Kijiji people are evil

Swing arm? Chassis is mostly stamped parts.

No it was a big rectangular assembly. Did they have a front clip or???

He was the best teacher I ever had. White hair but loved working outside the box. He built an 8 foot seaflea designed for 10 HP and put a 50 HP Mercury on it.

I commented on the cost of marine ply and bronze nails. He replied that most would be tired of the thing in five years so G1S fir and flooring nails would last long enough for you to decide on what you really want.
No it was a big rectangular assembly. Did they have a front clip or???

He was the best teacher I ever had. White hair but loved working outside the box. He built an 8 foot seaflea designed for 10 HP and put a 50 HP Mercury on it.

I commented on the cost of marine ply and bronze nails. He replied that most would be tired of the thing in five years so G1S fir and flooring nails would last long enough for you to decide on what you really want.
They have front and rear subframes.


Then you realize the inside of the door is 0.020" from the outside of the door. None of the 1965 Thunderbird 12" thick door stuff.
I don't see problems with that, really. The majority of the UK relayed on that for transportation for at least 50 years, with no major consequences in terms of drastic population decline.
Sold my b king and camaro on kijiji in the last week downsizing. The lumber and other building materials are going the the habitat store just a couple of doors down from my shop i figure that i owe them at least that much for providing the entertainment of watching their customers drive off in a very Beverly hillbillies fashion with crap strapped haphazardly on top of their rides.
I got a call from a friend of a friend looking for info on battery tools. Coincidentally I later got talking to a fiend who wheels and deals in Milwaukee stuff. He said if the guy wanted a starter set he would give him the set free.

No. The guys isn't poor, just cheap. If you're going to give something away don't give it to a hoarder. Give it to an underdog who will appreciate it or to a thrift shop that will make a few $$$ that will help out someone down on their luck.

A friend in cottage country saw a a sign at a nearby cottage "Aluminum fishing boat for sale" and spoke to the elderly couple agreeing on IIRC $500. Then as they spoke he realized they were selling him two boats.

He took them and sold one, recouping most of his money. Word got around and his name became stinky for a while.

right / wrong????
Bought a car off Kijiji last week. Listed at $6k, offered $3 firm and got the deal. When I picked it up the seller felt bad that he lost a hubcap so he tossed in a few bins of hard to find parts.

Got an unexpected set of 50 year old NOS signal lenses, a spare starter, water pump, grilled and shiny trains, bumpers and overriders... in all probably $1500 in unexpected parts.

Easy transaction, good deal.

$3 firm - steal of the century. $5997 discount.

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$3 firm - steal of the century. $5997 discount.

Sent from my iPhone using mobile app
He, it can work. Sometimes people are paying for a parking spot or storage and just want the bleeding to stop. If the asset costs you $3000 a year to keep around and you aren't using it, sometimes it's better to let it go for the best offer you can get in a reasonable time.
I don't see problems with that, really. The majority of the UK relayed on that for transportation for at least 50 years, with no major consequences in terms of drastic population decline.
Things move at a different speed, and the overall mass of those competing for road space is much smaller.

And for most of those 50 Mini years, English built cars dominated the streets. That lowered traffic congestion by 50% on any given day.
I don't see problems with that, really. The majority of the UK relayed on that for transportation for at least 50 years, with no major consequences in terms of drastic population decline.
Mini vs mini is a far different crash than mini vs 8000 lb truck/EV. Hell, any north american vehicle is two to three times the weight of the mini (or triumph or mpg or ...).
Things move at a different speed, and the overall mass of those competing for road space is much smaller.

And for most of those 50 Mini years, English built cars dominated the streets. That lowered traffic congestion by 50% on any given day.
Studies have shown English cars are 2x safer than cars from anywhere else.

Because they start less than half the time.

Sent from the future
I rear-ended a mini about 40 or so years ago. I believe at that time I was driving a Monte Carlo. She was in front of me at a red light, both waiting to turn right. There was an opening and I saw her go. She apparently changed her mind when I decided to go so I ran into her. The cop said he would be surprised if I was doing more than 10 kph but I pretty much pushed her back end in a couple fo feet. He thought it might be a write-off. He didnt know what to charge me with as witnesses agreed they had no idea why she didnt go, but the damage warranted a failure to yield. He told her to choose a safer car next time.
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