Kijiji people are evil

OK, I know that I will get different opinions from people.
I will not reply to anyone if the answer to their question is in the ad.
Like what is the mileage on the bike? It's right there in print.
I have been on KIjiji for 12 years and find when I reply to someone, where the answer is right there, I never hear back anyway.
Do you reply if they ask something that is already posted?

I normally reply, some people just look at the pictures and price, then quickly read text to make sure its working. Also for the app, I think some have to scroll waaay down to see the specs, or switch the tab to the specs section which I miss sometimes too. Takes 2sec to reply, doesn't affect my day really. Dealing with such things, is part of the deal sometimes.
I will not reply to anyone if the answer to their question is in the ad.
Like what is the mileage on the bike? It's right there in print.
Do you reply if they ask something that is already posted?

Depends on how badly you want to sell your bike.

If you want to be principled and only sell your bike to attentive, well-read individuals who drink tea with one pinkie in the air, then that's entirely your prerogative.

To me, money is the same if it comes from stupid people or smart people.
This topic of buyers reading descriptions reminds me of a Kijiji interaction when I was selling my FZ6.

Bike had 110+k km's, mileage in the ad, picture of the odometer in the ad. Kid shows up to look at it and is surprised at the mileage, says he thought it was 11k km's... Okay... Besides that, agrees to buy the bike, but needs to run to ATM to grab cash for deposit, last I saw or heard from him.
My favorite is when you agree to $100 over the phone/email and then they show up with $80 and a "sorry, that's all I brought, do we still have a deal?"

Happened so often, I have to explicitly state beforehand that if they arrive short, they'll leave empty-handed.

You came to me buddy. It's your own time that you're wasting.
My favorite is when you agree to $100 over the phone/email and then they show up with $80 and a "sorry, that's all I brought, do we still have a deal?"

Happened so often, I have to explicitly state beforehand that if they arrive short, they'll leave empty-handed.

You came to me buddy. It's your own time that you're wasting.
Those people are the worst, the second worst are the ones that bust your balls to knock you from 50 down to 40, then give you a $50 bill and ask you to make change. If I am talking someone down, I sure as hell am only going to pull out the exact amount we agreed to.
My favorite is when you agree to $100 over the phone/email and then they show up with $80 and a "sorry, that's all I brought, do we still have a deal?"

Happened so often, I have to explicitly state beforehand that if they arrive short, they'll leave empty-handed.

You came to me buddy. It's your own time that you're wasting.

Oh yeh, this... Sold an iPhone a long time back, guy messages, says he doesn't have a ride, can't pick it up etc... Offers $20 extra for me to drop it off, I'm like okay, make a nice ride out of it too. Get there, guy gave a diff address, shows up 15mins late, says he's $40 short (let alone the $20 for delivery agreed) Guy's broke, unemployed, no ethics, couldn't care less, has a smile on his face like this is normal. I tell him go get the money, he runs to his girlfriend, comes back 10mins later with $5 saying its all he got from her. This guy is lost in life. Since, I never offer delivery for anything.
Oh yeh, this... Sold an iPhone a long time back, guy messages, says he doesn't have a ride, can't pick it up etc... Offers $20 extra for me to drop it off, I'm like okay, make a nice ride out of it too. Get there, guy gave a diff address, shows up 15mins late, says he's $40 short (let alone the $20 for delivery agreed) Guy's broke, unemployed, no ethics, couldn't care less, has a smile on his face like this is normal. I tell him go get the money, he runs to his girlfriend, comes back 10mins later with $5 saying its all he got from her. This guy is lost in life. Since, I never offer delivery for anything.

I don't mind delivery as long as it isn't out of my way or an inconvenience.

Sold a set of winter wheels recently, guy offers $20 extra if I can deliver, address was en route to another errand I had so not a big deal. Quick and easy sale.

For all the rightful crap Kijiji buys and sellers get, it's really only a very small portion of my transactions.
I don't mind delivery as long as it isn't out of my way or an inconvenience.

Sold a set of winter wheels recently, guy offers $20 extra if I can deliver, address was en route to another errand I had so not a big deal. Quick and easy sale.

For all the rightful crap Kijiji buys and sellers get, it's really only a very small portion of my transactions.
I had something posted for ~$20. Some guy offered me 15. Sure, come get it. Then he tells me he doesn't have a car so he wants me to deliver it to a location that is 1.5 hours each way. Go *&^* yourself. It's $15 you wanker. I've driven that far to drop off something for $4000, but not $15.

For <$50, I try not to even meet the people, just do porch pickup (that's where facebook marketplace or mom's groups are better than the complete anonymity of kijiji). Even if it's on my way somewhere, it's normally easier for me to put it at the curb than bother stopping somewhere for $15.
Depends on how badly you want to sell your bike.

If you want to be principled and only sell your bike to attentive, well-read individuals who drink tea with one pinkie in the air, then that's entirely your prerogative.

To me, money is the same if it comes from stupid people or smart people.

LOL, it's not about drinking tea with one pinkie. If someone is on Kijiji looking at my bike for sale and can't see the mileage, in my opinion he's too stupid to own a bike. lol If he is Seriously looking to buy your bike, he's going to look at the mileage or he's not for real.
LOL, it's not about drinking tea with one pinkie. If someone is on Kijiji looking at my bike for sale and can't see the mileage, in my opinion he's too stupid to own a bike. lol If he is Seriously looking to buy your bike, he's going to look at the mileage or he's not for real.

The guy who skimmed your ad might be looking at several bikes, not just yours, and is sending e-mails in a bulk fashion. Or maybe he's just absent-minded. I know a lot of people that would probably forget their own peen if it wasn't attached to their nuts.

Their money is just as good as the guys who can remember what they ate at that restaurant three years ago to this day, and what they paid for it.

