Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Cop Fired For Standing Up To Cops [Ontario Provincial Police, OPP, Bully, Bullies

Cop threatens reporter multiple times with harrassment.

Cop records his peers and police chiefs, then comes out to the public about it:

This is why many guys carry an audio recorder now. The truth will be revealed as these devices become more prevalent.

Now how about those NYC hooligans?
Surprise, surprise!
My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

So I'm cruising along the 401 at about 8:00 pm, headed west, right around Brock st. in Whitby. I'm doing about 130 in the left lane when I catch a glimpse of headlights in my right mirror; I take a quick glimpse over my shoulder and see a car just sitting there in my blind spot. It hate having people in my blind spot so I give it a little twist, pull ahead and hold it at 140. Next thing I know, I see the same headlights pull into my blind spot again and stay there.

By this point I'm starting to get ****** off; I'm about to drop a couple of gears take off when I notice that the car is pulling up beside me. Look over and what do I see ? The car is one of those stealth OPP crusiers. I'm guessing that he had been sitting in my blind spot so he could get close enough to read my plate.

So now I'm shooting along doing 140 with a cop right next to me, a cop that I had already started to pull away from. I figured that I'm ****ed already, there's no point in slowing down to the speed limit now, so I just keep cruising along at the same speed. After what seemed like 5 minutes, but was probably more like 5 seconds, I look over and make eye contact with the cop. The cop lifts up one hand and makes a "slow down", "take easy" waving motion. I start backing off the throttle and just as I do, I see the cop cut across three lanes to the right and get off at the next exit.

So, in short; Even cops know speed limits are BS as long as you're not being stupid and along with the not being stupid thing, it might seem that having a clean record helps to keep a record clean.

Is this the experience that you guys with clean records have had ? Are cops usually forgiving or did I happen to get lucky ?
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

Don't bother buying a lottery ticket. You've already used up all your luck there.

good cop ftw.
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

I was burning it on an on ramp to the highway and lo and behold, when I got on the highway, I saw a harley OPP coming up on my tail to catch up to me. Gave me a nod, and a slowdown with the hand motion, and he took off.

Another time, I got pulled over by a stealth opp car doing around 120-130ish, checked my papers, and let me go with no hassle.
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

They may have logged you into the system with their check on your plate.

I expect the next time you're doing over 120, you won't be so lucky.
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

Similar thing happened to me on the first day I got my bike. Wanted to ramp it that night was cruising about 120 then I saw a black out tinted suburban (I should've known) entering at speed on Kennedy. Anyways I don't like being stuck behind big suv's and a part of me just wanted to twist the throttle a bit. We're basically going 140ish already and then goes behind me and flashed his cherries. Obviously I was screaming profanity in my helmet...just got my bike that day and I'm gonna possibly get impounded. So I signaled to pull over slowed down next thing you know he turns of his lights and just passes me lol. So I called it a night after that.
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

Most of the police that I have encountered have been decent. Just don't push your luck too much at the end of the month!
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

They may have logged you into the system with their check on your plate.

I expect the next time you're doing over 120, you won't be so lucky.

This. The exact words from my OPP friend (of 11 years): "Everybody gets one, hot chicks get 2." The cop noted your location and speed, probably your bike and maybe even your gear if it was distinctive.

Not sure if their "Notes system" extends to all detachments. I remember I got a warning for 31 over up here in Northern Ontario, then a couple months later another warning for 27 over in Kingston. Haven't tried my luck in those places again. With that said someone who isn't me regularly cruises between 130-145 on his way home from Whitby to Markham on the 401/404/407 late at night and doesn't get hassled.

The fact that the long weekend and of course a Blitz is coming up may have something to do with you getting leeway as well
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Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

This. The exact words from my OPP friend (of 11 years): "Everybody gets one, hot chicks get 2." The cop noted your location and speed, probably your bike and maybe even your gear if it was distinctive.

Not sure if their "Notes system" extends to all detachments. I remember I got a warning for 31 over up here in Northern Ontario, then a couple months later another warning for 27 over in Kingston. Haven't tried my luck in those places again. With that said someone who isn't me regularly cruises between 130-145 on his way home from Whitby to Markham on the 401/404/407 late at night and doesn't get hassled.

