Kijiji people are evil

May I suggest a newer carbon shell full face with a larger visor field of vision?

Crack it open for all your wind requirements!

Anywho I get it, that sucks.

I've tried a few full face options over the years and nothing works perfect when it's all said and done.

I find Kijiji people are basically tire kickers. They like sending out posts "is this still available" you will never hear back if you answer. They "never" read the ad and will ask numerous questions that are all answered in the ad. The great thing about Kijiji, you can block them. They can never email you through Kijiji again.

The problem is Kijiji has made it too idiot friendly. There's prefab buttons for things like "Is this still available" and "Is the price negotiable". People can just push those with zero effort and then move on with their window shopping and never bother coming back because they weren't particularly seriously interested from the onset - if they actually had to type an inquiry it would eliminate probably 90% of these dolts.

Anyhow, on my own's Kijiji adventures has yielded not one, but two moments of excitement:

- Idiot who offered me $3 (dead serious) for a $200 laptop and then wasted my time with presumably meth fuelled ranting for an hour messaged me back and got his panties in a twist that I left him a 1 star review.

- Guy messages today on one of my <$100 laptops and asks for best price. I say $60 as that's basically parts value. He offers $20. Just blocked the guy at that point, I'm in no humour to waste my time anymore today.
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I find Kijiji people are basically tire kickers. They like sending out posts "is this still available" you will never hear back if you answer. They "never" read the ad and will ask numerous questions that are all answered in the ad. The great thing about Kijiji, you can block them. They can never email you through Kijiji again.

That's what I thought. I blocked an idiot that kept pestering me to give into a lowball offer, but when I renewed the ad, I got another taunt from him, so I had to block them again.
Sellers are just as bad at times...

I saw a Jeep part go up for sale.
Brand new in box, and listed for sale for $150.

I messaged the seller and as a polite FYI, let him know that that particular item sells for $115 retail from Jeep stores, and from Mopar directly.

He thanks me, and drops his ad to $95.

A few days later it drops to $85, then $75, then $55.

At that point I message again and ask if he is willing to mail it to me for $55, plus I'll pay actual shipping costs.

He declines.

Within the hour, the ad price goes back up to $95, and as of 2 days ago it's back at $85...
Sellers are just as bad at times...

I saw a Jeep part go up for sale.
Brand new in box, and listed for sale for $150.

I messaged the seller and as a polite FYI, let him know that that particular item sells for $115 retail from Jeep stores, and from Mopar directly.

He thanks me, and drops his ad to $95.

A few days later it drops to $85, then $75, then $55.

At that point I message again and ask if he is willing to mail it to me for $55, plus I'll pay actual shipping costs.

He declines.

Within the hour, the ad price goes back up to $95, and as of 2 days ago it's back at $85...

lol, that story reminds me of this scene

I once went to see a gsxr750. Price was really good, looked at it all over. Some squid mods I'd take off. Left a deposit and brought my own sale agreement.
There was another buyer waiting in his vehicle. Saw him go talk to them after I left. I snapped a pic of the sellers' license plate just in case.
Off course I got a message later saying unfortunately they sold it to someone else who paid more and would EMT me back my deposit.
Glad I didn't get that bike now, knowing how scummy those guys were.
On the flipside some people online are awesome, I agree. We had a health scare with one of our cats recently and the vet recommended the Ferrari of litter boxes - the CatGenie. It's basically an automated toilet for cats that hooks up to your water and sewer and does all the dirty work itself to ensure your cats are not stressed due to litterbox issues.

I found one in Ottawa yesterday on Kijiji for $300 less than new. Emailed the lady through Kijiji, she replied inside 5 minutes. We exchanged a few questions which she quickly answered and I said I was going to come get it. Hopped on the bike and rode out and back. Pleasant and rapid transaction. They were there when they said they'd be. They had it all ready and cleaned. Friendly to chat with (turns out they were riders themselves), there was no haggling (price was already super fair), no hassles, no refusal to answer messages for 2 or 3 days (another pet peeve of mine) and I was home 9 hours later with a TurboFlush Poop-O-Matic 9000 cat box.

In related news, I'm pretty sure I'm probably the only person in the history of motorcycles to ever have an enormous robotic cat litter box strapped to their motorcycle for a 400km ride home. :LOL:

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How do you like the bike overall? I remember when you bought it but can't remember hearing a review / feelings after purchase.

