Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly..... | Page 359 |

Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.7%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 55 49.5%

  • Total voters
This one is funny at most the cop is guilty of poor taste or low personal standards.
She says that she felt threatened but from the looks of it the threat was about the level that a mature experienced porcupine would feel if a beagle puppy wandered up and tried to be friendly.
I watched a reaction video to that last night. First thing he says in it, if she was attracted to the "harasser" it wouldn't have been an issue. So very true.

I did.
A couple of things I disagree with:
1) His definition of assault does not line up with Canada's courts definition of assault. Firstly: assault is not always criminal. Harming someone by accident IS assault, just not criminal, for an assault to be criminal there must be intent to do harm. If one person does damage to another: That is assault. If a person does damage to another person INTENTIONALLY: That's CRIMINAL ASSAULT. If a person does damage to another person by way of an an asininely stupid act, that was unintentional: That's criminal negligence occasioning bodily harm (or death).
2) The criminal code defines weapon as "instrument used to assault". If someone is assaulted, using an instrument, ANY instrument (read the law, there are no exclusions) used in assault is a weapon. If you do intention harm to another person with a tissue, that tissue is a weapon. IF there was an assault, and there was an instrument used, That's assault with a weapon. The assault makes the instrument a weapon, IF you assault someone with a THING, that THING becomes a weapon, no matter what the THING is
I have been charged with assault with a weapon, and successfully argued both these points in court. The weapon was a letter ( like postage, mail. I didn't beat a guy with a giant "W")... it's all about INTENT
I watched a local newscaster interviewing neighbours of the assaulted fellow.

Consensus of every neighbour interviewed is he’s a a **** disturbing prick. Police know him demands they come if a local kid trespasses to collect a baseball that lands in his front yard. Or when a someone parks with a tire more than 12” from the curb.

Here’s another local interview with neighbours.

This one is funny at most the cop is guilty of poor taste or low personal standards.
She says that she felt threatened but from the looks of it the threat was about the level that a mature experienced porcupine would feel if a beagle puppy wandered up and tried to be friendly.
Made up outrage gets you clicks. She received over ten million hits. That's why they do it.
This one is funny at most the cop is guilty of poor taste or low personal standards.
She says that she felt threatened but from the looks of it the threat was about the level that a mature experienced porcupine would feel if a beagle puppy wandered up and tried to be friendly.
What gives YOU the right to judge another person's sensitivity? Some people shake off personal comments but others don't. Some jerks actually get off in harassing people. There's a reason it's called harassment. PTSD is no joke.

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