Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

I am not sure what any of that has to do with not wanting to be in the same health insurance pool. I think you completely disregarded what I was saying and just replied to an imaginary post.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

I am not sure what any of that has to do with not wanting to be in the same health insurance pool. I think you completely disregarded what I was saying and just replied to an imaginary post.

WTF are you talking about? We have public provided health care. My post was directly talking about the public costs of different types of programs.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

WTF are you talking about? We have public provided health care. My post was directly talking about the public costs of different types of programs.

If you don't understand it, then why did you type an essay? Just to disagree?
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

If you don't understand it, then why did you type an essay? Just to disagree?

I wasn't even disagreing with you bucky, I was just quoting your post as a launching point for my post. Train of thought more or less.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

how can you not disagree with me if you don't understand what I said?

maybe you can spend a minute thinking before just typing to read your own text, "bucky".

Like i told you before in other threads, easy to argue when you make up what the other guy is saying.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

how can you not disagree with me if you don't understand what I said?

maybe you can spend a minute thinking before just typing to read your own text, "bucky".

Like i told you before in other threads, easy to argue when you make up what the other guy is saying.

"certainly not when we all share the same health insurance pool."

Then clarify it. I take it as you don't agree with sharing our health care sysem with drug addicts. The cost of caring for them, their habits, etc...

Am I correct?
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

Lets take heroin in Switzerland, they had a HUGE problem with it in the 70/80's and they decided to give up the battle and treat the seriously addicted as patients rather then criminals (they only become societal criminals when they steal/pillage for their next fix) All signs point to REDUCED drug use (folks are introduced without judgement to programs that can help them), REDUCED crime and REDUCED cost for the treatment of the individuals. The ONLY way to really argue with that outcome would be to adopt a MORAL position but disguise it as something else.

I am not sure what any of that has to do with not wanting to be in the same health insurance pool. I think you completely disregarded what I was saying and just replied to an imaginary post.

Well maybe you should clarify what exactly you meant by..

I don't think that all drugs should be legal, certainly not when we all share the same health insurance pool.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

"certainly not when we all share the same health insurance pool."

Then clarify it. I take it as you don't agree with sharing our health care sysem with drug addicts. The cost of caring for them, their habits, etc...

Am I correct?

And the problem with Gambits assertion is that Joe Average's assertation that motorcycling is an unnecessary risk, and he shouldn't have to share his insurance pool when they get hurt is valid too. The proverbial slippery slope.

But this has gone completely OT let's get back to how cops have become an us vs. them, organized gang of thugs.........or at least back to dad's mad pimpin' skillz.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

the money is going to come from some where whether from health insurance to treat them or from money for prisons to keep locking them up. one way has shown to cost less and produce contributing members on society, the other costs more and not only removes members from society (often training them in the process on how to be better criminals) but has severe impacts with leaving holes in society.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

the money is going to come from some where whether from health insurance to treat them or from money for prisons to keep locking them up. one way has shown to cost less and produce contributing members on society, the other costs more and not only removes members from society (often training them in the process on how to be better criminals) but has severe impacts with leaving holes in society.

Prisoners are covered by our healthcare system too... and often get more "free" coverage... ie dental.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

Yeah I don't think I should be paying for other people's activities that are certain to cause harm. I don't think I should be paying for smokers' medical treatment for smoking related diseases, I don't care if thats legal or not.

And just because something is "illegal" doesnt' mean its war on drugs style throwing people in jail. there are (was?) safe injection sites in Vancouver that are (were?) very effective, but that doesnt' mean they legalized heroin.

I fully understand that treatment is effective, but I still don't think I should be compelled to pay for voluntary high risk behaviour. You can call that ideological if you want.

With regards to the motorcycling point. I did think of that before I posted. I think at some point we draw lines. motorcyling can be safe, while smoking(and other types of drug use) can never be.
a line has to be drawn somewhere. I am not suggesting we all walk around in bubbles and are never allowed to eat anything fatty. But at least driving/motorcycling has a useful component (transportation). I failed to see the benefit of drug use other than its obvious hedonism. That being said. I am perfectly fine with getting extra medical insurance out of my own pocket for my riding hobby.

I personally like to gamble, but I am not hurting anyone but myself with that, nor do I cost anyone else any $.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

With regards to the motorcycling point. I did think of that before I posted. I think at some point we draw lines. motorcyling can be safe, while smoking(and other types of drug use) can never be.
a line has to be drawn somewhere. I am not suggesting we all walk around in bubbles and are never allowed to eat anything fatty. But at least driving/motorcycling has a useful component (transportation). I failed to see the benefit of drug use other than its obvious hedonism.

Motorcycling can kill you where smoking will kill you. Maybe vs will. And those who say smoking wont kill.... I'll introduce you to everyone in my family who smokes and you tell me its not killing them.

