Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Escalating jail time on each offence is the only thing they will understand, at minimum it keeps them off the road while behind bars. There is always the capacity argument--across the board it sounds like we need to increase prison system capacity??
Time to bring back penal colonies. Drop them off in remote Nunavut, Ontario or Quebec. Somewhere 1000 miles from a road. If they can walk back to society, their sentence is complete. If someone gets caught offering motorized help, that person and those being helped get dropped off just south of CFS Alert.
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Time to bring back penal colonies. Drop them off in remote Nunavut, Ontario or Quebec. Somewhere 1000 miles from a road. If they can walk back to society, their sentence is complete. If someone gets caught offering motorized help, that person and those being helped get dropped off just south of CFS Alert.

Can I drive the bus? Please please please.

The road part is the problem. Then there is the infrastructure.

I say we sub out the incarceration to a place where they already have the facilities. Sub the job out to North Korea. They can work to pay for their room and board. Instead of being called prisoners they would be temporary foreign workers (In N Korea).
Always so concerned about their personal license plates being filmed, as if the general public can just type it into a computer and get their home address? Filming a police station is a bigger crime than doing meth and heroine 200 meters from a police station. :ROFLMAO:

Always so concerned about their personal license plates being filmed, as if the general public can just type it into a computer and get their home address? Filming a police station is a bigger crime than doing meth and heroine 200 meters from a police station. :ROFLMAO:

What an AH. If someone stood in front of my place filming for a half an hour demanding my info while refusing to give theirs I’d be annoyed as well, especially with Skippys catch and release program.

There are places in the USA where he’d trip and fall down some stairs.
What an AH. If someone stood in front of my place filming for a half an hour demanding my info while refusing to give theirs I’d be annoyed as well, especially with Skippys catch and release program.

There are places in the USA where he’d trip and fall down some stairs.
Hamilton was one of those places, not too long ago.
They must be teaching to go into "stranger danger" mode when encountering a camera at the opc.
That guy has been visiting enough cop shops in swo that you would have thought that word would have gotten around and a strategy would have been adopted to shut him down. If you view only one of his clips it becomes apparent how to make his visit a nonevent that wouldn't be worth him filming.
Guessing that enough pissing matches have taken place to eliminate any sense of cooperation between them.
Time to bring back penal colonies. Drop them off in remote Nunavut, Ontario or Quebec. Somewhere 1000 miles from a road. If they can walk back to society, their sentence is complete. If someone gets caught offering motorized help, that person and those being helped get dropped off just south of CFS Alert.
We need some highways built in NW Ontario, we could save money, train people to do real work that pays well, and get the bad guys far away from people they might hurt or victimize.
What an AH. If someone stood in front of my place filming for a half an hour demanding my info while refusing to give theirs I’d be annoyed as well, especially with Skippys catch and release program.

There are places in the USA where he’d trip and fall down some stairs.
AH yes, but he also shows us the faces and behaviours of some of the AHs what suck 120k/year from the public teat.
The cloak of silence is now complete for opp. Apparently today at 16:00 all radio transmissions went encrypted. The old channels remain active solely to request towtrucks. I havent personally listened to see what is left.
Just a giant **itshow all around.

Tyreek rolling up his window at the the beginning of the stop was just stupid, and then he starts yelling at the cop.
The cop escalates every interaction that he has.
All the idiots that stopped on the road ignoring orders to move on.

How it should have gone.
Gets pulled over, doesn't roll up window, shows license, maybe gets a ticket and goes on his way.
Most likely, it would have been, "Wow, you're Tyreek Hill? Go get'em today. Please slow down a bit"

Just a giant video of stupid, all around.
Just a giant **itshow all around.

Tyreek rolling up his window at the the beginning of the stop was just stupid, and then he starts yelling at the cop.
The cop escalates every interaction that he has.
All the idiots that stopped on the road ignoring orders to move on.

