Kijiji people are evil

As long as you don't agree to the posted price beforehand, that's cool. Perfectly reasonable to go check out a car or motorcycle before negotiating on price.

On the flip side... Years ago had a guy agree to buy a camera at my posted price. Guy shows up, says he only brought $20 or $40 less than the agreed on price. Told him no just because he was playing games. Would have easily accepted the price if he didn't screw around.
Oh man! You NEVER pay the posted price! Even if it's the right price it's still about the win.
Oh man! You NEVER pay the posted price! Even if it's the right price it's still about the win.

lol, have to admit I've kicked myself more than a few times trying to negotiate off an already good asking price.
lol, have to admit I've kicked myself more than a few times trying to negotiate off an already good asking price.
When I bought my FZ6 the asking price then of 6K (IIRC) seemed right for such a clean bike.
I offered 5 and said I'd hand him a down payment and be back tomorrow with my trailer.
He countered with 5800.
I said the exact same thing.
He countered with 5500
I said the exact same thing, again.
He agreed.
If at any time he had said no I would have settled for his price. He didn't know I was just going for "the win".
Since we're on a Kijiji rant (and LetGo & FB Marketplace too for that matter), what is it with everyone asking if the thing you're selling is available??
I wouldn't be putting things for sale that AREN'T available!
I'll even in bold letters at the top of the description say "IF AD IS STILL UP, ITEM STILL AVAILABLE" and I'll still get the morons asking.

After several this morning on a kids bedroom set I finally said to a lady "It's says on the ad, 'Yes'". She then replies back with a "you're rude and I'll look elsewhere" comment. I replied back asking her why she's asking a dumb question and then blocked her. Kijijidiots is right!
Is the bedroom set still available?

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I have gone with many people to help them look at a bike they were interested in buying, to check out the bike and make sure things are OK with the purchase.
First off, it's always pretty easy to knock off some of the asking price when you look at a bike, just by observing issues that will cost money to make perfect again.

Most people who post that the bike is mint. don't understand what the word "mint" actually means.

Some people who list the bike as mint, are in fantasy land.
A few that were listed as mint were actually junk.
Not worth 10 bucks, but the bike was listed as mint. When you bring up the glaring obvious major issues they somehow try to sluff it off like it's nothing.
One bike had rear wheel bearing and swingarm bearing issues that were dangerous..
He said he just needs to tighten the chain, and that all goes away.

One guy had the chain so tight, it was actually hard to push the bike out of the garage and into the sunlight.

Good luck.
Is the bedroom set still available?

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It is lol. But I've got past it now and do the quick YES reply. But guess what? Nothing afterwards. So they ask a dumb question I've preemptively tried to deal with in the description, get a reply and then crickets. Why are you asking then??

I swear there's an ESL class somewhere in town telling their students to do this as a means of "integrating".
Had another one line cash offer, for 1k less than I am asking despite my ad stating no offers by message and firm price. Looked at his profile and he has a cbr600 listed, rattle can paintjob with damage by "previous owner" (obviously), and one of those runner plate mounts. Bike looks rough but priced on the high end. I usually ignore but decided to have some fun, so I countered with a straight swap offer to him. He responded in a few minutes with sure, but with additional cash on my part which between my price and his brought the amount to more than his asking price.

Some peoples children...
Anyone remember buying from the Triad?
Once I bought an old Honda (too cheap to turn down) that the guy had listed as having Metzlers. When I pointed the tire was bald he replied, and I swear, 'Yeah but it's a Metzler"
A few years ago I tried to sell my dual sport Yamaha on Kijiji. I was asking for $1,900. This guy contact me and he offers me a used iPhone and $200 cash for my $1,900 motorcycle. A new iPhone at that time was only $450. This was back in 2009
A few years ago I tried to sell my dual sport Yamaha on Kijiji. I was asking for $1,900. This guy contact me and he offers me a used iPhone and $200 cash for my $1,900 motorcycle. A new iPhone at that time was only $450. This was back in 2009
Do you still have the iPhone?