Motorcycling on the other hand it varies on the conditions and the rider. Keeping in mind that yeah ok theres those situations where there was nothing you could do, 95% of the time there was something the rider could have done.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

Yeah I don't think I should be paying for other people's activities that are certain to cause harm. I don't think I should be paying for smokers' medical treatment for smoking related diseases, I don't care if thats legal or not.

And just because something is "illegal" doesnt' mean its war on drugs style throwing people in jail. there are (was?) safe injection sites in Vancouver that are (were?) very effective, but that doesnt' mean they legalized heroin.

I fully understand that treatment is effective, but I still don't think I should be compelled to pay for voluntary high risk behaviour. You can call that ideological if you want.

With regards to the motorcycling point. I did think of that before I posted. I think at some point we draw lines. motorcyling can be safe, while smoking(and other types of drug use) can never be.
a line has to be drawn somewhere. I am not suggesting we all walk around in bubbles and are never allowed to eat anything fatty. But at least driving/motorcycling has a useful component (transportation). I failed to see the benefit of drug use other than its obvious hedonism. That being said. I am perfectly fine with getting extra medical insurance out of my own pocket for my riding hobby.

I personally like to gamble, but I am not hurting anyone but myself with that, nor do I cost anyone else any $.

This Should-land you live in. What colour is the sky there?

People should't be poisoning themselves with liquor, drugs, bigmacs, cigarettes, sloth, steroids, paint thinner, tanning, chewing tobacco, etc, etc etc. A lot of those things shouldn't exist in the first place.

But they do. How about we deal with what IS, not what SHOULD BE?

Riding a motorcycle IS more dangerous than driving a car. There is no amount of safety precations you can take to avoid this.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

Crossing the street MIGHT get you killed. A lot of life and law is about risk mitigation. There's a certain amount of personal risk, that's deemed acceptable. Risk to others, caused by what you do, has a much lower threshold. Smoking has been shown to put others at risk, so it has been more heavily legislated of late. Drug use can put others at risk, when combined with other activities, and impairment by it can't be detected as easily as by slapping a breathalyser on their faces.

But those who are interested should do some research into Prohibition and who controlled the booze.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

Motorcycling can kill you where smoking will kill you. Maybe vs will. And those who say smoking wont kill.... I'll introduce you to everyone in my family who smokes and you tell me its not killing them.

Motorcycling on the other hand it varies on the conditions and the rider. Keeping in mind that yeah ok theres those situations where there was nothing you could do, 95% of the time there was something the rider could have done.

This is what i was getting at. =D
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

This Should-land you live in. What colour is the sky there?

People should't be poisoning themselves with liquor, drugs, bigmacs, cigarettes, sloth, steroids, paint thinner, tanning, chewing tobacco, etc, etc etc. A lot of those things shouldn't exist in the first place.

But they do. How about we deal with what IS, not what SHOULD BE?

Riding a motorcycle IS more dangerous than driving a car. There is no amount of safety precations you can take to avoid this.

Its blue, the same way that anyone else looks at something and think of the future.
Human beings evolve as do societies, nothing we have now is just the way things "are" but the result of someone looking at it and thinking of what it can be.

There is nothing in my posts that suggests we should treat addicts like criminals, but that is very different from legalization.
As i stated originally, the government also regulates food, drinking water, prescription medication, at some point, these things also being illegal because it has no benefit and only causes harm ( past a certain arbitary line in the sand ). We can argue about the position of that line, but I don't see one that legalizes cocaine but outlaws raw milk.
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

With regards to the motorcycling point. I did think of that before I posted. I think at some point we draw lines. motorcyling can be safe, while smoking(and other types of drug use) can never be.

Is motorcycling as safe as driving a car? Statistically I'd say no, and I'm sure there's plenty of studies to back that up. If you get to decide who you don't want your tax dollars subsidizing, then others (let's say car drivers) by right should get to decide which of your vices/hobbies their tax dollars don't fund when you get hurt. That's the part you don't seem to get. you don't get to decide..

a line has to be drawn somewhere. I am not suggesting we all walk around in bubbles and are never allowed to eat anything fatty. But at least driving/motorcycling has a useful component (transportation).

Justify it however you want, it's still dangerous.

I failed to see the benefit of drug use other than its obvious hedonism.

Are you sure you don't mean abuse? There's plenty of drugs that are beneficial medically. Morphine, heroin, steroids, marijuana all have valid medical uses. IIRC there was a study that came out last week that said smoking one joint a week has absolutely no long term harmful affect on a person. (and for the record, I don't use drugs. I'm smart enough to know that they do have benefits when used properly, and don't condemn their use out of some anachronistic belief in Refer Madness propaganda).
Re: Wonder why some folks distrust LEO's?

Not all of us look to the future and imagine fairy tales.

Its a fairy tale to imagine a health insurance system that doesn't cover everyone no matter what risky business they engage in?
Maybe you are the one walking around with your eyes closed.
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