQ would put it

I still can't stop laughing, after reading the Fiesta is a 'great' car.........LOL.

Correction: Fiesta w. all season 155s in the winter is a great car.

The current Ford Focus is surprisingly pleasant on a long trip, too. I've got a business trip down south coming up in a couple weeks (ya, I know, cry me a river), and a Focus will do just fine.

But it's not a competitor to a Corvette ...

Drove a rental 2012 Focus Titanium for a few days last month. It was a nice car. Tight and responsive. Decent power (but it was new - long term, who knows). It did have issues with the traction control, however. Would intermittently kick in on dry pavement, and continue to engage every time you stepped on the gas. Had to stop and shut the car off to reset it.
Re: "bigger". If the big 3 had a crystal ball, and could predict that a gallon of gas was going to increase from 25 cents a gallon, to $5 a gallon, they would have not chosen to build luxurious land barges in every line they produced.

Correction: If they had any taste, judgement, or appreciation for driving, they wouldn't have built those land barges. What they had was greed and egos and complete disrespect for the public, like much of America in the 50s.
Correction: If they had any taste, judgement, or appreciation for driving, they wouldn't have built those land barges. What they had was greed and egos and complete disrespect for the public, like much of America in the 50s.

Giving people what they want. Like Harley-Davidson of today. It works.
Correction: If they had any taste, judgement, or appreciation for driving, they wouldn't have built those land barges. What they had was greed and egos and complete disrespect for the public, like much of America in the 50s.

Greed? The F150 truck is Fords best selling vehicle.....should they stop producing those?

On the other end of the spectrum was the EV1 electric vehicle.....evidently the govt and/or oil companies didnt like that idea.
That's the biggest punch line! H-D are still stuck deep in the 50s, greed, egos, and poor judgement intact!

You'll need to flesh that out for me. I don't understand how greed, ego and poor judgement is time sensitive.
Greed? The F150 truck is Fords best selling vehicle.....should they stop producing those?

On the other end of the spectrum was the EV1 electric vehicle.....evidently the govt and/or oil companies didnt like that idea.

Talking about the glory days of american cars here. There was no EV1 in the 50s. The F-100 was actually a sensible, practical, efficient vehicle with none of the pretentious garb that adorned what we worship as 'nostalgia' cars now. The F-150 is an even more competitive product now, and this is in a market with many times more competition.

As I said, the glory days are now.
You'll need to flesh that out for me. I don't understand how greed, ego and poor judgement is time sensitive.

In time, these things get you killed, à la

In time, these things get you killed, à la


heck of a list :confused: we're probably talking about different things.........
2013 Auto Show

Last generation 2013 Corvette ZR1....

Wait for it.........

$113,000 + taxes

Correction: If they had any taste, judgement, or appreciation for driving, they wouldn't have built those land barges. What they had was greed and egos and complete disrespect for the public, like much of America in the 50s.

No one held guns to all the Americans and Canadians who bought those gas guzzling SUVs during the 90s. Or perhaps everyone was duped into thinking they needed a Lincoln Navigator to drive their kids to daycare.
2013 Auto Show

Ford Focus hatchback "titanium" model (just the regular loaded 5door focus 160hp version, not the high zoot super sporty 252hp ST Focus)

Wait for it......

$30,500 + taxes

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