How it should have gone.
Gets pulled over, doesn't roll up window, shows license, maybe gets a ticket and goes on his way.
Most likely, it would have been, "Wow, you're Tyreek Hill? Go get'em today. Please slow down a bit"

Just a giant video of stupid, all around.
Agreed. Cop is suspended pending investigation. Many of the people currently employed as cops should never have been allowed to be in that position.
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Agreed. Cop is suspended pending investigation. Many of the people currently employed as cops shoud never have been allowed to be in that position.

Well, when half of them have their own little "legally empowered gang" chapter tattoos.........

Just a giant **itshow all around.

Tyreek rolling up his window at the the beginning of the stop was just stupid, and then he starts yelling at the cop.
The cop escalates every interaction that he has.
All the idiots that stopped on the road ignoring orders to move on.

How it should have gone.
Gets pulled over, doesn't roll up window, shows license, maybe gets a ticket and goes on his way.
Most likely, it would have been, "Wow, you're Tyreek Hill? Go get'em today. Please slow down a bit"

Just a giant video of stupid, all around.
My gang vs Your gang testosteronefest, starting with Hill getting up tight about the cop touching his car. If he rolled the window down the cop wouldn't have had to knock on it. It all went down hill from there.

Ghetto gangs are all about being dissed. Touching them or their stuff is disrespecting them, leading to violence.

The police gang thing doesn't look good on them and our thin blue line isn't much better.

Spin doctoring. A news flash stated that Hill was re-directed to the ground.

Legal point: If I felt I was not being legally treated and wanted to talk to my lawyer in private do I have the right to roll my window up?

It gets interesting if the finances of detaining a person causes financial losses. In Hill's case the game but what if a person or family misses a vacation flight due to a prolonged detention?

What if a courier fails to deliver a bid on time?

On several occasions when pulled over I have been asked why I was breaking the law, a proper start to the process. A civil answer usually moderated the penalty.

Considering the gun situation down there I was surprised the cop let the one guy rummage through an out of sight duffel bag.
Considering the gun situation down there I was surprised the cop let the one guy rummage through an out of sight duffel bag.
I noted that as well. His partner probably had the angle on the bag.
My gang vs Your gang testosteronefest, starting with Hill getting up tight about the cop touching his car. If he rolled the window down the cop wouldn't have had to knock on it. It all went down hill from there.

Ghetto gangs are all about being dissed. Touching them or their stuff is disrespecting them, leading to violence.

The police gang thing doesn't look good on them and our thin blue line isn't much better.

Spin doctoring. A news flash stated that Hill was re-directed to the ground.

Legal point: If I felt I was not being legally treated and wanted to talk to my lawyer in private do I have the right to roll my window up?

It gets interesting if the finances of detaining a person causes financial losses. In Hill's case the game but what if a person or family misses a vacation flight due to a prolonged detention?

What if a courier fails to deliver a bid on time?

On several occasions when pulled over I have been asked why I was breaking the law, a proper start to the process. A civil answer usually moderated the penalty.

Considering the gun situation down there I was surprised the cop let the one guy rummage through an out of sight duffel bag.
He's rather lucky that guns didn't get drawn when he rolled up that window. That looks a fair bit darker than the 28% tint that's permitted in Florida.

Do you have the right to roll up your window when speaking with your attorney? Maybe, but the correct thing to do is as the officers direct, keep your mouth shut, and sic your lawyer on them after the fact. That's how you stay unharmed in a traffic stop. Closing a heavily tinted window in the face of a cop puts that cop at risk and suddenly he has free rein to mess you up. And, to top it off, he's got you doing it on camera to justify his actions.
This is definitely an example of "ugly." A sherriff's deputy in Riverside, California just decided to walk into a house and then arrested a woman for "resisting arrest", when the arrest was patently unlawful. He was responding to a noise complaint, so it's not an issue of the woman being served a warrant. Link to the (admittedly profanity laden) video in the story.

A judge is sounding ****** off with our criminals in blue constantly begging for mercy when convicted of crimes. Hopefully the sentencing follows their feelings.

"In response to the defence submission, Walker gestured to a thick stack of paper before him.

"(What) leaps to mind as I look at this case book filled with lenient sentences for police officers is, well, maybe general deterrence isn't working," he said. "It keeps happening.""
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