Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

It's a bit unrealistic to expect police to have training to be as good as the JTF2 to have the perfect reaction to every situation. Policy training barely last 3 months in Ontario, and that includes all aspects training: learning book material (e.g. HTA), physical training, combat training (hand to hand) and gun training. Everything else is kind of learning on the go. And as far as I know, what training and procedures teaches the officers to do in these situation, is to REACT. Don't just stand there, do something, whether it's pull out your gun and fire, or run to take cover, or try to disarm the suspect, or do a combat roll, just do something. And obviously if your reaction is to pull a gun and shoot, there needs to be a mental checklist of things before they can draw and fire.

If this video shows anything, it shows how different officers chose to react differently. One furthest away from suspect decided to run for cover, one decided to put some distance against the suspect and put hand on gun ready to draw and fire when needed, and the last felt safe enough to go for a takedown of the suspect. And when the situation de-escalated, they helped subdue the suspect with reasonable force.
Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

The two civilians = consummate pro's

The two cops = amateur hour

Toronto police is already spending more than one billion per year... what is the solution? Give them more money for more training?
Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

The two civilians = consummate pro's

The two cops = amateur hour

Toronto police is already spending more than one billion per year... what is the solution? Give them more money for more training?

The hiring process and criteria need to be updated. Better screening and up front training. Nothing will replace experience or time spent on the street, however the mandates of who and how they're hiring is the driving force.
You need officers that will follow orders, do what they're told, not question the system, toe the line, etc. Whenever any candidate (qualified or not) doesn't fit the mold, they don't make it. More often than not, ones with more life experience, education, etc get turned away for those very reasons.
Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

Is it me, or do the cops seem a bit heavy?
Bro it's only the bullet proof vest
Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

Bro it's only the bullet proof vest

dunno about that


Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

It's the cellphone, remember that the camera adds 10 pounds!

Maybe that camera was slightly incorrect and added 100lbs. Naughty camera making her look rather large. Or she is wearing 15 vests. Hum.
Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

Looking at the video, I'm not sure what was going on. What is the context of it? If I came up to three people wrestling for a gun, I don't think I'd walk up and start chit chatting, Cop or no.
Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

learning book material (e.g. HTA), physical training, combat training (hand to hand) and gun training.

the training here is so non existent and I'm not even joking. At my gym they regularly run weapons (knives/batons) and hand to hand courses for cops/security and its pathetic to see these guys come in. Most of them can't fight worth a damn, have next to no confidence and fitness when its comes to being in a physical situation and that's why they're so quick to draw weapons and just shoot people. They'll act pretty humble when they come in but really a lot of them are a bunch of pricks and lifting weights is all they're good at if anything.

Even when it comes to guns I think they're only required to hit the range once a month or something stupid like that. If they want to go more they can but that comes out of their own pocket.
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Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

When I used to dispatch for the police I used to do alot of ride-alongs. During one of the parades before shift started the Staff Sgt was trying to get it through the cops thick skulls that studies show that most "criminals" are in much better shape than most Police Officers.
...and I say thick skulls because all of the officers were snickering and not paying attention. I felt like I was back in highschool.

Back to the video....the male officers actions look pretty good. He's focused on the task and the second he realizes drawing his gun is out of the question he gets in there.
Now the chubby PW on the other hand....the moment she comes into frame at 2 seconds into the vid she looks incredibly unsure. She looks like she wants to take cover beside the car parked on the street. Bumps into her partner, than runs to the other cruiser. I can't think of anything she'd need inside the cruiser except unless there's a rifle in there she was itching to get out?
Maybe she was trying to get cover behind the cruiser but as soon as the kerfuffle moves and the cruiser isn't cover anymore she still takes awhile to return to the frey.

Maybe there's a new batch of recruits out cause I recently saw another PW unsure of what to do as a suspect bolted from her. She was trying to decide whether to run after him or get on her bicycle and after a couple seconds of dancing in one spot she hopped on her bicycle and gave chase. The dude was long gone by then.
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Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

come on now, she was getting something from the cruiser....following procedure? Lets call a spade a spade here and call it what it is, sheer cowardliness, this video just goes to show you what we're dealing with in todays policing, cowards running around with a gun and a badge. This crap happens every day, the good thing is that police are starting to become more exposed with all the cameras around nowadays. The funny thing is, they're so stupid, so friggin stupid that they still run around like they're invincible, well it's just a matter of time before they all get caught doing something stupid, like that fat excuse of a cop, she should be fired.
Re: Citizen’s arrest - do Toronto cops need more training?

I don't stand up for cops very often as I think very poorly of them in general, but I overheard a conversation between three locals at the gym last week. They were talking about how all these cops that are out of shape should be fired or forced to do their physical fitness testing much more often. The cop saying it has a fair paunch on him but he does both weightlift and do cardio at least an hour three times a week, combined. Looking at him, you'd be surprised that he could say that but he's physically capable of more than many of them, apparently...
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