Kijiji people are evil

I wonder if "Is it still available" is automatically generated by the developers so the app looks active for the Advertisers?
I wonder if "Is it still available" is automatically generated by the developers so the app looks active for the Advertisers?
There are quick answer buttons that are easy to press by accident. My one year old (at the time) incited rage on Facebook marketplace. Someone was selling something that was well priced and there were probably 10 people in line saying they would take it if the original reply didnt. My daughter was blindly poking my wifes phone and sent "will you take less money". Holy crap, that triggered people. Tons of very angry replies to that comment.
Have an ad on Kijiji for random parts I have leftover for a specific bike. First line in the ad, "I only have the parts listed". Probably once a week I'll get a question, "Are you parting out the bike?" "Do you have X part?"

Ads like this really irritate me. Tell you virtually nothing of importance about the bike yet they prattle on about how wonderful it is while at the same time insulting potential buyers. I wouldn't respond to this moron even if I was interested in his offering!

"This is a TRUE Repsol Edition, A (RARE) legendary bike and hard to find in this condition and with ONLY 10000 kms. It has custom color matched seats as well it comes with a protection film that covers the bike to protect the amazing paint job these bikes come with . Its not for beginners and can reach speeds in excess of 300kph. I Am asking $9500 for the bike and wont accept a penny less and dont care how you feel about it, I'm in no rush to sell it and you try to find even a newer "True" Repsol with that low of kms. Call your insurance company and ask your wife or your Mother before contacting me as this seems to be an issue. $9500 FIRM."
Ads like this really irritate me. Tell you virtually nothing of importance about the bike yet they prattle on about how wonderful it is while at the same time insulting potential buyers. I wouldn't respond to this moron even if I was interested in his offering!

"This is a TRUE Repsol Edition, A (RARE) legendary bike and hard to find in this condition and with ONLY 10000 kms. It has custom color matched seats as well it comes with a protection film that covers the bike to protect the amazing paint job these bikes come with . Its not for beginners and can reach speeds in excess of 300kph. I Am asking $9500 for the bike and wont accept a penny less and dont care how you feel about it, I'm in no rush to sell it and you try to find even a newer "True" Repsol with that low of kms. Call your insurance company and ask your wife or your Mother before contacting me as this seems to be an issue. $9500 FIRM."

I sold 4 older Mac laptops recently on Kijiji. I went to great lengths to document every little detail including screenshots of the system profiles to show all the hardware details, photos of the exterior conditions, and all defencies.

2 of them went fairly easily.

1 went after quite a few wasted conversations where people were offering next to nothing (they were all priced VERY fairly out of the gate based on their conditions and age) or asking for me to deliver them across the GTA, etc. Yeah, sure, I'd love to drive to Brampton to deliver your $100 laptop.

The last 1 (which, admittedly, is the worst of the batch, but priced at <$100 for parts value bassically despite still being a functional machine) has turned into an epic time waster.

The most infuriating thing is that PEOPLE DON'T ******* READ THE AD before messaging and asking questions.

I had one person message who clearly didn't even read the first paragraph of the ad nor even really look beyond the first picture. I responded as politely as possible that all their questions were answered in the ad. He responded more or less "Yes, but...." and then asked the questions again. I repeated my answer that all the questions were answered in the ad. And unbelievably I got the "Yes, but...." response again. WTF.

Getting a little perturbed now I asked him if he'd like me to copy and paste the text from the ad back to him, or if it would perhaps be easier for him to actually just read the ad himself. He finally seemed to get it.

Then he lowballed me. I refused. Then he said he'd come at 4PM. Didn't show. Wanted me to hold it for another day. Told him I had someone else who wanted it now and I'd let him know if it was still available, at which point he pulled a hissy fit and said "I don't want it anymore then"....after 3 days of this BS.

Thankfully now you can review people on Kijiji - needless to say he didn't get a great review. Sadly, they can review you too so even idiots like this can trash legit sellers who just ran out of patience for their BS.
I've been a kijiji member for over 8 years, and a few months back got a low 3 star review from a buyer, my 1 and only review ruining my profile. The thing is, I contacted him to inquire since the review left was nothing like me, nor even describing the product I sold, and he said he left the review on my account by mistake, and it was for another seller he was dealing with, somehow he chose the wrong account to review. I tried to contact kijiji to rectify, nope, they refused. He himself tried to contact them, and they also refused. So now It's stuck there
@ Private Pilot

The sellers and buyers rating system in Kijiji is going to be a big fail. To sell a big item like a vehicle in Kijiji you need to be on unemployment or welfare to process all these idiots and have time for them.
Part of that is Kiji fault as they have these one click questions. The other is responding on a phone. Ongoing battle with clients who use their phone to try and craft a $5k edit suite. ?
I sold 4 older Mac laptops recently on Kijiji. I went to great lengths to document every little detail including screenshots of the system profiles to show all the hardware details, photos of the exterior conditions, and all defencies.

