Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: OPP Charged for U-Turn

Careless is a very severe charger. Most cops hit you with it and tell you to plead with the crown to your face. Happened to me. The definition of careless driving is driving without due care or attention. That leaves a very vague definition. I had a single vehicle accident trying not to die when a car came in my lane. To me that is driving with attention. Unfortunately I was a newer rider without the skills to pull it off. Not worthy of careless in my books.
Then there's this

Here's another one for the good pile, just to keep macs and friends happy and prove this isn't a witch hunt.
We're just exposing the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts buddy.
This person should not be a police officer. The system is broken if you can do this and keep your job.

This is just the tip of the iceberg... lol
Can one of you fine upstanding officers please explain this video for me.
What do you call this arrest procedure?

And while i'm here, lets toss in some good old tazing to death of a guy that did....nothing since he was cuffed.

and the reason women shouldn't be cops.

Nothing to see here, everything is fine, carry on people.

The narrative I heard says that they were looking for a burglary suspect. The victim made the mistake of ignoring police orders to stop and continuing toward his car. That played into the officers' suspicions.

Which in no way validates their behaviour of inflicting a beating on him. None of the strikes to his face nor the kicks to his body served, in any way, to bring him under police control. At the time he was initially being struck there appeared to be no attempt to bring his arms or legs under control, in order to limit his actions. While being punched in the face he could theoretically have drawn a firearm, or other weapon, and started attacking the police. When being assaulted by police I cannot say, in good conscience, that I would not try to fight back myself, regardless of what my reasoning mind might tell me.
When being assaulted by police I cannot say, in good conscience, that I would not try to fight back myself, regardless of what my reasoning mind might tell me.

Well you better get your **** together because fighting back will just make it worse and longer. I've thought about this and concluded, in the event of unwarranted police beating, I would make it my lifes mission to exact the most damaging revenge possible. This would give my life the purpose and meaning I've always yearned for. Win/win.
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