List of guns in the ban proposal USA

If u actually watch the video u might find some valuable points to the discussion

I had watched it. They are common pro-gun argument and they all merit a critical review.

Or, we could all just go out and buy guns because Joe shot back at bank robbers and we want to be like Joe.
I had watched it. They are common pro-gun argument and they all merit a critical review.

I watched it. I tried to synthesize it. But I got stuck. Mr. Morgan rattled off a bunch off Euro countries with very low (less than 100) gun deaths but got shouted down by a freak. Will try again later.
Piers is very hostile to all of his pro-gun guests.. I assume Ventura decided to play the tough-guy and put Morgan in his place by simply being louder and more agressive than him.

If Piers Morgan represented my views, I'd be ashamed to have him on my side. Constantly cutting off your guests and never allowing them to actually back their opinions up with facts is idiotic.. it just drives the wedge further.

That part is true.

That part isn't.

An under $1K bolt action .308 like a 700 SPS or similar will destroy anything in .308 that's semi auto. Even the $10K M110 which is the grail of intermediate distance semi autos. The bolt gun is lighter, more accurate and has less moving parts to fail.

I shoot better groups at 1600M with my AR-30 than any SA can. Even larger calibers like .416 and .50 BMG.

Semi autos can't take the pressures of hot loads like bolt guns either.

I was comparing semi-autos of today to semi-autos of yesterday (*). I'd take a semi-auto poodle shooter coyote or gopher hunting and take a bolt action moose-hunting. Always the right tool for the job :)

(*) Caveat: some of yesterday's semiautos are ROCK solid and more reliable than today's stuff but you pay a weight and accuracy penalty
I was comparing semi-autos of today to semi-autos of yesterday (*). I'd take a semi-auto poodle shooter coyote or gopher hunting and take a bolt action moose-hunting. Always the right tool for the job :)

(*) Caveat: some of yesterday's semiautos are ROCK solid and more reliable than today's stuff but you pay a weight and accuracy penalty

This is a little silly....everyone knows you use claymores for hunting critters and dynamite for fishing.....if you want to be most efficient that is since we're talking excus....I mean efficiencies.
Piers Morgan is a WANKER!!
When his points are beaten, he just starts to raise his voice & beat his chest to intimidate his opponents. Such caveman tactics
That's why he has a show. Americans are obsessed with that kind of television. No substance, just antics and knuckle-draggers. No wonder its such a polarizing issue... those of us who wouldn't mind having a real conversation about the subject can't contend with the trolls (bknk, jc100,etc)

What trolls? I pointed out that there are more efficient ways of hunting since automatic weapons are supposedly very efficient for hunting animals. Unless of course that's just an excuse, but that could never be the case could it, that spurious arguments are used to shore up a weakened pro stance for the possession of automatic weapons?

By the way...since everyone that you don't like turns into Turbodish I'd say that could be a sign of paranoia....I'd hand your guns in if I were you.
FiReSTaRT;1947545 (*) Caveat: some of yesterday's semiautos are ROCK solid and more reliable than today's stuff but you pay a weight and accuracy penalty[/QUOTE said:
Dont be mentioning yesterdays tech, thats my shtick. You stay current and leave yesterdays ***** to guys like me.
Of course its gonna fall, when you keep sputtering non-sense which nobody else has even mentioned. Who is talking about hunting with automatic weapons? You can't even buy those... why would you bring it up? You're trying to bolster your anti-gun attitude by spewing BS and twisting words around.

It shows that the 2nd amendment isn't absolute and is about drawing a line. Every gun that people have, they are permitted to have by the government.
Yes, and American gun owners are saying no to further restrictions. They see it for what it is: a slow erosion of their right to bear arms.
One last try folks....

If you can't have a discussion without resorting to name calling, insults and pot shots...we'll simply end this topic again.


Here's the image to save the link-travel:
Yes, and American gun owners are saying no to further restrictions. They see it for what it is: a slow erosion of their right to bear arms.

You asked why automatic weapons are relevant. I just answered your question.

No further restrictions huh?

Further restrictions such as background checks? and not allowing you to sell your guns to anyone on a street corner for cash? Not exactly defensible.
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