Ken's Motoworks' Thoughts on Ducati

Troubleshooting problems can get more complicated once additional electronics are involved if they're basically black boxes. But some companies like BMW are amazing (at least for their cars) - everything down the light control module (headlight switch) has a diagnostic that can be queried. Audi is supposed to be pretty good too, so I'm surprised Ducati hasn't built any of that into their newest bikes. Or maybe Ken just doesn't have the latest diagnostic software/equipment?
guess I should ask Ken, but does anyone know if he can clear the DESMO / MAINTENANCE lights?
i have a ducati scrambler sitting in my garage right at the cusp of needing 2nd desmo service and i dont want to ride it because i dont want to pay for the service lol.
How do you like it? My biggest concern was the front brake being spongy... @Relax showed me how to do it and it was great, but I was riding it on Sunday and seems like they're back to being softer than they should be.
Watch that bike go up for sale with 'mint', 'perfect condition', 'no issues or codes whatsoever' in the description.

I feel sorry for the next buyer...glad I didn't buy the 821 that was listed for months, as I have a feeling that may also have issues considering it hasn't sold in so long.
My buddy's auto repair shop had an Audi up on the hoist.
The owner had dinged an alloy wheel on a pot hole, replacement part was $2400 plus install.
I choked, then he said "if you own a $75,000 car expect replacement parts to be expensive."
My buddy's auto repair shop had an Audi up on the hoist.
The owner had dinged an alloy wheel on a pot hole, replacement part was $2400 plus install.
I choked, then he said "if you own a $75,000 car expect replacement parts to be expensive."
To be fair, almost all OEM alloys are punishingly expensive. You can often get a cheap set of aftermarket alloys or full set of OEM for less than the price of one new OEM wheel. The manufacturers know that the majority of replacement alloys are being paid for by insurance companies. Once OEM wheels have left the dealership, they sell for 100-200 a wheel most of the time. Hell, you can buy a full set of bentley mulliners for about the price that one audi wheel from the dealer. I'm not sure what their new price is but they came on a $300k car so it won't be friendly.
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My buddy's auto repair shop had an Audi up on the hoist.
The owner had dinged an alloy wheel on a pot hole, replacement part was $2400 plus install.
I choked, then he said "if you own a $75,000 car expect replacement parts to be expensive."

And if the tire is damaged and the tread wear of the other 3 is more than 5% you have to replace all 4.
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