Why ..... is the simple question?
No I think the lawyer one is pretty much based almost entirely 2 subsets yet very visible areas of law,
Criminal Defence, and Family.
I don't get negative reactions except from people that have no idea what I do and think I do one of the 2 above things.
Because selling involves a certain level of exclusion of information. Those who are good at it make it often make it part of their day to day affairs.
you imagine? when was the last time you heard anyone say anything bad about a tax lawyer, other than the fact that may be boring...
on the other hand. family lawyers are one of the most likely to suffer harm out out of all legal disiplines. especially at the hands of the oopposing spouse.
Why would you say that it's "almost certainly a lie"?To filter out the honest ones maybe.
I heard that one of the questions in the psych test is "have you ever stolen anything?" to which the only acceptable answer is "no", even though that's almost certainly a lie.
Why would you that it's "almost certainly a lie"?
Not the definition I was using for "stolen"...Because it's almost certain that any given person has at the very least swiped a cupcake from his friend's kitchen, or copied a song off the radio, or found something of value and not reported it, or whatever. You don't have to hang with the wrong crowd to know that almost everybody has done it.
Wills are often a tax matter. Estate planning is pretty benign work in my view...
As far as family law goes, it usually deals with prenups, custody, support... its all litigation, its all distasteful, people hate each other afterwards...
Every dollar you get is a dollar that someone else won't get. /puke
of course thats just my opinion... But from where I am standing, in terms of getting hate from the general population... Crim defence and family top the list.
There are bullet holes in the wall of a particular bay street firm that disagree with you.
I decline to name the firm but they dont' do family law anymore.
but I don't tihnk you really understand what family law litigation really entails. I hope you don't tho, cause its one of the worst things that can happen to someone.
Which type of lawyer was Alan Eagleson?