That kitty litter looks like an actual toilet! LoL Hope the cat likes it.
How do you like the bike overall? I remember when you bought it but can't remember hearing a review / feelings after purchase.

Got about 6000KM on it now. The seat that came on it didn't work for me quite right despite being the Kawi "gel comfort" option - too wide in the thighs. Bought a beautiful looking Corbin on Kijiji, rode with it for about 2K and it bothered my sciatica, re-sold it. Was going to have a custom seat made for it but then stumbled across a guy with a brand new Ultimate seat for $250. Bought it in a heartbeat since I loved my Ultimate on my old VTX. Pretty happy with it now that I've got 1500km or so on it - will probably still use my airhawk on top of it for super long rides (as I did before since the whole sciatica thing) but it just feels better. Did the trip to/from Ottawa for the poop-o-matic cat box and was pretty comfortable up until the 8 hour point, so no complaints.

Ironically the Ultimate seat I bought was also in Ottawa so that's twice inside 3 weeks I've rode out there, but both were good excuses for a good long ride LOL.

Overall I'm really liking the bike. Still a few things to tweak, want to remove the handlebar risers the PO put on for one and further tweak the position/angles of my highway pegs, but it's starting to feel like "home" now.

That kitty litter looks like an actual toilet! LoL Hope the cat likes it.

Got some funny looks on the way home. It does indeed look like a toilet bowl. This is what it looks like all assembled. I got the side extensions and the dome thing as well for it which would have cost me another $150 or so on top of the $350 price tag for the base unit. All for $95.

I once went to see a gsxr750. Price was really good, looked at it all over. Some squid mods I'd take off. Left a deposit and brought my own sale agreement.
There was another buyer waiting in his vehicle. Saw him go talk to them after I left. I snapped a pic of the sellers' license plate just in case.
Off course I got a message later saying unfortunately they sold it to someone else who paid more and would EMT me back my deposit.
Glad I didn't get that bike now, knowing how scummy those guys were.
that's such BS.

Deposit = deal made and vehicle is held for you to purchase (within reasonable time frame etc).

A handshake deal i could see that happen, if you were really interested you should have left money on the table.

I had a similar situation on kijij recently.

2080ti video card ($1,600) - making arrangements to meet up with a seller, then he somewhat flaked as we agreed to discuss meetup time (for that day) later in the evening and he never responded to my messages. Next day he tells me he got a better offer and would like to know if i wanted to match it. (Yeah yeah, i've been around long enough to know this game.) I told him not only would i not match it, i would expect him to honor the deal we made. I met his asking price with zero haggle, offered to pick up and i was waiting on HIM to respond with meetup time and place. He's the one who left me hanging with cash in hand. He replied that i was right, he had gone out with a friend and otherwise we would have completed the sale. Picked it up the next day for what i offered. Was there ever another buyer? /shrug
I am currently living in a small town. Online buyers and sellers seem a lot more scrupulous and just plain nicer and polite than the big sh*tty.

Also doing a lot of etransfer and curb pickup because of COVID. A lot of trust involved.

Not sure whether that's because folks are generally nicer or that there's a greater chance you'll run into whoever you're dealing with at the grocery store. I'm thinking the former.
Guy I mentioned yesterday who got his panties in a twist over his bad review is now trying to "get even with me" by making shill accounts and messaging me on all my other listings thinking he can leave (presumably bad) reviews afterwards.

Little does he apparently know that there needs to be at least 7 back and forth exchanges in a conversation before the review option even appears.

Initially I disliked this as it means you can't review the "Is this still available" (and then you never hear from them again) time wasters, but I guess I see the point now.
As a buyer I once got into a screaming match with this guy in his 50's about 2 years ago. I searched Kijiji for a used camcorder (only morons film sports events with an iphone and a tripod). So I messaged this guy who lived in Jarvis/Bloor area who was selling a "Sony camcorder" for $250. This guy made me go in the dead of winter all the way downtown at 10pm because that's the time he got from work and when I met him in the lobby asks for the money before handing me the camcorder. I said; "Buddy let me see the camcorder first, I have to check it out". He hands me the camcorder and notice that the bloody thing's battery is incorporated into it, in other words you can''t take off the battery and slide another one in when recording long soccer games for example. I also noticed that the thing records in AHV format not MP4, my editing software in my desktop PC can only process MP4 video.