The most infuriating thing is that PEOPLE DON'T ******* READ THE AD before messaging and asking questions.

Thankfully now you can review people on Kijiji - needless to say he didn't get a great review. Sadly, they can review you too so even idiots like this can trash legit sellers who just ran out of patience for their BS.

How did I miss this, you can review people now?! Gamechanger

Also, I love people who don't even take the time to read your ad. What year is it? How many kms?

Same with dealers when you send inquiries, the model page is linked, with the question you ask: 'Does this F150 have the 3.5ecoboost?'
'Hi there, what kind of vehicle are you looking for?'
How did I miss this, you can review people now?! Gamechanger

Also, I love people who don't even take the time to read your ad. What year is it? How many kms?

Same with dealers when you send inquiries, the model page is linked, with the question you ask: 'Does this F150 have the 3.5ecoboost?'
'Hi there, what kind of vehicle are you looking for?'
I think a lot of the dealer ads are put up to generate leads are are on the edge of morality. They may have had that vehicle for a great price at some point (if you bought it on the summer solstice and paid in rupies), but they are in no hurry to pull the ad and if you reply, they will happily sell you something less desirable for more money.
I find that kijiji gives you a good cross-section of humanity as a whole.

We just sold my wife's bike - no questions asked, guy showed up with certified cheque in-hand, and didn't touch the bike until we exchanged cheque for signed ownership. Lovely experience (and exciting, it was his first bike).

In contrast to that, I tried to buy an iPhone XS in November; I checked the IMEI prior to buying, but the number he gave me was not the same as the one he actually handed to me when we exchanged $$. Sure enough, the one I got was registered stolen (given to Freedom mobile employees as a write-off), and this guy tried to claim that I was scamming him! We were very lucky that he held true to his word, met us at the Apple store for an IMEI test, and refunded me in cash on the spot (less than 24 hours later, dude gave me completely different bills, too)... I went on to buy a new, but open-box one from BestBuy. What a fiasco. has buy/sell/trade forums for almost everything and a feedback system that works.

Downside is you may not get the lowest market price on what youre buying. People have figured out that the strong community means you deal with less haggle and less BS. You post a price and thats it, there's no 'best offer' and you can't sell at marked up value. People don't leave you hanging or dick around because no one wants to ruin their feedback over a couple bucks. Sold everything from cell phones to cars on there with ZERO problems.

I remember one deal years ago, traded some computer stuff and the other guy agreed to $400 on top to balance the deal. We met up, had a great 20 minute conversation about gaming and then went our separate ways. Half hour later he calls me and says he forgot to give me the money! (I forgot to ask, we were having such a good chat). Guy drove across the entire city to hand it over.

Think you'll see that from someone on kijiji? Can't put a price on peace of mind. I have such good feedback people don't even count my money when I hand it over or inspect anything I'm selling.

Now, vehicles probably don't move as well there, certainly not bikes. But almost everything else I'd post on RFD.
How did I miss this, you can review people now?! Gamechanger

It's a bit of a mess, but it's there. You can only give a review if the exchange is longer than 7 (IIRC) back and forth messages through Kijiji's systems, so a quick exchange with no followup doesn't even give the option. Then sometimes you get an email to remind you to write a review, and often, you don't - there seems to be no ryme nor reason. The link you need to find otherwise is buried at the top of the chat exchange in the desktop version of the site only, in small text, and (at least last I looked) not the mobile app. Then reviews don't show on a persons profile until the review window closes for both people.

There is NO review process so if some jerk yanks your chain for a week and then gets butthurt because you tell him/her to take a flying leap or you just sell to someone else instead and leave you unwarranted feedback, you're stuck with it and there's no way to reply to it or debate the issue.

I'd say 95% of people don't even know it's in point here LOL.

We just sold my wife's bike - no questions asked, guy showed up with certified cheque in-hand, and didn't touch the bike until we exchanged cheque for signed ownership. Lovely experience (and exciting, it was his first bike).

