Pretty sure thats BS... also, not happening, so it doesn't really matter.
The more likely scenario is states (such as NY, Illinois, etc) taking matters into their own hands by banning certain firearms.... which will undoubtedly unleash a s***storm from the gun lobby and be dragged through the courts for years to come.
Pretty sure thats BS... also, not happening, so it doesn't really matter.
The more likely scenario is states (such as NY, Illinois, etc) taking matters into their own hands by banning certain firearms.... which will undoubtedly unleash a s***storm from the gun lobby and be dragged through the courts for years to come.
these dummies want to ban .22lr bahahaha
the State Attorny of Texas has placed ads prompting New Yorkers to relocate to Texas where they can keep ALL thier guns and pay lower taxes, so they can buy more ammo.
When asked if that seemed a little heavy handed, his reply was "we value freedom and the right to defend yourself in Texas"
Fienstein's picture will be hanging in the lobby for February at Winchester, replacing Obama as salesman of the month.
They banned .22 rifles Fred, now we can just sit here all day without that pesky farmer shooting at us!
I smell a conspiracy theory. Ban guns to stimulate the economyNo such thing as retroactive in the US.
American property law makes that impossible.
In all honesty this panic made people that weren't even interested in buying guns go out and buy all of them. No exaggeration.
There is NO stock anywhere. Nothing on the shelves, nothing in the warehouses.
Some big outlets like Brownells have back orders for 1 000 000+ items.
The plants that produce these items have added extra shifts to their production line and don't think they will meet the demand for more than a year.
She probably raised the number of firearms in the US public hands by 6-7 million in the last month.
Now the farmer gets to blow them up with 30-06
Neither of my ARs show up on her list. Interesting since they are American made and sold in their market.
One fits the SAAW classification to a T.
The other doesn't. I think it falls into her "this is a friendly AR" class but I have yet to see that exemption list. Anyone?
It doesn't have to be on the list. If she gets her way it will fall under the "detachable magazine and one military characteristic" Which means they can pick and choose. Very similar to the BS classifications made by the RCMP on certain firearms here in Canada. If it's black and not made of wood it is scary, and thus restricted or banned.