Also, sometimes, dealing with SmartGuys is a pain in the ass.

Then you'll be wishing you answered "Wheres-My-Peen" guy's e-mail...
LOL, it's not about drinking tea with one pinkie. If someone is on Kijiji looking at my bike for sale and can't see the mileage, in my opinion he's too stupid to own a bike. lol If he is Seriously looking to buy your bike, he's going to look at the mileage or he's not for real.

What lightcycle said. Could also be they're smart and don't care about mileage, just price and condition. Guy at work bought a KTM 990 this summer, around when I was looking too, he picked it up same day it was posted. A week in of ownership he let me take it for a spin, I'm like what's the mileage? He's like "I don't know", I was stumped! we check, it's at 66,000kms. He's an ex-racer and very competent mechanic, goes by the owner, and fixes things as they arise.
The guy who skimmed your ad might be looking at several bikes, not just yours, and is sending e-mails in a bulk fashion. Or maybe he's just absent-minded. I know a lot of people that would probably forget their own peen if it wasn't attached to their nuts.

Their money is just as good as the guys who can remember what they ate at that restaurant three years ago to this day, and what they paid for it.

Also, sometimes, dealing with SmartGuys is a pain in the ass.

Then you'll be wishing you answered "Wheres-My-Peen" guy's e-mail...

Oh man..the guys who believe themselves to be smart are a GIGANTIC pain. Especially the ones who've spent untold hours on the bike specific forums and ask about every half-witted modification somebody somewhere has done.

My experience selling a KTM 990 SMT:
"Does it have the emissions stuff removed?"
"Did you do the mod to the airbox?"
"What exhaust cans has it got?"
"Does it come with a Tune cable and what map are you using?"
No. I can give you an Ontario Road Map from 2013 if you want.
"Well what DID you do to it?"
Maintained it properly and religiously and rode it often.

In the end I added a line to my ad, "STONE stock, NO MODS, dealer serviced with receipts."

I sold it for my asking price without negotiation.

Personally, I prefer stock, unmolested bikes and rarely am I willing to pay for accessories though I don't hold it against others for trying recoup something.
Had a guy drive from Oshawa to Waterloo with cash in hand to buy my 2002 Ducati SS. He had already asked a dozen questions and seen at least 20 close up pics. Upon arrival, he wanted to hear it run. Fine. I let him start it and idle it for about 15 minutes. He shut it off and wanted me to pull the plugs. Umm ok, he drove 3 hours for this. Of course the plug was black from idling for 15 min.
Then he says..... This engine needs valve guides and rings, I'll give you$2500 for it.
With a smile, i told him where to put his cash and never call me again. As i was closing the door he offered $2700.
Depends on how badly you want to sell your bike.

If you want to be principled and only sell your bike to attentive, well-read individuals who drink tea with one pinkie in the air, then that's entirely your prerogative.

To me, money is the same if it comes from stupid people or smart people.
I drink tea.
I also would have spelled "prerogative" incorrectly.

To address the issue of lowballers, and I'm sure I've said this story before,......
My brother was in the market for a house.
He felt the seller was overpriced.
He offered something like $75 or $100k (I don't really remember now) less than asking.
Agent didn't want to present the offer, but my brother made her.
Seller came back at full asking, my brother walked.
3 months later seller contacted my brother and asked if his offer was still on the table.
So, sometimes lowballers are right.

Plus, I'm Italian and cheap.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
I learned a while ago that if your gonna make offers, or lower counter offers, at least show up in person to take a look at the bike to show your serious
as opposed to being kijiji spammer #443 lowballing on the internet.
At this point I have had likely nearing 100s of kijiji transactions.
Cars, trucks, trailers, atv’s, bicycles, motorcycles, aquarium, dog crate, even employees. Although you can’t buy those.
I’ve scored some great deals by making a low offer and being willing to wait/ risk not getting an item. I’ve paid full asking price on items I want or need right away.
I’ve been low balled many times but it doesn’t bother me anymore.
I just hate the no shows that say they are coming and then don’t.
I will offer you 50% with out guilt and you can take it or leave it but if I say I’m coming to see or purchase then I will be there.
Bottom line
Your asking price is the value you place on an item.
My offer is the value I place on an item.
That goes both ways

My best crazy offer was a 72” tv for my Mustang about 4 years ago.
I was selling a 2002 fully loaded grey GT convertible with under 40,000km
Never seen snow rarely seen rain. Few tasteful mods but mostly stock.
Asking $13,000 as is. Yes it was high priced but Guy offered a used 72” TV
Week later guy from Newcastle was first to showed up and see the car in person.
I pulled off the cover and he bought it right then full asking in cash.
He still has the car today and won’t sell it back to me. Even offered him 15.
I answer most replies. If it's too low I just say NO. Had lots of "no response"s after replying to their question. meh. I only meet close to home, so it's not my gas I'm wasting when they show up without the agreed amount and they go away empty handed. A few times I let them undercut the asking price when they hadn't agreed to a price beforehand. Expect it anyways,so give $5-10 off. If it's too low an offer, I just say NO. Their gas cost them more than the difference and they go away empty handed.
I constantly get offers on items from Toronto residents who clearly have NO idea where Courtice actually is. I suspect a lot of them have never been outside Toronto actually. And of course, they have made no effort to actually look at the location clearly mentioned in the ad - I actually go above and beyond posting "Just outside Oshawa" since I've come to hope that people actually know where Oshawa is.

But it never fails...I get someone interested, exchange a few emails, turn down the typical "Will you deliver it?" question (Oh sure, I'd like to spend 3 hours in traffic to deliver that $40 item) and when they agree to just come get it I give them my address and two things happen - I get a response saying "Oh, that's a long way away!" and they don't come... Or they drop off the face of the planet.
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