Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Man passes cruiser with lights on in snowstorm
Dec 12, 2014

Police killed another black man holding a toy gun in Walmart - Grand Jury says no trl

Got to hear anyone trying to defend this one.

From what I saw the guy was shopping in Walmart just walking around talking on his phone.
He is holding a toy gun he picked up inside the Walmart maybe to buy or just to play with.
They walked in and bang, he dead.

This was from the comment section of the video:
Gerald Slaughter+Joe Salvatore No, if the Beavercreek PD had sense the victim would be alive today. The shooting officer is a known loose cannon. Besides this being his second shooting some of his colleagues have felt uneasy about his temperament. Apparently his daddy is a veteran of the police force so Rambo was cut some slack. 

Caught on video too.[h=1]After police killed John Crawford at a Walmart, they threatened his girlfriend with jail[/h]

Re: Police killed another black man holding a toy gun in Walmart - Grand Jury says no

Open carry state too
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I'd like to know how the judge came to this decision.

if all three drivers were compensated for their troubles, thats an obvious sign that he did

and this guy has been getting paid sincce 2009 ?

In cases like this one it's fairly typical for a defendant to take a trial by judge, instead of jury, if he's going to try and be found not guilty on some pointy-headed issue of law. From what little has been revealed in The Star's story it would appear that it was the issue of 'reasonable doubt' that came into play. A jury might have been swayed by sympathy for the victims, whereas a judge tends to go strictly by dictates of law.

Yes, he's been paid since 2009.
Re: Ooops the police did it again.

Its just fine to talk on the phone, text or play on their computers while behind the wheel.. They are trained professional drivers didn't you know. I am sure they will find something to charge the bus driver with.
Re: Police killed another black man holding a toy gun in Walmart - Grand Jury says no

The grand jury system is broken. There is no excuse for this incident and the man choked to death to at least go to trial. Shameful.

Again you have a country that wants everyone to have a gun but if your black you will be shot without cause. This will end well.

I read the other day of one of the witnesses in the Ferguson case is a know racist, fraud & bi polar. But of course her testimony that was made up was used to supported Darren Wilson's account exactly of course after it changed a few times. Hmm
I don't get this one. I would pass if they were going abysmally slow too. Do the cherries make them gods? Talk about passive aggressive.

Point being that passing an emergency vehicle that has its lights on may create a dangerous situation. If that vehicle is looking for something specific and suddenly has to go from left lane to right, the passing vehicle has just caused a collision.
Point being that passing an emergency vehicle that has its lights on may create a dangerous situation. If that vehicle is looking for something specific and suddenly has to go from left lane to right, the passing vehicle has just caused a collision.

Shouldn't the driver of the emergency vehicle, I dunno, look in the mirror first?

I've been conflicted when I see an ambulance or fire truck in my rear view mirror on the highway because I am pretty much always driving faster than them and if I pull over and slow down for them to go past I'm going to be stuck behind them until they get where they are going because apparently emergency vehicles drive slower than my normal cruising speed on the 401.

I've also gotten behind cops with their lights on in snow storms as they drive to a call and been stuck behind them because they are going too slow.

I wouldn't have the balls to pass a cop with his lights on, though. It's just asking for a ticket. Not that I think it's deserved. Just like I avoid giving them the finger when they do something on the road that would otherwise get the finger from me (cops tend to drive really badly).
Shouldn't the driver of the emergency vehicle, I dunno, look in the mirror first?

I've been conflicted when I see an ambulance or fire truck in my rear view mirror on the highway because I am pretty much always driving faster than them and if I pull over and slow down for them to go past I'm going to be stuck behind them until they get where they are going because apparently emergency vehicles drive slower than my normal cruising speed on the 401.

I've also gotten behind cops with their lights on in snow storms as they drive to a call and been stuck behind them because they are going too slow.

I wouldn't have the balls to pass a cop with his lights on, though. It's just asking for a ticket. Not that I think it's deserved. Just like I avoid giving them the finger when they do something on the road that would otherwise get the finger from me (cops tend to drive really badly).

The emergency vehicle's driver may be looking for almost anything, that could well involve a life or death situation. The lights are there to warn you of their presence so that they can concentrate on the job at hand, not random drivers who might think that they are more important than an emergency situation. With all of that said if the driver of the emergency vehicle is trying to find the point at which a vehicle has gone off the road should he have to watch out for idiots too?

As to not pulling over; most of the emergency responders I've spoken to just want you to behave in a predictable fashion. People swerving from the left lane so that they can pull over on the right shoulder just create a hazardous situation. Get out off the road if the way is blocked, but otherwise just stay out of the way.
Point being that passing an emergency vehicle that has its lights on may create a dangerous situation. If that vehicle is looking for something specific and suddenly has to go from left lane to right, the passing vehicle has just caused a collision.
I passed an ambulance in snowstorm once. It was s-bnd on the 404 before it reaches the 401, about 5-6 lanes wide. It was maybe 2 or 3 lanes over on the left (hard to tell with the lines covered by snow) and I was doing 90, so it was probably around 80. The only reason the ambulance would have hit me is if the driver felt offended and wanted to 'teach me a lesson'.
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The emergency vehicle's driver may be looking for almost anything, that could well involve a life or death situation. The lights are there to warn you of their presence so that they can concentrate on the job at hand, not random drivers who might think that they are more important than an emergency situation. With all of that said if the driver of the emergency vehicle is trying to find the point at which a vehicle has gone off the road should he have to watch out for idiots too?

As to not pulling over; most of the emergency responders I've spoken to just want you to behave in a predictable fashion. People swerving from the left lane so that they can pull over on the right shoulder just create a hazardous situation. Get out off the road if the way is blocked, but otherwise just stay out of the way.

Yes... they should.
Judge slams OPP officer, acquits Good Samaritan

A 48-year-old-grandmother who was acting as a “Good Samaritan” was karate-kicked, sucker-punched, beaten and left with “catastrophic injuries” by a police officer, a judge said Tuesday

Maria “Tonie” Farrell was charged with assaulting a police officer in an incident that has left her crippled from a shattered knee.

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