Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Another stupid cop and/or policy. An undercover car was stolen out of a cops driveway (toyota highlander so well known to be easy to steal without keys). No big deal, that happens. Now we get to the fun part. In the car was a handgun, rifle, ammunition and two tasers. How many legal gun owners leave their weapons in the car?

Another stupid cop and/or policy. An undercover car was stolen out of a cops driveway (toyota highlander so well known to be easy to steal without keys). No big deal, that happens. Now we get to the fun part. In the car was a handgun, rifle, ammunition and two tasers. How many legal gun owners leave their weapons in the car?

Didn't an RCMP officer lose her sidearm when she left a bag on a chair in Sherway Gardens a few months back?
Arent we approaching close to 100% chance of a shooting at a memorial service for someone that was shot? Two shooters pulled up on Houdinis memorial amd five attendees returned fire. How the hell is there not a police presence as a matter of policy now? It has to be more cost-effective to deal with it as it develops than to spend all the time and energy to sort it out after (especially since I cant see any of the attendees cooperating).

Arent we approaching close to 100% chance of a shooting at a memorial service for someone that was shot? Two shooters pulled up on Houdinis memorial amd five attendees returned fire. How the hell is there not a police presence as a matter of policy now? It has to be more cost-effective to deal with it as it develops than to spend all the time and energy to sort it out after (especially since I cant see any of the attendees cooperating).

Proactive policing is frowned upon by the brass these days they say.
Proactive policing is frowned upon by the brass these days they say.
Well, I guess most of the people killed in these shootouts are "bad" guys and probably saving the system money by killing each other. The occasional civilian casualty is not worth the police time. smh.
Well, I guess most of the people killed in these shootouts are "bad" guys and probably saving the system money by killing each other. The occasional civilian casualty is not worth the police time. smh.
The sad truth to all this is that the police are more concerned with looking "heavy handed" as that is a political hot potato and may negativly affect funding while street violence promotes public fear and increased police funding.
The sad truth to all this is that the police are more concerned with looking "heavy handed" as that is a political hot potato and may affect funding while street violence promotes public fear and increased police funding.
It is not simple. Throwing a patrol car outside the gathering full of armed thugs will probably generate a lot of video about police persecuting certain populations. I was more thinking about parking a few cars in the vicinity. That both gets you a rapid response and quite possibly, video of the getaway vehicle.
And for the bad cop win....

I saw that. Obviously a dirtbag, but I don't think he wins the bad cop award. More the bad person award. So many cops have abused the role which I consider a much more egregious violation as a cop. I'm not sure being a cop has a bearing on that case as nothing I have heard had him involved more than being a John (still deserves punishment, just not more or less than any normal citizen).
I'm not sure being a cop has a bearing on that case as nothing I have heard had him involved more than being a John (still deserves punishment, just not more or less than any normal citizen).

Being in a position of authority carries harsher punishment. Cops,teachers (cough, cough, Trudeau), doctors, judges, etc. Priests seem to get a free pass.
Being in a position of authority carries harsher punishment. Cops,teachers (cough, cough, Trudeau), doctors, judges, etc. Priests seem to get a free pass.
We drummed a Minister out of the denomination before. The parents were upset that we didn't do it right when he was convicted. The way it works is that the person is allowed to show up to defend themselves. If they're in prison, they can't show, so you can't drum them out. Most don't show for it.

All the churches I know of have a "leading with care" plan, which puts together requirements for windows in classrooms, never having an adult alone with a child etc. It protects both the children and the adults.
Another article on the SIU and police right to refuse to cooperate. They are criminal matters and everybody has the right not to incriminate themselves. Ok, I am slightly ok with that but that is exactly the same as refusing to blow. You are guilty and that alone should be enough to be immediately terminated for cause. The cop should get to pick whether to dodge the investigation or cease being a cop. You camt argue that you are in it for the love of the law when you ignore it as it applies to you.

We drummed a Minister out of the denomination before. The parents were upset that we didn't do it right when he was convicted. The way it works is that the person is allowed to show up to defend themselves. If they're in prison, they can't show, so you can't drum them out. Most don't show for it.

All the churches I know of have a "leading with care" plan, which puts together requirements for windows in classrooms, never having an adult alone with a child etc. It protects both the children and the adults.
I worked for a church summer boys camp in the late 70s, they had 2up protocol for priests and brothers back then.

Councillors were ok one on one, not clergy.

churches have been managing and covering up these issues for decades.
It should be no surprise to anyone that there was at least one cop involved in the tow truck racket.

Also no surprise, suspended with pay for the next forever. Completely unacceptable. Honestly, having enough evidence to lay criminal charges should be enough to immediately terminate employment. Not disclosing that he also owned tow-trucks that responded to crashes in territory should also be enough for immediate termination. Absolutely embarrassing that the system thinks the current approach is reasonable or supportable. This should be changed at the next PSB meeting with the stroke of a pen.

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RCMP commissioner when providing a prepared statement on systemic racism to MP's provided the best example she could think of where it is easier for taller officers to complete an obstacle course. Holy mother.

Between her complete incompetence shown at every opportunity and Billy Blairs undying endorsement of her, it is glaringly obvious that she has to go immediately.

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Link to livestream of Dafonte Miller verdict (Michael and Christian Theriault accused of beating the crap out of him with a pipe).


MT (off-duty cop) guilty of assault (assault with a weapon not before the court so using the weapon will be considered an aggravating factor at sentencing)
CT (cops brother) not guilty of assault
MT and CT not guilty of obstruction of justice (probably did, but there is reasonable doubt)
July 15 court date to discuss court dates for scheduling. (the system is broken, wtf).

