People are using RR bikes to murder other people, didn't know that was happening.
Both occupants died.

People are using RR bikes to murder other people, didn't know that was happening.
The Canada/US border is porous, it's pretty easy to smuggle anything. Jump in a boat, hop on a dirtbike, fly a small plane, or simply drive across an unchecked crossing. You don't need to use a reservation for smuggling.Maybe if he wasnt scared of offending anyone he could get something done. How many guns and contraband are smuggled across Indian reserves?
That pic is from Sweden (i think) many years ago. It was faked to draw attention to the cause at the time.Both occupants died.
That pic is from Sweden (i think) many years ago. It was faked to draw attention to the cause at the time.
I knew something was faked. Thanks.
Not sure gun counts have anything to do with gun murders. Canada has 35 guns/100,000 people, the US has 120. Homicides with guns in Canada are .75/100K, the US is 4.5. There are plenty of countries that have very low gun ownership rates yet higher gun homicide rates than Canada.LOL. I ask you to show me numbers for your argument, you refuse. Then ask to see my numbers? Is this a joke? Jesus.
Change as in, you stalled in multiple posts and then end up posting stuff in the end. I don't get it, but anyways i think we got our wires crossed somewhere but i'll get to that in my response.What change, you wanted proof illegal guns started as legal guns (somewhere somehow) and I provided that. The guns in Nova Scotia all fall into this category. The idea that first world gun makers are purposely selling directly to the black market is BS. These guns start out as legal....
Re: wires crossed![]()
Inside the Black Market for Guns
Across a conference room table on the 35th floor of a Manhattan high rise were three agents with decades of experience investigating gunrunning and other crimes for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). One of the many questions I wanted to answer in my book The Future [...]
How dangerous people get their guns in America
While mass shootings like Las Vegas make headlines, gun violence in some neighborhoods is almost routine. Where do the guns come from?
Where do criminals really get their guns?
On average, just under 40,000 people each year die across the country in a gun-related death. So where do criminals typically buy their guns? And do most criminals seek out their weapons of choice through means, not above board?
Even Fox news breaks it down with their twist. They enter the supply chain as legal guns, no one is buying black market factory direct. Plus the gun makers all are very clear they do not sell into the black market (although they could be lying, I will give you that). DOJ, FBI and ATF are as full of it as I am I guess.
Back to what I was saying, they leave the first world factory as legal guns legally into a supply chain then the legal gun gets "diverted" (stolen in the chain or after sale, straw purchase, etc.).... From Fox News:
"An official with the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Explosives (ATF) – the federal agency under the Department of Justice (DOJ) tasked with tracking and recovering trafficked weapons – told Fox News that “guns enter illegal commerce through one of three ways.”
The first is by private transactions in which guns bought at gun shows, flea markets or through private sales are later sold to prohibited persons.
The second, the official underscored, was by straw purchasers – individuals who buy guns from dealers and transfer them to prohibited persons.
The third category is theft from gun dealers and private citizens. Gun traffickers transfer guns from legal commerce to illegal commerce and are “considered to be violent criminals,” the official said."
All three started as guns legally entering the supply chain!
But another interesting bit from Fox:
“Statistics show that those individuals committing ‘mass killings’ during ‘active shooter’ events do so utilizing weapons that have been obtained legally by themselves or a friend or family member,” observed Charles Marino, CEO of Sentinel Security Solutions. “Statistics show that those individuals committing what is known as ‘street crimes’ are typically doing so by utilizing weapons that have been initially stolen and may have further traded hands in the black market.”
The exceptions of course are homemade guns, 3D printed guns and potentially guns from the third world. From the Fox news I guess kit guns as well. All of these are still pretty small potatoes.
Is that good enough or do you still need more "proof"?
Please post your data on guns going black market direct from first world factories....
"Legal" guns are used in mass shootings and murders in the US all the time. They hide the statistics and the NRA hides behind the concept that once the gun is used in a crime it is no longer legal regardless of how it was obtained.... Look at Sandy Hook as an example, both guns were legally purchased by his mother, sure he took the guns and killed her, but they were legally purchased guns he had access to. To the NRA and gun lobby they were illegal... semantics.
Any legislation is always about more than just the one obvious thing, the world is not one dimensional, super cute to think otherwise. Yes this legeslation is not just about what is in black and white on the paper, it is also about idiots like the guy in the meme and not letting it get like that in Canada (or more like that), sucks non-idiots get lumped in.
You can count on one hand the number of genuine mass shootings we have had in Canada. There is nothing indicating a 'military-style' rifle was absolutely necessary to get the job done. There are dozens of far more lethal legal guns that could have been used in all of the shootings, so Turdo's new prohibition is worthless.
No one's noticed this yet? The government is now adding to the banned list and not saying anything.
And from the Comrade Broadcast Corporation, no less. More firearms being banned without public notice
"Mendel, 32, and his staff began to check various models and sure enough some were suddenly banned — mostly shotguns.
The RCMP, which manages the FRT through the Canadian Firearms Program, sent a written statement to CBC News confirming the re-classification was taking place beyond the original list of 1,500 banned items, and that so far no public notification has taken place."
So it's gone from banning guns who's sole purpose is killing people to arbitrarily adding guns that were designed to kill foul and varmints that can kill people, too. Haven't read the list. It's probably all plastic stock, minimum length, zero choke Defender style 12 Ga. guns, but it's still slippery slope territory.
Is anyone really surprised? PM serial liar and Bill Blair - the ultimate authoritarian personality - have had this planned for a long time. But as this continues, gun owners 3/4 of whom have always sat on the fence, will become more and more motivated to remove the government and anyone who supports them. There was a lot of "Oh, they won't ban my hunting rifle" Fuds who are speechless as their duck guns are being banned. The RCMP and Bill Blair want all private firearms ownership banned. This is just the deceptive road they're taking to get there.
so i've never privately owned a weapon (ex military), what is the protocol at firearm ranges? are the weapons you bring screened as you enter?They're going to be disappointed... Of course they will lie to the public and say their plan is a success.
As I stated previously... No one I've spoken to about this OIC plans on complying. No one.
I really think people have begun to wake up to the fact that this is BS... Even those who don't own firearms.
Well, depending on how poorly JT implements the program, many people may choose to put them into long-term storage (ie hide them) rather than give them up. Try to get JT voted out and hope the next idiot cans the poorly thought out amd implemented i've never privately owned a weapon (ex military), what is the protocol at firearm ranges? are the weapons you bring screened as you enter?
if so then sure maybe you`re not giving them up but then really they are just sitting in a locker yeah?
so i've never privately owned a weapon (ex military), what is the protocol at firearm ranges? are the weapons you bring screened as you enter?
if so then sure maybe you`re not giving them up but then really they are just sitting in a locker yeah?
Well his point is valid even if the mechanism may be slightly different. The Popo could setup outside the gate like they did at TMP and inspect all the vehicles for infractions (or prohibited weapons).Any ranges I have been a member of have never screened / inspected any of my firearms.
Not really a need to though since as law abiding, responsible firearms owners we follow the firearms act at all times...