Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: when

Another hate on cops thread? Could we not just consolidate them all together into on on going thread?

Cops enforce the law (abuse power?), and you get the **** stick the odd time. Don't see why we should get out out angry mobs and run the cops out of town.
Re: when

With all the videos of police abusing their authority that have been making the rounds, Im starting to wonder when the public
will start pushing back.

anyone think the same ?

Did you read the recent story of the two NYPD officers that went above and beyond to retrieve an engagement ring accidentally dropped from a bridge during the proposal? No, I didn't think so. There's wayyy more good stories than bad but those don't get attention.
Re: when

Another hate on cops thread? Could we not just consolidate them all together into on on going thread?

Cops enforce the law (abuse power?), and you get the **** stick the odd time. Don't see why we should get out out angry mobs and run the cops out of town.

this isnt a cop hating thread. and i dont hate cops. i dont hate dentists or teachers etc..

i hate abusive

you cant deny that there are some cops in every division that play by a different set of rules.
and those that know and dont do anything about it are just as bad.

but back to the point of this thread..

theres tons of videos all over the internet showing police over-reacting, or downright assaulting people

but what im wondering is how far away are we from when the people filming these actions start helping the person the cops are hasseling
Re: when

Did you read the recent story of the two NYPD officers that went above and beyond to retrieve an engagement ring accidentally dropped from a bridge during the proposal? No, I didn't think so. There's wayyy more good stories than bad but those don't get attention.

they were probably looking for some bodies as

just kick out the bad apples is all Im sayin..

eventually a mob is going to go bananas over one of these overzealous cop tasing the elderly things......
Re: when

they were probably looking for some bodies as

just kick out the bad apples is all Im sayin..

eventually a mob is going to go bananas over one of these overzealous cop tasing the elderly things......

And then the police and army will have to make a show of force, during which elements of the mob and "the man" will fuel the fire culminating in a grandiose demonstration of power and a suppression of "the mob". And then the police will get a bigger budget. Nice try though

theres tons of videos all over the internet showing police over-reacting, or downright assaulting people

You try wearing a distinctive uniform and a car lit up like a christmas tree and see if you don't get put on the internet more often

but what im wondering is how far away are we from when the people filming these actions start helping the person the cops are hasseling

You mean physically engaging a police officer during the course of his/her duties? Good luck to you
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^^^ that's a stand up person no matter what reason or career he has. The world needs more people like that and a lot less of the people with the entitled self serving attitude.
Cops killing dogs has become an epidemic in the states.
Man charged with driving 105 km/h over speed limit
By: Jackie Hong Staff Reporter, Published on Mon Dec 01 2014

A Brampton man has been charged with racing after the OPP clocked a car going 105 km/h over the speed limit in Guelph.

An OPP officer monitoring traffic on Highway 6 near Wellington St. last Thursday pulled over a car around 12:40 a.m. after radar showed it driving at 175 km/h in a 70 km/h zone.

The driver’s licence and car were seized for seven days.

Yannick Green, 21, has been charged with racing a motor vehicle. He is scheduled to appear in court Jan. 7.​
^^where that occurred. ... The driver is an idiot and the cop is far from any wrong. He deserves anything and everything he gets for that. Time and a place means nothing to people these days. Middle of the city lets go as gast as possible. Morons.
^^where that occurred. ... The driver is an idiot and the cop is far from any wrong. He deserves anything and everything he gets for that. Time and a place means nothing to people these days. Middle of the city lets go as gast as possible. Morons.

I grew up in Guelph. Highway 6 is a divided 4-lane road there and it has a cloverleaf junction at Wellington Street. The 70 km/h speed limit is too low (90 would be consistent with similar roads elsewhere in Ontario, and everyone goes 100 there) .. but 175 is a bit much. There wouldn't have been much traffic at 12:40 AM.
Man charged with driving 105 km/h over speed limit
By: Jackie Hong Staff Reporter, Published on Mon Dec 01 2014
A Brampton man has been charged with racing after the OPP clocked a car going 105 km/h over the speed limit in Guelph.

An OPP officer monitoring traffic on Highway 6 near Wellington St. last Thursday pulled over a car around 12:40 a.m. after radar showed it driving at 175 km/h in a 70 km/h zone.

The driver’s licence and car were seized for seven days.

Yannick Green, 21, has been charged with racing a motor vehicle. He is scheduled to appear in court Jan. 7.​

this guy will make the paper as the number 1 speeder of the week.

So, this cop gets busted at the border with booze and is put on “paid” leave earning over $93,000 per year for four years while her case is debated. HOLY FRIG, how do I get a job like that?

She’s also been in therapy to deal with the “public humiliation and shame” brought on by constant media scrutiny over the case, including the fact she gets paid while suspended.”
And I’ll bet her visits to the shrink are paid for by the Winsor area taxpayers too.

If she hadn’t been suspended, he said Nesbeth would likely have been promoted by now, so she’s lost out on a $14,000 a year raise.”
Oh My Gawd, that’s like $270 per week. I haven’t received $14000 in raises in total over the past 15+ years. FRAK ME! How can I get her job??

But the truly scary comment in that article was:
Nesbeth was off duty at the time of the incident, unlike other officers who committed “much more serious” transgressions while on duty and still have their jobs.”

If I were a Winsor area taxpayer I’d be asking a whole lot of questions about that police force.
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