Sadly there are sellers who will take advantage of people like that on the flipside. Thanks for the bank draft, here's the keys, I'm going to go back in the house now before you find out that the gearbox is trashed and the forks are bent - see ya later, get off my property.
On the flipside some people online are awesome, I agree. We had a health scare with one of our cats recently and the vet recommended the Ferrari of litter boxes - the CatGenie. It's basically an automated toilet for cats that hooks up to your water and sewer and does all the dirty work itself to ensure your cats are not stressed due to litterbox issues.

I found one in Ottawa yesterday on Kijiji for $300 less than new. Emailed the lady through Kijiji, she replied inside 5 minutes. We exchanged a few questions which she quickly answered and I said I was going to come get it. Hopped on the bike and rode out and back. Pleasant and rapid transaction. They were there when they said they'd be. They had it all ready and cleaned. Friendly to chat with (turns out they were riders themselves), there was no haggling (price was already super fair), no hassles, no refusal to answer messages for 2 or 3 days (another pet peeve of mine) and I was home 9 hours later with a TurboFlush Poop-O-Matic 9000 cat box.

In related news, I'm pretty sure I'm probably the only person in the history of motorcycles to ever have an enormous robotic cat litter box strapped to their motorcycle for a 400km ride home. :LOL:

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On the flipside some people online are awesome, I agree. We had a health care with one of our cats recently and the vet recommended the Ferrari of litter boxes - the CatGenie. It's basically an automated toilet for cats that hooks up to your water and sewer and does all the dirty work itself to ensure your cats are not stressed due to litterbox issues.

I found one in Ottawa yesterday on Kijiji for $300 less than new. Emailed the lady through Kijiji, she replied inside 5 minutes. We exchanged a few questions which she quickly answered and I said I was going to come get it. Hopped on the bike and rode out and back. Pleasant and rapid transaction. They were there when they said they'd be. They had it all ready and cleaned. Friendly to chat with (turns out they were riders themselves), there was no haggling (price was already super fair), no hassles, no refusal to answer messages for 2 or 3 days (another pet peeve of mine) and I was home 9 hours later with a TurboFlush Poop-O-Matic 9000 cat box.

In related news, I'm pretty sure I'm probably the only person in the history of motorcycles to ever have an enormous robotic cat litter box strapped to their motorcycle for a 400km ride home. :LOL:

View attachment 43375
Figured you for a full face kinda guy.

Everytime I see one of those brain buckets pass by I flashback to that Harley video where the guy wipes out and lands on his face. ☹
Figured you for a full face kinda guy.

I have one.

Will fully admit to not using it much except in heavy rain.

Two reasons:

- The wind in my face is one of the primary things I love about motorcycling.
- Because of my C1/C2 (top of neck/base of skull) spinal fusion my neck mobility is limited so I need the extra peripheral vision a half shell allows for shoulder checks. When I do wear my full face I always feel like I can't see enough behind me (as my head just doesn't turn that far anymore) to make lane changes as safe as I like. The weight also makes my neck sore after a few hours, especially on endurance rides where you're not stopping regularly to take it off and have a break. Yesterday would have been basically 9 hours straight with only a 30 minute break with it off.

It's one of the risks I understand and accept as part of the bigger picture of riding as a whole.
I have one.

Will fully admit to not using it much except in heavy rain.

Two reasons:

- The wind in my face is one of the primary things I love about motorcycling.
- Because of my C1/C2 (top of neck/base of skull) spinal fusion my neck mobility is limited so I need the extra peripheral vision a half shell allows for shoulder checks. When I do wear my full face I always feel like I can't see enough behind me (as my head just doesn't turn that far anymore) to make lane changes as safe as I like. The weight also makes my neck sore after a few hours, especially on endurance rides where you're not stopping regularly to take it off and have a break. Yesterday would have been basically 9 hours straight with only a 30 minute break with it off.

It's one of the risks I understand and accept as part of the bigger picture of riding as a whole.
May I suggest a newer carbon shell full face with a larger visor field of vision?

Crack it open for all your wind requirements!

Anywho I get it, that sucks.
I find Kijiji people are basically tire kickers. They like sending out posts "is this still available" you will never hear back if you answer. They "never" read the ad and will ask numerous questions that are all answered in the ad. The great thing about Kijiji, you can block them. They can never email you through Kijiji again.
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