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A few years ago I tried to sell my dual sport Yamaha on Kijiji. I was asking for $1,900. This guy contact me and he offers me a used iPhone and $200 cash for my $1,900 motorcycle. A new iPhone at that time was only $450. This was back in 2009

I think people generally lowball woman more than men, so that could explain it.....

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I tried to hook up with a guy who'd advertised something I wanted to buy on Facebook ads.
The price was realistic, for 3 weeks I tried to set a time and date to go look. He kept stalling, then it was sold. Thanks for nothing.
Ugh, Kijiji.

We are doing a kitchen reno. I posted up all the old cabinetry and countertop on Kijiji free for the taking, but the lower cabinets went to the dump - they didn't survive removal.

Clearly advertised as "upper cabinets only" , "You can have the countertop and sink if you want it", and "if the ad is still up, everything is still available".

10 minutes later...a reply.

"Is this still available?"

I make a semi snarky reply stating that yes, as per the ad, it is.

Guy drives from Scarborough to pick it all up and is grumpy when he gets here that the lower cabinets are not here.

Then asks if he can have the countertop as well.

Clearly he didn't F'in read past the title....
Ugh, Kijiji.

We are doing a kitchen reno. I posted up all the old cabinetry and countertop on Kijiji free for the taking, but the lower cabinets went to the dump - they didn't survive removal.

Clearly advertised as "upper cabinets only" , "You can have the countertop and sink if you want it", and "if the ad is still up, everything is still available".

10 minutes later...a reply.

"Is this still available?"

I make a semi snarky reply stating that yes, as per the ad, it is.

Guy drives from Scarborough to pick it all up and is grumpy when he gets here that the lower cabinets are not here.

Then asks if he can have the countertop as well.

Clearly he didn't F'in read past the title....

Reading and writing skills seem to be on the decline ! ;)
To be fair, I sometimes start off by asking if the item is still available, but not when the ad states, "If the ad is up it's still available."

Lots of people don't take down the ad after it's sold and some leave them up intentionally. "Sorry, the 2018 KTM 690 Enduro is sold, but I still have the 1995 KLR available."

Even worse when people put tags in their ad unrelated to what they're selling. Like putting an Africa Twin Tag word in a CRF250 ad...or when people write SOLD in the title, why not just delete the ad vs take up space others can use.
Even worse when people put tags in their ad unrelated to what they're selling. Like putting an Africa Twin Tag word in a CRF250 ad...or when people write SOLD in the title, why not just delete the ad vs take up space others can use.
I sometimes leave the sold ads up with the sale price. My theory is it helps create a functional market place when people see what price things actually closed at instead of just inflated asking prices. I will include sold in the title and ad so it is easy for people to ignore if they don't want the info. As far as taking up space? What space? You haven't been on the first page in a long time, who cares whether someone is on page 12 or 15? They aren't getting anyone browsing at that point, just targeted searches.
I sometimes leave the sold ads up with the sale price. My theory is it helps create a functional market place when people see what price things actually closed at instead of just inflated asking prices. I will include sold in the title and ad so it is easy for people to ignore if they don't want the info. As far as taking up space? What space? You haven't been on the first page in a long time, who cares whether someone is on page 12 or 15? They aren't getting anyone browsing at that point, just targeted searches.

Never thought of it that way, I guess that's why real estate agents always publish houses in papers with the SOLD stamp on it? That always got me, why advertise it, print it, and put sold.
As long as you don't agree to the posted price beforehand, that's cool. Perfectly reasonable to go check out a car or motorcycle before negotiating on price.

On the flip side... Years ago had a guy agree to buy a camera at my posted price. Guy shows up, says he only brought $20 or $40 less than the agreed on price. Told him no just because he was playing games. Would have easily accepted the price if he didn't screw around.

I actually had a similar experience. Was Selling a Ricoh GRII for a reasonable used market price. Guy meets me at a cafe near my place and I show him all the features and stuff... I probably spent about 30 minutes talking about the camera and showing why I loved it. We left the cafe and walked down the street, he offered me about 30% of my asking price. I just straight up said no, he looked shocked, and as we walked past my door just turned and went home without saying another word.

F*** that guy...
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