Late night thread

I prefer the Palms. They have hot tubs sticking out the sides of some of their suites.

I prefer the Palms. They have hot tubs sticking out the sides of some of their suites.

You fail.

Anyone else still awake? I'm not tired but going to shut things down cause well I gotta get up in a few hours.

Rules - Post links, funny ****, interesting tidbits of why the hell you're up so late. But do not spam, or flame. Also, don't post unless it's past 11pm, and before 6am local time! Otherwise, you're a day person! EWWW!

Great scam

now for something interesting - LD50 chart I'm used to seeing them with venom lists instead.


and how does a bridge go missing?
I prefer the Palms. They have hot tubs sticking out the sides of some of their suites.


Cruise ships have something like that too. Way the high up 10 or 12 stories and hanging off the side of the ship. Nice view of the ocean though.
just got drunk dialed by my friends, now ex-boyfriend. Gah, now I'm awake an hungry after planning a nice ridiculously long sleep. noo!!!!!

Did he tell you that while he was dating your friend he was secretly in love with you?
Late night chuckle at my expense:

I take melatonin when I get home from nightshifts as it helps me sleep longer. I'm a health-nut so before bed I also take vitamin C, Glutamine, protien powder.
I was recently recommended by my nutritionist to try taking niacin before bed.

I learned yesterday morning that taking niacin with this other concoction has a fun side effect: it makes ALL your skin (within about 15min in my case) go beet red (no not lightly flush, full-on dark red) and feel like a sunburn.
If you've never seen me and need the visual; picture the Incredible Hulk in a red-coloured version. Good Times :)
Lol, did you take a pictures?
Nah I was way to tired to think about taking pics. Although when I got home from work this morning (again super tired) and saw the bottle of niacin sitting there I was thinking to myself that I should try it again because it looked so funny. One of those "seemed like a good idea at the time" moments.
Nah I was way to tired to think about taking pics. Although when I got home from work this morning (again super tired) and saw the bottle of niacin sitting there I was thinking to myself that I should try it again because it looked so funny. One of those "seemed like a good idea at the time" moments.

double fail - posting in the middle of the day and failing to take pics

This is pretty funny.
4 minutes early (though i wouldn't be surprised if the server time is off again).

FOOT CHASE: A "major police operation" was launched when a car was spotted going the wrong way on the highway from Thorpe to Weeley, England. It was a very slow chase, considering the woman was driving no more than 20 mph, and often more like 10. When a police officer finally ran alongside the car to tell Caroline Turner, 76, to pull over, she replied, "Why, what have I done?" When told she was going the wrong way, she said, "There is nothing to discuss, I'm going home." After finally boxing her in 8 miles into the chase, Turner was briefly jailed, and Colchester Magistrates' Court fined her 100 pounds (US$161) for careless driving, plus 100 pounds in court costs, and banned her from driving for a year. (RC/Clacton and Frinton Gazette) ...Perfect: when she's allowed back in her car, she'll be yet another year older.

should have mandatory retesting after 50... every 5 years.
Yes we should, the earlier they start the faster they become responsible. I think
They are still kids and invinsible in their teens, I think the legal driving/riding age should be raised. Why on earth did I just get up???
They are still kids and invinsible in their teens, I think the legal driving/riding age should be raised. Why on earth did I just get up???

but the younger you learn how to drive the better a driver you tend to be.

edit: damn i fail to look at the time.
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