The fact that the long weekend and of course a Blitz is coming up may have something to do with you getting leeway as well

SO the cop is allowed to sit at 140 while typing away on his laptop at night time... SO much for distracted driving laws. Who will watch the watchmen aye.
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

SO the cop is allowed to sit at 140 while typing away on his laptop at night time... SO much for distracted driving laws. Who will watch the watchmen aye.

Actually they generally radio in plates/licences.

The laptops are for dispatch details/additional info/I *think* they'll show a criminal record as well. Supposedly about 1/20 will use the MDT over the radio and 1/100 will actually sit at the side of the road doing manual data entry. Most just call it in, or write in the notebook to do it later.
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Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

^^^ lol I like the "swim" ref =))

When you guys talk about 140km/h etc, is it indicated or GPS ? Reading these stories, Im stuck at that detail =(
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

Beginning of month, end of shift, meh they are gov't workers after all.
Give it a few weeks and the same guy will be sitting 3' off your back wheel trying to push you over 150. Easy pickin's.

I was burning it on an on ramp to the highway and lo and behold, when I got on the highway, I saw a harley OPP coming up on my tail to catch up to me. Gave me a nod, and a slowdown with the hand motion, and he took off.

Another time, I got pulled over by a stealth opp car doing around 120-130ish, checked my papers, and let me go with no hassle.

403/QEW around Brant/Waterdown? That guy is trolling there all the time this summer. He's either stopped by a guardrail shooting radar or actually riding back & forth between Waterdown Rd. & Centennial looking in through people's windows to catch them on their phone.
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

Is this the experience that you guys with clean records have had ? Are cops usually forgiving or did I happen to get lucky ?

clean record?? pffft. I've been let off because they see how many tickets and encounters I've already had...

^^^ lol I like the "swim" ref =))

When you guys talk about 140km/h etc, is it indicated or GPS ? Reading these stories, Im stuck at that detail =(

probably speedo. The GPS users are still a minority. When I'm at 140 on the speedo GPS is 129, which is just a 3 point ticket. Now I know everyone says points don't mean ****, but in this case they do if you don't have a full GM. If you're convicted of 30+ its a 4 point ticket and an automatic 30 day suspension. That's still a *****.

I thought that's what would happen when my stunting got dropped to 49+, but I got my full license by the time of the court date.
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Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

I was burning it on an on ramp to the highway and lo and behold, when I got on the highway, I saw a harley OPP coming up on my tail to catch up to me. Gave me a nod, and a slowdown with the hand motion, and he took off.


How can you be burning the ramps & get caught up by a Harley??
Boggles the mind :what:

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

You might wanna be more aware of your surroundings. Having anyone in you blind spot more than a few seconds other than in traffic is not a good idea. Pretty sad that you didn't know that someone was there until you checked your blind spot. Also if you do not have a gps on your bike your speedo is probably off. When mine shows 130 the gps says I'm at around 115 and at 140 I'm at aroud 120.

So please look around and know what's going on around you, not cause there is police around but for your own safety.
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

You might wanna be more aware of your surroundings. Having anyone in you blind spot more than a few seconds other than in traffic is not a good idea. Pretty sad that you didn't know that someone was there until you checked your blind spot. Also if you do not have a gps on your bike your speedo is probably off. When mine shows 130 the gps says I'm at around 115 and at 140 I'm at aroud 120.

So please look around and know what's going on around you, not cause there is police around but for your own safety.

To his defense, it wouldn't be a "blind spot" if one knew what was there.

It hate having people in my blind spot so I give it a little twist, pull ahead and hold it at 140. Next thing I know, I see the same headlights pull into my blind spot again and stay there.
looks like he was aware that someones there
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

Being aware of your suroundings would mean he would have seen a car approaching on his right and not noticing until the cruiser was in his blind spot. Especially while trying to avoid tickets while speeding it is a good idea to notice that kind of stuff too.
Re: My first encounter with OPP on my bike.

I've had a similar situation: I was ramping on the 404 mid summer and probably making too much noise. I saw a cop under a bridge right after a ramp entrance. I was ready to go full retard but he just flashed his brake lights at me. I slowed down, moved into the right most lane, noticed he got out of the bridge, didn't tail me, and just exited.

I don't like heart attacks =(
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