Late night thread

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Let's all get drunk and go to the airshow! I wanna try that.

Actually, that was turbodish in person.

Anyone, want some used leathers from ebay? $4,550

Its not just the leathers you get for that money there are other things included in the package.

I highly doubt turbo would participate in shenanigans like that.

One time I got to fly a Cesna when I was a kid, I loved it and it inspired a real love of flying.

This is a special interactive video. Here's how it works, on a piece of paper write these words: I am sofa king we todd ed.
Next go to a mirror and read out loud the what you wrote down. After you have done this watch the video and feel the magic!


Top 10 Google bombs

Oh...and a super ****** thrown in for good measure!


p.s. WTF ****** is a filtered word?! d-bag is a perfectly acceptable term!
Sleep is overrated :/ I think it was the late eats of Chinese food. And I'm so tired.
Man shoots himself in the penis

As Chandler residents Joshua Seto, 27, and his fiancée, Cara Christopher, walked over to a Fry's Food Store for refreshments, he tried securing her pink handgun in the front waistband of his pants. The gun fired, striking Seto's penis and continuing through his left thigh. The bleeding started immediately and was heavy, according to police dispatch recordings released Sunday.

I suppose that's one way of making sure the stupid don't reproduce!
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