Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Police shoot into minivan full of kids:

Police shoot into minivan full of kids:


From that angle it looked like he was shooting at the tires to me. Why didnt the lady just take the ticket and be done with it instead of escalating the situation...
Many cops hate firemen. Even volunteer firemen. It's already been covered on GTAM why, but it has mostly to do with egos and how the public perceives each of them.
i see a fireman doing his job trying to save a life and getting feed-up with a dumb-*** cop harrasing him

That video's older than water. You can barely even find the original articles about it online. Ended with an out of court settlement to the firefighter and a slap on the wrist to the cop.

From that angle it looked like he was shooting at the tires to me. Why didnt the lady just take the ticket and be done with it instead of escalating the situation...

Obviously shooting at the tires, but that doesn't make a headline does it now. I see a woman with no respect for police or the law escalating a simple speeding ticket and her piece of **** son assaulting a cop. He's lucky he wasn't shot at the side of the road in front of his siblings/mother. First cop on scene did absolutely nothing wrong and imo didn't escalate quickly enough to control the scene.

She should lose custody of all 5 kids and her son should face felony assault.
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Obviously shooting at the tires, but that doesn't make a headline does it now. I see a woman with no respect for police or the law escalating a simple speeding ticket and her piece of **** son assaulting a cop. He's lucky he wasn't shot at the side of the road in front of his siblings/mother.

She should lose custody of all 5 kids and her and her son should face felony assault.

I agree with everything you're saying but I don't understand the police reaction. You see it all the time. He's got her plate number and her picture on camera. Her goose is cooked. She can't hide forever.

It always seems that once a perpetrator steps out of line or doesn't immediately and completely comply to all demands the cops only option is to go ape****. It's like they're frothing at the mouth and it doesn't matter who gets in the way (little kiddies, innocent bystanders etc.). How many times have we seen cops escalating situations even tho they have all the power? Needless car chases, shootings and beatings. It's like a game to these guys.

It almost seems like a personal affront to him that she drove off.
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I agree with everything you're saying but I don't understand the police reaction. You see it all the time. He's got her plate number and her picture on camera. Her goose is cooked. She can't hide forever.

It always seems that once a perpetrator steps out of line or doesn't immediately and completely comply to all demands the cops only option is to go ape****. It's like they're frothing at the mouth and it doesn't matter who gets in the way (little kiddies, innocent bystanders etc.). How many times have we seen cops escalating situations even tho they have all the power? Needless car chases, shootings and beatings. It's like a game to these guys.

It almost seems like a personal affront to him that she drove off.

You need to look at the bigger picture. This cop didn't go apeshit at all, he never even drew his gun in that entire encounter. What if she has drugs? What about weapons? Why did she drive off over a speeding ticket? Why would she endanger her kids? Why were they all attacking him over 16mph over the limit?

How after all those unanswered questions can he be expected to let her go?

Like I said before, in my opinion he was too soft on her and that's what allowed a high speed chase.

If that's me, after she drove off the first time, there's no more talking, she's handcuffed and sitting in the car. If the kid wants to fight, same result.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
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You need to look at the bigger picture. This cop didn't go apeshit at all, he never even drew his gun in that entire encounter. What if she has drugs? What about weapons? Why did she drive off over a speeding ticket? Why would she endanger her kids? Why were they all attacking him over 16mph over the limit?

How after all those unanswered questions can he be expected to let her go?

Like I said before, in my opinion he was too soft on her and that's what allowed a high speed chase.

If that's me, after she drove off the first time, there's no more talking, she's handcuffed and sitting in the car. If the kid wants to fight, same result.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk

I'm not defending her actions I just don't understand the cops reaction. 2 cops shooting as she drives away? It's a car full of kids nevermind where stray bullets go beyond the car. They've got her tag number and picture. There will be a warrant for her arrest. She's not getting out of this.
Many cops hate firemen. Even volunteer firemen. It's already been covered on GTAM why, but it has mostly to do with egos and how the public perceives each of them.

thats a pretty broad statement your making.

There always a few ****** hammers, but majority we all get along.
many, majority. whats the difference in the numbers between these two words?
many, majority. whats the difference in the numbers between these two words?

Quite a lot.

He makes it sound like ALL cops hate FF, which is not the case.

All the cops i know from this board we get along great. Only one from here apparently hates FF's. Lol.
But carry on as this subject has already been beaten to death.
Re: Cops and dumb *** mom with 5 kids...I'm sorry, i'm on cops side here.

The backup that arrived decided during a very quick and fluid situation that taking slow, precise shots at the tires was a reasonable thing to do. He most certainly didnt blast at the car the way cops usually do.

He doesnt know the full story, hes arriving to see an assault on his fellow officer and a perp driving away.

We NOW know those are her kids, at the time, who runs away from 15mph over ticket? Alarm bells as to the real reason for fleeing are going off in cops heads.

How DARE the cops shoot at the van, better question is how DARE that woman place her children in that situation.
Re: Cops and dumb *** mom with 5 kids...I'm sorry, i'm on cops side here.

The backup that arrived decided during a very quick and fluid situation that taking slow, precise shots at the tires was a reasonable thing to do. He most certainly didnt blast at the car the way cops usually do.

He doesnt know the full story, hes arriving to see an assault on his fellow officer and a perp driving away.

We NOW know those are her kids, at the time, who runs away from 15mph over ticket? Alarm bells as to the real reason for fleeing are going off in cops heads.

How DARE the cops shoot at the van, better question is how DARE that woman place her children in that situation.

Glad I'm not the only one that sees it that way.

Sorry for posting so much re:this one but the actions of her and her spawn just REALLY rub me the wrong way.

But sadly the news media will continue to portray it with their spin, I truly hope she will get hers and the cops will be vindicated.
Every time a weapon is used, there is the potential for death. To find a weapon or possibly drugs, these cops were willing to take the chance of killing a child. There are a dozen other ways the situation could have been handled both by the officer to defuse the situation before it got out of hand, and after rather than shooting at the minivan. The way the cop was attacking the vehicle shows you that his level of violence was high and his anger was poorly controlled. Defending his actions is ridiculous - he had to know that the mother would try to drive away as he attacked the vehicle and her son viciously? That's how thugs (police) act.

I do however, agree that her actions, and her son's were extreme and provocative. You just don't know what the background here is as to why she reacted that way... nor do I, but I am sure it's out there in some public form. She might well have figured that he intended her personal harm or be unable to recover from a ticket of the size he was prepared to give her. For sure, it drove her to do something very dangerous. Unless you've been a black person in the US I wouldn't be so quick to judge her.

Anyway... fight on about it... it was worth posting regardless.

And infernobuster... dude... "many" doesn't mean "all" or "a majority" or anything like it. I can tell you from personal experience, however, there are some cops that really harass firefighters and volunteer firefighters. I'm pretty sure you won't have to look hard to find one of the volunteers, at the very least, who feel that they have been targetted by police. I know I could introduce you to at least a handful of them on short notice, as I have done work with several SEO firestations. Not that I'm going to. ;)
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