Kitchener/Waterloo area, c u next trackday riders thread!

May see you there on the 29 going to deal gap april 15 to 21 see what weather is when I get back just getting GSXR back together so should be good to go
May see you there on the 29 going to deal gap april 15 to 21 see what weather is when I get back just getting GSXR back together so should be good to go

If you want to crash at my place on Saturday night to save some drive time on Sunday morning, let me know... you and Nick can fight over the spare bedroom or the couch... or air mattress and sleeping bag... take your pick...
If you want to crash at my place on Saturday night to save some drive time on Sunday morning, let me know... you and Nick can fight over the spare bedroom or the couch... or air mattress and sleeping bag... take your pick...

Your a good man i don't care what everyone says. thanks for the offer may take you up but ill sleep on my own thanks not that i judge anyone lifestyle.

have to see how i feel when i get back might be way to happy to ride in Ontario for week or so!
i fight naked
Well bikes all done out for spin today .. Like a new bike !!! Brakes, brake fluid, clutch fluid, coolant swapped for engine ice, fork oil replaced and suspension set up ( somewhat ) properly. WOW!!! I never thought a couple twists of knobs would change my handling so dramatically. Now waiting till April 29 ... That's another issue lol
So..GB on the 29th...
What are trailer ride arrangements going to be?
So far, looks like:

Dan/Dean - trailer
Dave/Islamic guy (sorry man - forget your name....) - trailer
Smergy - by himself on Saturday, stay for Sunday - trailer
Tim - by myself Sunday - truck

Missing anyone?
Jawad, he's not Islamic, he's Indian. We're waiting on weather still.

got this from GB yesturday, they also said they are in the process of forming a policy to post:

smergy - Sorry it hasn’t taken this long to get back to you - have been swamped with a bunch of things the past couple of weeks.

To tell you the truth we haven’t defined a policy regarding the road course because I guess it hasn’t come up since we started in July last year – and we didn’t end up with any cold or rainy days that required this aspect.

smergy- I have tried to find a policy on both TMP and Shannonville’s sites and I can’t find anything - other than TMP says in its policies area - no refunds and the credit can only be used on the rescheduled date.( not sure if they stick to that our are flexible). Nobody mentions anything about temperature levels.

I have no problem with posting a policy - issuing a credit to be used at a future date in the advent of rain or extremely cold temperatures ( I don’t want to set a temperature level as that can be misleading since a day could be cold temperature wise in the morning but be really Sunny with little wind and the track will heat up and be good - we had one day like this last year.) Also riders have different opinions on what they consider rideable and not rideable so I would leave that determination to the rider to make a call for himself and cancel ahead of time. Re advance notice of cancellation a minimum of 24 hrs before the actual date for a cancellation is fair. We can’t have people cancelling the morning of because I will have already incurred a number of costs in getting the track prepped and ambulance and track personnel onsite - if I know the day before I can adjust accordingly.
If people showup and it starts to rain to the point it isn’t feasible to run - then everyone would receive a credit for future use. Obviously that is a judgment call every track has to make based on the circumstances ( all day rain, short rain shower, etc. )but we will work with people to be fair to all.

Anything I am missing ?

Tks Paul

I responded with:

Thanks for getting back to me Paul.

You are correct on TMP policy. Here is the SMP policy:

"Rain Insurance: if the weather isn’t suitable for you, please notify our office and your registration will be transferred to another lapping day."

SMP does not indicate a timeline, but I would imagine similar to what you are suggesting, 24h would be a reasonable notice, but I can't comment on how they run their operation. I think your policy is fair. From the boards and those I have talked to I know there is a lot of excitement around the road course, but a number of riders have been few hesitant booking the april 28/29 weekend not knowing the policy if the weather turns ugly.

The rain/cold weather cancellation policy you have mentioned is favourable (lets face it, its a lot more fun when there isn't 2 inches of water on the track), when deciding which track days to attend. You will win riders over with this and may see of some of the pro-6 riders come your way (pro6 has a no-cancelation policy currently which is a sore spot for some, although pro6 does not own a track either).

On a sepearte note, maybe in the future there is a way you can work a deal out with them to get them to come to GB for even more motorcycle lapping opportunities? The reason I ask, are you planning on adding additional motorcycle lapping dates? There are a handful posted, but not nearly as many as TMP.

One thing worth mentioning too, when booking the tickets online, I noticed there is a $1.50 ticket dispensing fee (I think), or thereabouts. While $1.50 isn't a significant amount, it does rub the wrong way when spending hundreds of dollars on track days already. Perhaps this is nessesary for spectator tickets to other events, but seems a bit nickel and dimeish for those booking trackdays. Just some honesty, that's all.

I hope this feedback helps,

feel free to let me know if you have any more questions or would like me to pass anything on to the community

response from Paul:

Randy – Thanks for the input - while I was sending you my response my GM was drafting something - that he proposes to use for the site. Mostly similar to my response. I will look into the $1.50 aspect. Tks Paul
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Is this Paul at GB or Paul of GTAM?

That rain policy sounds reasonable. Hopefully it will be honoured, without being a firm policy yet. I think what SMP does is really out of the ordinary, but fantastic. Only the track operators can do this. No 3rd party track day organisers can do this since they've already paid for the day at the track, and the track won't be giving that money back.

Regarding the online sign-up fee, do they not let you call to sign up? I think that's what I did last year, but the online thing wasn't set up yet...
owner of GB

Is this Paul at GB or Paul of GTAM?

That rain policy sounds reasonable. Hopefully it will be honoured, without being a firm policy yet. I think what SMP does is really out of the ordinary, but fantastic. Only the track operators can do this. No 3rd party track day organisers can do this since they've already paid for the day at the track, and the track won't be giving that money back.

Regarding the online sign-up fee, do they not let you call to sign up? I think that's what I did last year, but the online thing wasn't set up yet...
So..GB on the 29th...
What are trailer ride arrangements going to be?
So far, looks like:

Dan/Dean - trailer
Dave/Islamic guy (sorry man - forget your name....) - trailer
Smergy - by himself on Saturday, stay for Sunday - trailer
Tim - by myself Sunday - truck

Missing anyone?

What about Nick?

WTF... Grand Bend Raceway site has a log in option, but no register link... nice. Digging.....
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Well I`m annoyed... I found it, but boy do I love insecure sign-up pages that email you your password. Very safe. At least the payment option was secure.

Anyway, I signed up for Sunday April 29th, expert.
heard you bought one from bigevildoer, what'd you end up getting? Just put floating wheel chocks in mine yesturday, convertible between 1 and 2 bikes. Should be ready for next weekend

Cool - Just signed up too. And I've almost got the trailer together.
Never sold him a trailer... Think I just told you he bought one and had to put it together.. a Harbor Freight jobbie....
Hey - it's a 'homemade' trailer...;). I got some of the parts from Harbour Freight. Seems like a nice little rig. I got some of those nice harbour freight chocks too, and I'll be able to switch between 1 & 2 bikes.

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