Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Sometimes y'know.... charges arent laid even when it looks like they're warranted.
Extremely bad weather/road conditions can preclude the issuance of a ticket...

Although... In that pic the road doesn't look too bad so maybe the driver will end up charged

I was under impression that %99 of rear end collisions result in operator getting careless driving charge...unless you are above the law like say an officer or similar.
I have been hit twice , sitting at a stop light , 1st incident police said weather related , no charges . Other car was deemed at fault .
2nd hit by pool repair van , pickup truck following the van is pool company owner and also a fireman . Fireman says , you stopped illegally we have no fault . I say I’m stopped at a red light your van plows into me , I then say it’s not awful damage let’s trade paper work and get going . He says I’m not giving you cash ( which I did not ask for) , he says let’s call a cop. I’m say ok but your helper here may get dinged for careless. He says “ I’m a fireman , we don’t get charged “ . I say wow, ok you call a cop , I’m calling Global TV since Sean O’Shea is a playmate and he’s going to love this story , fireman don’t get charged . Paper work is exchanged , everyone moves along quietly. What a dick.

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I have been hit twice , sitting at a stop light , 1st incident police said weather related , no charges . Other car was deemed at fault .
2nd hit by pool repair van , pickup truck following the van is pool company owner and also a fireman . Fireman says , you stopped illegally we have no fault . I say I’m stopped at a red light your van plows into me , I then say it’s not awful damage let’s trade paper work and get going . He says I’m not giving you cash ( which I did not ask for) , he says let’s call a cop. I’m say ok but your helper here may get dinged for careless. He says “ I’m a fireman , we don’t get charged “ . I say wow, ok you call a cop , I’m calling Global TV since Sean O’Shea is a playmate and he’s going to love this story , fireman don’t get charged . Paper work is exchanged , everyone moves along quietly. What a dick.

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I'm sure that a lot of you have already heard this one: I got hit from behind, on my bike, by an electric wheelchair and stair lift salesman. Got launched about 12 feet straight up in the air, instead of forward and under the transport truck that I had stopped for. (Stopped at the light and couldn't see past the van that was blocking the crosswalk, so pulled up a bit. WHAM!) Cop was pretty good about it. Only charged the guy with following too close, instead of careless, after he admitted that he wasn't looking forward when he nailed the gas. He still filed to fight it, which is to be expected. Day of the trial I'm there, cop is there, and defendant doesn't show.
Yea not a well kept secret that they take care of their own. I have a friend who was 2 or 3 interviews into becoming a cop (and made it known) and he rear ended someone and got charged however I'm not sure if mistakes were made on ticket or cop didn't show up to court or what but it was coincidentally dropped.
Hamilton cop gets terminated after tweeting pictures from a confidential investigation after most of a decade on paid leave. Whistleblower or unforgivable leak? Either way the system is very broken when it takes that long to reach a decision.

Good looking nurse....

It wasn’t until three months later, and on the eve of family and friends of the victim organizing a protest rally in Windsor, that Pajak was charged by Ontario Provincial Police, including counts of impaired driving and dangerous driving causing death.
Good looking nurse....

It wasn’t until three months later, and on the eve of family and friends of the victim organizing a protest rally in Windsor, that Pajak was charged by Ontario Provincial Police, including counts of impaired driving and dangerous driving causing death.
I've been through that intersection on 77 countless times. The crossroad she was on is a narrow unlit oiled+chipped county road. 176kmh at night is pushin' it. Sober.

Peterborough Freedom Convoy supporter furious over doorstop visit from OPP officer​

They conveniently left out what exactly she posted on Farcebook that prompted the OPP to pay her a visit in her interview.
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Ahhhhh, makes sense now.

Good looking nurse....

It wasn’t until three months later, and on the eve of family and friends of the victim organizing a protest rally in Windsor, that Pajak was charged by Ontario Provincial Police, including counts of impaired driving and dangerous driving causing death.
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