I give the guy his camera back and tell him that its not good for me, he then starts yelling that I wasted his time and that the camera is working okay. Like buddy, shut your trap, I'm not going to buy junk that serves me no purpose. For $50 more I bought a brand new camcorder from Amazon with MP4 format and removable battery.
only morons film sports events with an iphone and a tripod

Well, people film movies with them and a not small segment of major motion pictures have drone shots taken by drones with the pretty much identical image sensors as many higher end phones carry, but I guess they're not good enough for your grandchildrens soccer games.

I haven't seen anyone using a camcorder in at least a decade. And I have one, but anything less than one that costs well north of $1000 now isn't going to take video half as good as many modern smartphones can.
Well, people film movies with them and a not small segment of major motion pictures have drone shots taken by drones with the pretty much identical image sensors as many higher end phones carry, but I guess they're not good enough for your grandchildrens soccer games.

I haven't seen anyone using a camcorder in at least a decade. And I have one, but anything less than one that costs well north of $1000 now isn't going to take video half as good as many modern smartphones can.

A drone camera is fine for filming a forest fire, an Iphone is good enough for filming a TTC fistfight, but for a soccer game nothing beats a camcorder. Yeah they are rare now but I really love the 42x times zoom on it to film my kid's goals in a soccer game. For short films is also nice.

No phones please, I hate it when someone calls you on the phone when you are about to film a penalty and you missed it because the video was cut off.
True optical zoom is about the only thing that a camcorder does better than many high end phones now.

As for a call interrupting filming....turn on Airplane mode.
Message a guy about a Yamaha BWS scooter tonight - ad lists clutch "unlocked" carb "unlocked" I am genuinely interested in item.
Conversation as follows:

What does clutch and carb unlock mean?
Goes Faster
So what was done? did you do it or did someone else?
I did it
so what did you do??
Listen, are you interested in my scooter or the mods. Good night.
Both, trying to get a straight answer as to what was done to them to make it better, I like to know what I'm buying.
Check Youtube, they show you how to do it, I don't have time to answer questions I have to get up at 4am.
end convo.

I didn't know real life engine mods were just like a video game where you can "unlock" certain levels. Too bad it wasn't closer so could call him a BS'r in person.
Message a guy about a Yamaha BWS scooter tonight - ad lists clutch "unlocked" carb "unlocked" I am genuinely interested in item.
Conversation as follows:

What does clutch and carb unlock mean?
Goes Faster
So what was done? did you do it or did someone else?
I did it
so what did you do??
Listen, are you interested in my scooter or the mods. Good night.
Both, trying to get a straight answer as to what was done to them to make it better, I like to know what I'm buying.
Check Youtube, they show you how to do it, I don't have time to answer questions I have to get up at 4am.
end convo.

I didn't know real life engine mods were just like a video game where you can "unlock" certain levels. Too bad it wasn't closer so could call him a BS'r in person.
Post a link for us
I recently sold some Astars leather motorcycle pants for $225 to a 26 year old guy. He comes to my place in a 2018 Mustang and we have a conversation out on the street. I find out that he rides a 2022 Kawi ZX6R and is paying $520 a month insurance. I offered to him if he wanted to try on the pants inside that he was welcome to but he declined and he took the pants after his e transfer was received. Next day, he is texting me for a refund saying that they don't fit him properly (they had a 32" label). At first I just play along (knowing what he's after) and when he finally asks when can we meet up, I respond "What for? Do you want get out for a ride?" I force him to say that he wants his money back and at that point I had to drop the elephant in the room comment to him but only after gently asking at first if he even knew what the expression meant!!
Last week had someone message one of my business ads

Call me xxx xxx xxx
What for, and what city?
your ad says _____________ RIGHT?
Yes, what city. I am not a mind reader
Me either, if you can't call sorry.
Ok, I am not going to waste my time calling someone if they are 2 hours away and I can't help. If you can't tell me that, best of luck.
haha yes I provide a great service to hundreds of customers a year that aren't jerks and tell me in 2 seconds where they live. Sorry for your luck.
Bye bye we will pray for you
I will pray you tell the next guy where you live so he can get an idea if he can help you or not.

This was at 11pm, what crap service I provide, answering people that late. The same day 2 people gave me a tip they were so dis-satisfied with my service. Almost daily I have to tell people they are too far from me. Usually not an issue.
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