You've obviously never ridden any of the bikes. To imply that a soft bouncy SV650 can outhandle or outpace any of those bikes in any category is laughable. The SV650 and others in the cheap naked category are inexpensive for a reason. To think that they can outhandle a bigger bike just because they're "smaller" (which is a stupid argument in itself, as the dimensions are similar/same) is just ignorant.
Can a Caterham or an Exige outhandle a Ferrari 458?
Also, note I didn't say 'outhandle', but that they're simple and fun.
You would find people who think a Honda NT650 or CB-1 outhandle a Kawasaki Z1000, and they are light for standard bikes at around ~400 lbs.
Some of the very racy 1000cc naked bikes are around there, but most that come to mind (ZRX, Bandit 1200/1250, FZ1, Z1000) are 440+.
Anyways, go on internet tough guy... whatever, you've proven your point. Might want to watch the Red Bull intake.