Kijiji people are evil

Bought a car off Kijiji last week. Listed at $6k, offered $3 firm and got the deal. When I picked it up the seller felt bad that he lost a hubcap so he tossed in a few bins of hard to find parts.

Got an unexpected set of 50 year old NOS signal lenses, a spare starter, water pump, grilled and shiny trains, bumpers and overriders... in all probably $1500 in unexpected parts.

Easy transaction, good deal.
Offered 50% of asking price. Bold strategy Cotton. J.S.
Usually if they offer half of asking its "as tempting as your offer is that just wont do it"
Offered 50% of asking price. Bold strategy Cotton. J.S.
Usually if they offer half of asking its "as tempting as your offer is that just wont do it"
Have you tried buying building material recently?

- any chance of reducing the price?
- nope, that's the price and that's the price
- ok thanks, I'll just go to the store and buy it there
Have you tried buying building material recently?

- any chance of reducing the price?
- nope, that's the price and that's the price
- ok thanks, I'll just go to the store and buy it there
Sold my b king and camaro on kijiji in the last week downsizing. The lumber and other building materials are going the the habitat store just a couple of doors down from my shop i figure that i owe them at least that much for providing the entertainment of watching their customers drive off in a very Beverly hillbillies fashion with crap strapped haphazardly on top of their rides.
Sold my b king and camaro on kijiji in the last week downsizing. The lumber and other building materials are going the the habitat store just a couple of doors down from my shop i figure that i owe them at least that much for providing the entertainment of watching their customers drive off in a very Beverly hillbillies fashion with crap strapped haphazardly on top of their rides.
I've been trying to source thin bricks, and the prices that people are asking outside...I'm just going to buy at the store as there's no discount at all.

Actually people are asking stupid money for them.
I've been trying to source thin bricks, and the prices that people are asking outside...I'm just going to buy at the store as there's no discount at all.

Actually people are asking stupid money for them.
If they're selling now, they probably bought at the peak. They dont care what store prices are, they want their money back.
Offered 50% of asking price. Bold strategy Cotton. J.S.
Usually if they offer half of asking its "as tempting as your offer is that just wont do it"
I don't have a set bargaining strategy, when I want something Ill pay what I think is FMV. If the seller is asking a lot, they are either delusional or adding haggling margin.

I make my offers like this: "I see your asking price and hope you get it! Keep me and my $x.xx offer in your back pocket if it doesn't sell"

It's worked out more than once.
Cool. I've only worked on Austin's... lots. In the late 80s I buried 5 minis on Sand Rd in Holland Landing. I had just returned from a trip thru Texas, a friend had a pile of junk minis so we buried them to match the Cadillac Ranch. We had 5, they had 10, we had fun. The town went nuts so we cut them off at grade.

As far as i know, the front halves are still buried, with engines and trannies. They are at the first curve on Sand Rd south of Queensville SD Rd in Riverdrive Park.
Goddamit! And me, wanting one so bad...
Sold my b king and camaro on kijiji in the last week downsizing. The lumber and other building materials are going the the habitat store just a couple of doors down from my shop i figure that i owe them at least that much for providing the entertainment of watching their customers drive off in a very Beverly hillbillies fashion with crap strapped haphazardly on top of their rides.
Watched a guy strap an old furnace to roof of his Buick and he didn’t even throw something down to protect the paint.
Watched a guy strap an old furnace to roof of his Buick and he didn’t even throw something down to protect the paint.
A friend drives beaters. He straps his whitewater kayak to the roof with no rack, pad, or anything else. The roof obviously looks like crap but roof cancer has never been the death of any of his cars.
They can be pretty cheap. Especially if you want one for cruising that doesn't make a lot of power. Jumping them and low speed corners at speed are a lot of fun.
Most vintage british cars have great parts availability, and for the most part are cheap to fix. That's a good thing, because they do like a lot of fixing! Mini and MG owners should keep a thermostat, water, and a can of harness smoke in the boot.

Old Triump's and Jags are dead nuts simple, and a little more dependable.
Most vintage british cars have great parts availability, and for the most part are cheap to fix.
Yes and no. Tires for the mini are brutal. They use 10, 12 or 13". I have 12". Talk to a tire store about 12" tires and they laugh at you. My last set I had to wait for a container to arrive from the UK and then pick the tires up near Niagara Falls.
Most vintage british cars have great parts availability, and for the most part are cheap to fix. That's a good thing, because they do like a lot of fixing! Mini and MG owners should keep a thermostat, water, and a can of harness smoke in the boot.

Old Triump's and Jags are dead nuts simple, and a little more dependable.
In high school an eccentric physics teacher was dragging a crazy shaped piece of iron down the hallway. He was taking the chassis or part thereof from his mini to the welding shop to be repaired.

Another teacher drove a 2 stroke DKW that sounded like a chihuahua with flatulence.
In high school an eccentric physics teacher was dragging a crazy shaped piece of iron down the hallway. He was taking the chassis or part thereof from his mini to the welding shop to be repaired.

Another teacher drove a 2 stroke DKW that sounded like a chihuahua with flatulence.
Swing arm? Chassis is mostly stamped parts.

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