Kayne West

Did you know that Joe Bass means "feed the fat guy ice cream"?

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk

Sorry, I thought that it was an insulting query to a guitar player.
Sorry, I thought that it was an insulting query to a guitar player.
Sorta like "Joe Mama!"?
And it's pronounced 'Bass', not 'Bass' or 'Bass'. ?

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
So Baas, Base, Bazz, or Bhass?
So Baas, Base, Bazz, or Bhass?
Baass. It originated from Joe Boss and then meshed with my last name.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
I could send my dog over. Couple of hrs. and she'd be running the show.


I knew I am pretty damn smart, I just didn't know it yet


How about Rotties??
Did you know that Joe Bass means "feed the fat guy ice cream"

Sorry, I thought that it was an insulting query to a guitar player.

Sorta like "Joe Mama!"?
And it's pronounced 'Bass', not 'Bass' or 'Bass'. 

So Baas, Base, Bazz, or Bhass?

Baass. It originated from Joe Boss and then meshed with my last name.

A fledgling bromance? Say it ain't so Joe.
A fledgling bromance? Say it ain't so Joe.
Now I ain't sayin' I'm a gold digger, but I ain't messin' with no broke....

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
Is there a cRAP to English add-on for Chrome?
Some drop science,
But I'm dropping english. ?

If only I could find a way to monetize all this stuff floating around in my head...instead I will try to answer most questions in this thread using rap lyrics.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
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