Damn that was dry but interesting.
Chase lasted more than 10 seconds (140m run), MT stuck with "I didn't have time to identify myself", "I didn't have time to state he was under arrest"

Discussion on credibility of witnesses:
Michael Theriault: Accepted some of his testimony. Rejected main points (intent, how pipe appeared, what happened during the fight, etc)
Christian Theriault: Accepted some of his testimony. Rejected main points (how pipe appeared (4' long pipe from DM pants), 911 call sounds like a vigilante not self-defense)
Dafonte Mille: Credibility problems. Significant points are false even in the face of contrary evidence. Accepted some of his testimony (GG: Interesting that judge reversed the order here with bad before good vs cops good before bad).
Mr Jack: Rejected most or all of his evidence
Mr Good: Credible witness
James Silverthorn: Honest, objective, logical

Factual findings:
They were likely breaking into cars.
DM changed testimony re: breaking into cars, smoking pot, seeing MT and CT drinking,possession of a flashlight, gloves, etc. Basically he tried to present himself as a choir boy when he was clearly taking part in illegal activities. DM was in possession of CT's sunglasses.
MT and CT heard break in from inside garage and went out to investigate.
Metal pipe cannot be tied to MT garage. DM was not running with the pipe. Reasonable possibility that it came from MT garage. Also reasonable that it came from the fight area. MT evidence on how the pipe appeared (DM grabbed it as he was tackled) was completely rejected.
MT and CT collusion not proven.
Crown argues that MT and CT were administering street justice and only attempted to arrest once DM called 911 well into the beating. Judge is very unhappy with MT delivering a beatdown with no attempt at identification. DM tries to get help at a house. MT grabs a metal pipe and chases DM down, no attempt to call for help. "I am satisfied MT was not attempting to effect an arrest, he was delivering retribution".
DM had been caught in the act and was running. He didn't want to get caught for fear of a beating or arrest. Possibility that DM had the pipe at some point.
CT piled in and put DM in a headlock while MT was hitting DM "as hard and as fast as he could". After that DM was basically helpless and getting a two-man beatdown. The eye/nose injury happened after this beatdown (no blood where initial struggle happened). Injury happened as DM was trying to get away. MT and CT re-engaged DM and popped his eye (likely by a punch even though punches, kicks and pipe hits were likely happening).
MT and CT chased DM down and hit him with the pipe when he got to the front door of a house and was trying to get help. They continued to hit him multiple times with the pipe while at the door.

MT initial hit was probably an assault but cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt
Reasonable doubt as to origin of pipe. No finding with respect to introduction.
DM reasonably thought he would be assaulted as there was no indication that an arrest was happening. There may have been a self-defense component on either side.
Fight quickly turned one-sided with MT and CT possessing the pipe.
Reasonable doubt about first stages of fight. Judge clearly states they were beating him on purpose but he can't convict on his thoughts.
After DM runs away and is attacked again, self-defense is out and it was a clear assault. Eye injury probably happened in the section of the fight that could possibly be self-defence.

Police did a pretty crap job questioning MT and CT. Cursory questioning with little detail.


MT guilty of assault (assault with a weapon not before the court so using the weapon will be considered an aggravating factor at sentencing)
CT not guilty of assault
MT and CT not guilty of obstruction of justice (probably did, but there is reasonable doubt)
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Arent we approaching close to 100% chance of a shooting at a memorial service for someone that was shot? Two shooters pulled up on Houdinis memorial amd five attendees returned fire. How the hell is there not a police presence as a matter of policy now? It has to be more cost-effective to deal with it as it develops than to spend all the time and energy to sort it out after (especially since I cant see any of the attendees cooperating).

There was a time when Peel Regional Police would sit on Dixie Rd., north and south of Steeles Ave. and on Steeles Ave, around Bramalea Rd. and Tomken Dr., pretty much year 'round. They would pull over anyone who let the lots, of the half dozen or so strip joints in the area. It was like fishing in a barrel, with dynamite. They nailed almost every one of the drivers for impaired operation.

The strip joints sued, jointly, for restraint of trade. They won. Since then you don't see cops setting up like that on almost anything, that might result in a similar incident.
There was a time when Peel Regional Police would sit on Dixie Rd., north and south of Steeles Ave. and on Steeles Ave, around Bramalea Rd. and Tomken Dr., pretty much year 'round. They would pull over anyone who let the lots, of the half dozen or so strip joints in the area. It was like fishing in a barrel, with dynamite. They nailed almost every one of the drivers for impaired operation.

The strip joints sued, jointly, for restraint of trade. They won. Since then you don't see cops setting up like that on almost anything, that might result in a similar incident.
Reminds me of a trick the old Bradford police used. They would walk thru the parking areas around the old Village Inn (when it was a strip joint) wiping the grime off one headlight on every car. Then they waited 1km south on Hwy 11 waiting for cars to pass -- if you had a dim light you were getting pulled over.
It looks like parliamentary security got lucky. Shockingly poor performance. A guy drove his truck through the gate at 1 sussex and wandered around with a gun for 13 minutes before they noticed him. wtf. Shocking that you can both crash the gate and wander around the grounds without triggering any response. Honestly, is there a single thing the RCMP is remotely competent at (other than wasting money while providing very little service)? They need a hard-core reorganization to turn them into something useful. The mind boggles every day the commissioner still has her job.

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