Kitchener/Waterloo area, c u next trackday riders thread!

thanks for the response. Sounds like the spot for SMP is already taken, adding an extra support vehicle would really push up the fuel cost. If the spot becomes available let me know, otherwise I'll just have to sit out on the SMP date.

Was considering buying a trailer hitch and trailer for my car, but the wife has a good point, that we don't really have a place to store it. Either way we should meet up for a beer once the weather gets a bit nicer. Hoping the first day of the season is friday, but we'll see what the weather holds
thanks for the response. Sounds like the spot for SMP is already taken, adding an extra support vehicle would really push up the fuel cost. If the spot becomes available let me know, otherwise I'll just have to sit out on the SMP date.

Sit out the track day?? Wow, you're crazy. haha... You don't know anybody with a pickup truck you could borrow for the day?
You can always install a hitch on your car.
Can always rent a trailer from U-haul -- could probably finesse them into picking it up just before close the night before and not having them charge you for the full day. Can rent a trailer 30-40 times before it comes close to the cost of a half decent trailer to own...
4 x 8 x 4 enclosed = $14.95
4 x 7 open = $14.95
5 x 8 x 5'4" enclosed = $19.95
5 x 8 open = $19.95
Just ordered a new PP2CT for the front of Babs today... $106 with shipping to a friend in the USA.
If I end up going, I can take all 3 bikes and you guys can figure out who gets to ride in the back seat of my truck.
was looking at trailer hitches for the car and weighing trailer options of renting vs. buying, etc. I'll be in a better spot to make a decision after the May.4th weekend once I find out if my buddy is going to stick with RACE series or is going back to trackdays. If I end up buying/renting a trailer and putting a hit and have an extra spot, I'll let you guys know for sure, but it won't be until after the weekend. I was hoping someone would have a spot without to use 2 seperate vehicles to get there, but open to options.

What kind of vehicle do you have steve? Regular cab with 1 back seat?
Jawad got a new Jeep this winter for towing, so we will likely have room for at least one more person but still only room for 2 bikes in the trailer. Dean and I live 2 minutes apart so it would be easy for us to pick him up if Steve was towing 3 bikes.
I'm in north waterloo, so not far, you have a trailer you pull steve? just wondering how you get 3 bikes onto a canyon
Anyone else thinking about going to the Grand Bend track day on Sunday, April 29th? It's the week before the Shannonville day.
$125 for the day if you preregister. $155 if you just show up at the door.
Talked with Colin at Apex today, and he seemed to be enthused about going... might be he drags some people along too.
Yeah I said I was interested in doing that ages ago. It would be nice to shake down the bikes closer to home than SMP. Did you ever find out what the "pre-register" time frame is? If it's only 1 day, that would be sweet since April showers bring May trackdays.
Not sure what the pre-register time is.. you'd have to email and find out.
Here are the listed track days for TMP according to their website... price is $125 + HST, $145 + HST at the door...

  • Sun April 15 (10am to 5pm) weather permitting
  • Sun April 22 (10am to 5pm) weather permitting
  • May 19, 20, and 21 (Victoria Day)
  • Sat June 2
  • June 23 and 24
  • July 14and 15
  • Aug 4, 5, and 6 (Civic Holiday)
  • September 1, 2, and 3 (Labour Day)
  • Sun Sept 16
  • Sat Sept 29
  • Oct 6, 7, and 8 (Thanksgiving)
  • Sat Oct 27 (End of Season Special - Pre-Registration: $100, Registration at Track: $130)
Might be interesting to shake Suzi out at a track I've been on instead of at GB... 15th at TMP.. 22nd I'm coming back from my birthday celebrations in Chicago...

Otherwise, if weather's good, are you in for GB, Doozer?

Anyone else?!?! Weather permitting of course...
Looks like it might be a very expensive first couple of weeks for me.. TMP.. GB.. Shannonville... eeps!
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TMP is charging full price for the April days? They're 1 hour shorter...
won't know for a bit yet, would like to get out more though. I'm sure you'll be seeing me at the track this year, wished I had more vacation days. April showers bring may trackdays, made my morning Dave!
So... who bought the ZX10 from Apex?
It's not listed on their website any more.... wonder if we had something to do with publicity for it...
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