Kijiji people are evil

I constantly get offers on items from Toronto residents who clearly have NO idea where Courtice actually is. I suspect a lot of them have never been outside Toronto actually. And of course, they have made no effort to actually look at the location clearly mentioned in the ad - I actually go above and beyond posting "Just outside Oshawa" since I've come to hope that people actually know where Oshawa is.

But it never fails...I get someone interested, exchange a few emails, turn down the typical "Will you deliver it?" question (Oh sure, I'd like to spend 3 hours in traffic to deliver that $40 item) and when they agree to just come get it I give them my address and two things happen - I get a response saying "Oh, that's a long way away!" and they don't come... Or they drop off the face of the planet.
God, I went to pick something up in tiny once. Based on where they placed the kijiji ad, I was looking at an hour each way. Based on where he actually lived, more than 2 hours each way. I asked him about it when I got there and he said he has trouble selling things if he puts his real location. Facepalm. Then I look at the floor nailer he was selling and ask him where the conversion kit was because I was looking at a floor stapler. He said who cares, it fastens down floors. God damn it. I care. If you have a stapler for sale, put that in the #^#%#%#^#^#^ ad.
Here's a new one. Bought an espresso machine a few days ago. Sold as is (needs a pump as per the seller) on Facebook marketplace, make an offer. I figured in working shape it's worth $250, I offer $80. Not much to go wrong in them, and most parts are rebuildable.

Seller says, sure no problem, you can offer less if you want though. Offers to sell it to me for $50, I figure that's too cheap and come back with $60.

First time I've been haggled down in price by a seller ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
just be sure you can get the pump you need , latley as some of the Italian brands get bought up by Philips ect. first thing they do is discontinue parts.
My Saeco died a slow death from lack of parts, but it was a superautomatic so lots of moving peices
just be sure you can get the pump you need , latley as some of the Italian brands get bought up by Philips ect. first thing they do is discontinue parts.
My Saeco died a slow death from lack of parts, but it was a superautomatic so lots of moving peices

That's why I like Italian semi-automatics. Amazingly simple inside, mechanical switches, a pump, a boiler, and some piping. Not a circuit board anywhere to be found.

The pump was in fact not working, already took it apart and fixed it. Going to pick up some stainless bolts tomorrow to replace the rusted ones, and back together it goes.

If it did need a new pump, it's a standard Ulka pump that's around $50 from a billion sources.
Had a guy drive from Oshawa to Waterloo with cash in hand to buy my 2002 Ducati SS. He had already asked a dozen questions and seen at least 20 close up pics. Upon arrival, he wanted to hear it run. Fine. I let him start it and idle it for about 15 minutes. He shut it off and wanted me to pull the plugs. Umm ok, he drove 3 hours for this. Of course the plug was black from idling for 15 min.
Then he says..... This engine needs valve guides and rings, I'll give you$2500 for it.
With a smile, i told him where to put his cash and never call me again. As i was closing the door he offered $2700.
What were you asking?
I learned a while ago that if your gonna make offers, or lower counter offers, at least show up in person to take a look at the bike to show your serious
as opposed to being kijiji spammer #443 lowballing on the internet.
Haggling over a price only means something when your face to face. The rest is all just stories that may or may not be true.
Ossa is up on kijiji.
Monday i get a msg. When can i come and see it?
We agree on Thurs at 7.
I asked him tonite at 4:00, if he is coming?
He messages me tonite at 4:30. I was in the hospital. When can i come to see it?
Ossa is up on kijiji.
Monday i get a msg. When can i come and see it?
We agree on Thurs at 7.
I asked him tonite at 4:00, if he is coming?
He messages me tonite at 4:30. I was in the hospital. When can i come to see it?
Tell him: How far away is the hospital and how fast do you drive?
Ossa is up on kijiji.
Monday i get a msg. When can i come and see it?
We agree on Thurs at 7.
I asked him tonite at 4:00, if he is coming?
He messages me tonite at 4:30. I was in the hospital. When can i come to see it?
Tell him to donate $50 to the hospital. Send you the receipt and you will schedule a time to meet him. You'll eat the $50 if he buys it. If it isnt worth a $50 donation, he probably isnt that likely to purchase it anyway.
I bought a gennie of Kijiji last week. It was priced fairly at $150, OK for a hardly used good quality gennie. Based on condition of the tools and toys in his garage I got the feeling he looked after things so I just handed him the cash. He looked shocked and says to me "don't you want to haggle?" I said no, your asking price is fair. Then he says 'I like to haggle on price, make me an offer. I say OK $145, he says no - I need $147. I say nope, I'm out, and head to my car. He says OK, OK, OK -- $145 and hands me back $5.

I got a gennie cheap, he got some fun haggling.
I bought a gennie of Kijiji last week. It was priced fairly at $150, OK for a hardly used good quality gennie. Based on condition of the tools and toys in his garage I got the feeling he looked after things so I just handed him the cash. He looked shocked and says to me "don't you want to haggle?" I said no, your asking price is fair. Then he says 'I like to haggle on price, make me an offer. I say OK $145, he says no - I need $147. I say nope, I'm out, and head to my car. He says OK, OK, OK -- $145 and hands me back $5.

I got a gennie cheap, he got some fun haggling.
Benn watching Monty Python have ya?
Another great Kijiji experience today -- bought a folding aluminum bicycle, in like new condition with bag. Same deal as before, the guy had a great asking price and I handed him the cash without haggling. Then he says "the seat post is sticking, are you OK with a $10 discount?"
Had a great Kijiji experience last week selling my ninja 300. After months of "what's your best price?" and no shows, I had very polite young man reach out to me and ask a few questions, not one about the price, then asked if he could come see it.

He came, he saw, asked a few more questions then asked to confirm my selling price. I did, he sticks out his hand and says "thank you, I'll take it."

I felt it was fairly priced and so did he, he even commented that he was surprised it hadn't sold yet considering the condition and what others were selling for. I was almost tempted to ask for more at that point, lol.

Faith in humanity somewhat restored...
I constantly get offers on items from Toronto residents who clearly have NO idea where Courtice actually is. I suspect a lot of them have never been outside Toronto actually.

GTAcentric. Use to get that with the guys from the car club. Meet would be at Mississauga + 401. Some of us would show up from Ancaster/Burlington/Grimsby. The guys from Avenue Rd. area would be complaining about the distance. Uh, I know you like your car, but do you like driving it?

I bought my current bike in Courtice. Showed up to see it with a trailer.
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