Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters

3:31 PM - 26 Jun 2015
Not a good way to kick off the first big weekend of the summer. Slow down, pay attention and arrive alive!

If they're taking the time to take a picture for social media of +140, looks like enforcement is starting around +120. Better to slow down this weekend :(


Looks like OPP East love to take pictures of their clocked radar speeds

2:15 PM - 25 Jun 2015

It isn't just your safety at risk-consider passengers and other drivers. Slow Down!​


The catch lines from the OPP and the comments below make me laugh. They make it seem like its so damn dangerous to drive your car 140 on the 400 serious hwys. Then the comments are like.. thanks for taking this person of the road.. etc.

What a crock of ****.
Rohnert Park (Northern California) police officer does not like to be photographed.

And the gun comes out.


that cop looks high or drunk... or in an attempt at political correctness, "intellectually challenged"
Today I was behind a cop as he went from Vaughan Road to the station at Allen and Eglinton via the residential roads. Right off the bat we're on a one way and a car comes the other direction. Cop does nothing. Cop took about 8 turns and signalled only once. Terrible person.
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Haven't been in this thread for awhile, good thing cause it would be 100 pages longer by now.
Let's see what's making news in the robot police world, oh looky here, several to choose from, let me pick my favorite for today.

:director: CALLING ALL CARS!!! We got a dirty jaywalker and he's black too!! Won't stop resisting our tyrannical assault, send backup quick!!

edit> ok i lied, i have to add a second video cause this one is equally as disturbing.
Remember those good ol' days when you had a schoolyard scuffle with someone, then you made friends and it was all forgotten?
Well those days are over apparently, now you might get murdered for it by a demon possessed robot with a weapon of electrocution.
Don't waste any time serving and protecting, words are for humans, just pull that trigger.

No shortage of Canadian links either, this is disturbing to say the least. Sick story.

21 year opp veteran, i guess they don't pay enough, he has to steal too.
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OPP Charged for U-Turn

Stumbled upon this article.

Two OPP officers are charged after remarkably similar but separate crashes in Huron County last week.
In both, three days apart, an officer did a u-turn in his marked cruiser and crashed into an oncoming vehicle, the OPP said in two news releases Monday.
The first collision occurred last Wednesday on Brussels Line in Huron East. The officer had just completed a traffic stop, when he tried to make a u-turn and collided with a southbound vehicle.
“The southbound vehicle rolled and came to rest on its side” after the crash, police said.
Both vehicles were damaged, but neither driver was hurt.
Then, three days later, another officer completed a traffic stop on London Line and tried to make a u-turn. That cruiser also collided with a southbound vehicle.
Once again, the vehicles were damaged but no one was hurt, police said.
Both officers have served with the OPP for just more than a year, according to the OPP.
Both are charged with “start from a stopped position, not in safety,” a Highway Traffic Act offence.

Can't help but think if this was a regular civilian than a careless would have been laid down without a second thought.
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OPP Charged for U-Turn

Have you not heard the news that Rob Ford was caught driving drunk many many times by the Toronto Police. Instead of arresting him, they gave him free ride home each time. Tax Payers hard earned money being well spent, what a double standard. I thought this kind of stuff only happened in third world countries.
Re: OPP Charged for U-Turn

I'm thankful they got charged at all. The poor guy in the ditch has a better chance of getting charged than the opp officer that caused the crash. The really interesting thing will be to see if the charging officer shows up for their court dates, my money is on no.
Re: OPP Charged for U-Turn

My guess is distracted driving played a role here. They were probably still tapping on their in-cruiser computers, fiddling with notebooks and gabbing on their radios as they pulled out into traffic.

I also suspect no investigation (or at least details made public) will follow regarding radio traffic and computer entries that may or may not have occurred at the time of the collisions.
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