Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
This case is incredibly strange. What were police from Toronto doing executing a search warrant so far away from the city? Why weren't the OPP, who knew this guy consulted? It sounds like some kind of bizarre execution. The gunsmith was a well known, well liked person. There better be some answers to this one and soon. Some are suggesting the customer was an undercover cop.

Great commentary from a criminal lawyer.

Going through Runkles videos and Toysareforboys used to be one of his patreons :(. He was a decent guy, it sucks that his demons won.
This would be a great opportunity to clean house. Instead it will be used as another opportunity to suppress information. To make it all go away, they just need to avoid a tribunal. Cheating on a test doesn't seem worthy of criminal charges. It does seem to be great grounds for dismissal with cause times 13 though.

Toronto police investigating 'impropriety' in promotions process

According to a police source, a complaint was made, accusing a senior officer of supplying answers to a promotional exam to as many as a dozen officers that was held late last year.

"If the matter were to proceed to Tribunal, it would be made public in that process. Should criminal charges arise, those would also be made public by the service,” Osborne said in an e-mail.

The good, the OPP actually charged him and did not just wink and thin blue line it.

The bad, Toronto cop, head of the disciplinary tribunal busted for drunk driving, two car collision....

The ugly.... multi year paid vacation....

The good, the OPP actually charged him and did not just wink and thin blue line it.

The bad, Toronto cop, head of the disciplinary tribunal busted for drunk driving, two car collision....

The ugly.... multi year paid vacation....

I wonder if they'd have charged him were it just a routine traffic stop and not a collision...

The good, the OPP actually charged him and did not just wink and thin blue line it.

The bad, Toronto cop, head of the disciplinary tribunal busted for drunk driving, two car collision....

The ugly.... multi year paid vacation....
They did refer it to his department for investigation though. If cops want to stop being referred to as corrupt, crap like that does nothing to help (and in fact reinforces that many cops in power are happy with the system as it exists)

The good, the OPP actually charged him and did not just wink and thin blue line it.

The bad, Toronto cop, head of the disciplinary tribunal busted for drunk driving, two car collision....

The ugly.... multi year paid vacation....

And the twist, he get's to discipline himself.
The union has promised to vigorously defend their members who slaughter citizens while on the clock.
I don't fault the union for standing behind their members. That's what a union is supposed to do. I do fault a system that doesn't afford a speedy trial, in accordance with The Charter.
The union has promised to vigorously defend their members who slaughter citizens while on the clock.

“One of the officers approached the vehicle, and his firearm discharged and shot the driver,” the SIU said.

Pretty obvious from their statement it was the firearm's fault.

The good, the OPP actually charged him and did not just wink and thin blue line it.

The bad, Toronto cop, head of the disciplinary tribunal busted for drunk driving, two car collision....

The ugly.... multi year paid vacation.... gets better, apparently he crashed an unmarked company car with open container inside to get arrested. gets better, apparently he crashed an unmarked company car with open container inside to get arrested.
As many municipalities self-insure, that is probably more of our tax dollars wasted on this moron. Fack. For god sakes douggie needs to change the police services act to allow those to proceed asap. There should be enough there for immediate termination with cause instead of a multi-year paid vacation until the criminal charges get dropped.
Has the "I've got a drinking problem, I'm sick" card been played yet..?
Probably won't be necessary. By the time it gets to court in a few years, there will be a successful 11b and he will retire with 35 years of service. If he had any honor, that retirement would have happened the day after his crash.
If he had any honor, that retirement would have happened the day after his crash.

The public must understand that policing these days is no different than any other public service job.
To varying degrees we are all at the trough to feed our own interests and for our own benefit.
The idea of public service as a calling is cute. It's a secure gig with a good pension.
Stories like the one linked here are just the tip of the iceberg... There are many others that never get any publicity.
On the flip side, public servants are just people like everyone else. People make mistakes and perhaps shouldn't be written off so easily.
Sure, face the consequences of your actions/behavior, repent and endeavor to improve.
The public must understand that policing these days is no different than any other public service job.
To varying degrees we are all at the trough to feed our own interests and for our own benefit.
The idea of public service as a calling is cute. It's a secure gig with a good pension.
Stories like the one linked here are just the tip of the iceberg... There are many others that never get any publicity.
On the flip side, public servants are just people like everyone else. People make mistakes and perhaps shouldn't be written off so easily.
Sure, face the consequences of your actions/behavior, repent and endeavor to improve.
I can't lump police in as just 'typical' public servants. Police are given a large latitude when it comes to exercising their discretion, their word in court carries more weight then joe plumber and they are depended on to keep 'us' safe. Not only should we hold them to higher standards, but they should hold themselves to it as well.

I'm with GG, if he had a shred of decency he'd spare the service the embarrassment and the public the disdain.
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