Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

Uh... rape, child molestation, murder, assault, spousal abuse, and on and on.

So you're all for having those suspects walk away waving the police brutality card?
Cool yeah whatever. No idea what you're talking about :lol: I answered a pretty straightforward question.

"what warrants a beating"

"lots of things"
Re: Does anyone else hate cops?

You can be suspended without pay here, too. It depends upon the nature incident and the evidence against you. It's pretty hard to refute video.

when was the last time some one was suspended with pay here? even with video i can't think of anyone.
Re: Does anyone else hate cops?

Chief of Police may
a) dismiss the police officer from the police force;
b) direct that the police officer be dismissed in seven days unless he or she resigns before that time;
c) demote the police officer, specifying the manner and period of the demotion;
d) suspend the police officer without pay for a period not exceeding 30 days or 240 hours, as the case may be;
e) direct that the police officer forfeit not more than three days or 24 hours pay, as the case may be; or
f) direct that the police officer forfeit not more than 20 days or 160 hours off, as the case may be.
Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

GRAPHIC VIDEO ADVISORY - Allentown City Surveillance cameras capture Allentown police officer ramming a 14 year-old student against a parked car. After that he backs away and pulls out his taser. Although the minor puts up her hands in surrender, he zaps her in the groin, and she goes down in agony. She had to be hospitalized so the barbs could be removed from her.

nice... surprised he didn't just rip them out or taze her again when they wouldn't come out.
Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

nice... surprised he didn't just rip them out or taze her again when they wouldn't come out.

Interesting that the family released a substantially edited video in which 1 minute 40 seconds of events directly preceding the tasering were removed. Or didn't anyone else catch the sudden and rather conveniently timed "jump" om video frame sequence.

So what was on the deleted part of the video?

The Morning Call reports Wilson was taken to the hospital to have probes from the Taser removed. The teen then spent 21 days in juvenile detention charged with aggravated assault on the officer, simple assault, riot charges and resisting arrest. In juvenile court she was found not guilty of the most serious assault and riot charges but was found guilty of disorderly conduct and being a pedestrian on the highway.

One minute and 40 seconds worth of video is missing, according to the lawsuit. The video does not show the confrontation between the officer and the girl nor what prompted it. The Morning Call reports that the lawsuit and the Allentown Police Department gave different accounts.

Allentown Police claim Wilson was cursing and inciting a group of people. They say that she then twisted away from the officer when he went in to arrest her for disorderly conduct. Ammary leaned her against the trunk of the car to place handcuffs on her but she continued to resist and elbowed him in the chin, according to police.

Also interesting that the last couple of seconds show a security guy leading away another person in what appears to be handcuffs. So what really happened that the edited video does not show?
Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

Saw the edit and suspected something was removed. Bottom line: if a cop can't handle a 14 year old girl without tasering her in the crotch, perhaps he would be better off working an a security guard roaming Wal Mart searching out pop-up meth labs.
Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

Saw the edit and suspected something was removed. Bottom line: if a cop can't handle a 14 year old girl without tasering her in the crotch, perhaps he would be better off working an a security guard roaming Wal Mart searching out pop-up meth labs.

I can't speak to the entire situation, as the whole confrontation is not shown, but try handling a teenager of either sex, without causing substantial injury, when that teenager is resisting with all his or her might. The Taser might well have caused LESS injury.
Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

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Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

but try handling a teenager of either sex, without causing substantial injury, when that teenager is resisting with all his or her might.

Bull feces Rob. Granted she's bigger than your average 14 year old girl, but that cop has a good 40-50 lbs. on her. With the training he would have (should have?) received, if he can't control her, he should be serving fries at Jack in the Box.
Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

Bull feces Rob. Granted she's bigger than your average 14 year old girl, but that cop has a good 40-50 lbs. on her. With the training he would have (should have?) received, if he can't control her, he should be serving fries at Jack in the Box.

Then there are an awful lot of cops who should learn how much salt to shake. It's relatively easy to control someone, if you don't care how much they get hurt. Not so much, if you don't mean to break a few things.
Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

Then there are an awful lot of cops who should learn how much salt to shake. It's relatively easy to control someone, if you don't care how much they get hurt. Not so much, if you don't mean to break a few things.

The problem with some male enforcement officers dealing with women or youth is they really don't want to fight with them so they do not go as hard as they should in the first place to do a quick take down and cuffing and end up struggling like retards which looks far worse that just doing it quickly and getting the job done. Not saying it's right but it's what I've noticed.
Re: Interrogation......Turkish Police style.

Bull feces Rob. Granted she's bigger than your average 14 year old girl, but that cop has a good 40-50 lbs. on her. With the training he would have (should have?) received, if he can't control her, he should be serving fries at Jack in the Box.

Can you show us a single instance where you find fault with the accused rather than the cops in all your 92 contributions to this thread so far?

If not then you may lack a balanced perspective and fail on the credibility scale. I haven't scanned your posts, feel free to show us.
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