which is more annoying? op's problem? or people smoking outside malls directly beside a "no smoking within 9 meters" sign?
That's just endemic of the same sort of social withdrawal, that causes what I posted about.
which is more annoying? op's problem? or people smoking outside malls directly beside a "no smoking within 9 meters" sign?
which is more annoying? op's problem? or people smoking outside malls directly beside a "no smoking within 9 meters" sign?
which is more annoying? op's problem? or people smoking outside malls directly beside a "no smoking within 9 meters" sign?
if i see a hot chick coming looking down at her phone, i spread my chest out and walk straight.
meh, these idiots will not learn until they get hit by something hard. Like a car or a wall.
I think shoulder bump method only works for ppl with bigger body mass.
Smokers feel literally entitled to (that is, literally having the universe-given right to) being able to smoke anywhere, anytime they please. If their excretion of poison bothers you and you tell them to take their harmful business elsewhere, YOU'RE the a-hole? Suicidal inconsiderateness at its finest. Then they'll argue with you using some incredibly flawed list of reasoning this all makes sense in their minds. Seriously?
The revolution needed is that of the intellect, so we can move on from idiot-driven problems such as these, and many others, that currently plague humanity.
Substance abuse is an issue, a very serious one that needs to be dealt with on more than one front, and to simply label it as idiot-driven problem seems a bit shallow.
I remember being in NYC where the crowds were greater and I had no problems. People made eye contact, they negotiated and turned sideways, and though at times it seemed like we got closer, no one collided as far as I could see. I did see a lot more police on foot and those guys looked like they meant business. I don't know why Toronto is different other than to say that in NYC, most people, even the phone users, had their heads up.It's not just the 'younger generation' with the smart phone thing. I've been walked into by businessmen and grandmothers too. It's part and parcel with the basic issues, that come up with cell phones. People who are talking to you seem to think nothing about dropping the conversation, to pick one up on a cell. I generally glance at it, to make sure it isn't about my house burning down, and continue on with the conversation. And texting. What is so important about a text, that is designed to be waiting for you when you have the time to respond, that it takes precedence over the person you're already talking to?
If I didn't need it for work, the damned Crackberry would go in the nearest dumpster.
Seriously, I am sooooo sick of little whinny bitches complaining about something that is NONE OF THEIR $%#@ing business! Boooohooo, smokers are evil incarnate, they kill puppies, and rape babies! STFU you little *****! This isn't even coming from a legit cmoker, just a guy who lights one up once in a blue moom when I'm loaded and I smoke a cigar here and there. Tabacco is taxed out the *** in this country and not only that, guess what? SMOKERS DIE YOUNGER! You know what that means? They collect less pension and probably actually SAVE the government money at the end of the day. And don't cry about that 0.00000000000000000000000001 cubic centremeter of ciagette smoke you inhale once a week cause you're withing 1000000000000000m of a smoker. It ain't gonna kill you! You're more likely to die of an *** beating from someone like me.
Phew, I feel better now.![]()
I remember being in NYC where the crowds were greater and I had no problems. People made eye contact, they negotiated and turned sideways, and though at times it seemed like we got closer, no one collided as far as I could see. I did see a lot more police on foot and those guys looked like they meant business. I don't know why Toronto is different other than to say that in NYC, most people, even the phone users, had their heads up.
Once tactic I use is too look for the holes. Just like riding a bike, I look for the clear and open path. I find sometimes that eye contact here in Toronto (unlike other cities) can be interpreted as a challenge or it can invoke fear. In either response, I find that people will freeze or choose to be aggressive. By looking for ways around the approaching person, I have avoided a lot of impacts. And it can be kind of fun.
Seriously, I am sooooo sick of little whinny bitches complaining about something that is NONE OF THEIR $%#@ing business! Boooohooo, smokers are evil incarnate, they kill puppies, and rape babies! STFU you little *****! This isn't even coming from a legit cmoker, just a guy who lights one up once in a blue moom when I'm loaded and I smoke a cigar here and there. Tabacco is taxed out the *** in this country and not only that, guess what? SMOKERS DIE YOUNGER! You know what that means? They collect less pension and probably actually SAVE the government money at the end of the day. And don't cry about that 0.00000000000000000000000001 cubic centremeter of ciagette smoke you inhale once a week cause you're withing 1000000000000000m of a smoker. It ain't gonna kill you! You're more likely to die of an *** beating from someone like me.
Phew, I feel better now.![]()
The difference here is that the cell phone zombies actively try to AVOID making eye contact, so that they don't have to get out of anyone's way. Sure, you can look for the holes, but should you have to slalom back and forth across the sidewalk because you're trying to get past 4 different cell phone users, who aren't following the same track? It's inconsiderate of them and bad manners shouldn't be tolerated. Population pressure either makes people polite, or oblivious, and which depends upon how the people around them react.
Speaking as an outsider my observation is that Torontonians, and especially the people who wear a shirt and tie to work downtown, think they're the centre of the universe. They think they're all Donald Trump walking around full of their own self importance. |Maybe this is why they avoid eye contact. They're all too busy closing their next mega deal or talking about something else which is extremely important. I dunno. It's plain rude in my opinion. Avoid eye contact for sure if you want to. You're not obliged to be a socially polite animal. But this lack of respect for other pedestrians is simply rude. Thankfully my visits to downtown are extremely infrequent.
Regarding the smoker stuff. Let me clarify in a simple manner everyone including small children can understand easily:
Nobody, and I mean nobody gives a subatomic **** what you do to yourself at any time, or if you die sooner as a result of you doing so in your own little isolated bubble while not affecting others.
It's when you step outside that bubble and do what you do, and it affects others negatively, that the problem arises.
Now, when the mentality is taken that "oh it's just a small amount of smoke once in a while, stop complaining", it enables petty-minded thinkers to think they're not contributing to a larger problem that is a function of the sum of its smaller parts. If ONE guy smokes, and the exposure was as described, yes, it wouldn't be a problem worth thinking about. When half the population does so and you can't go anywhere without being inescapably exposed to it, there's a world of a difference.
Similar example 1, to aid in understanding: Smokers (or anyone else) wouldn't like it if someone dumped a giant mound of sulfur on the road beside their houses, and work places, and the malls they go to, etc. Sulfur smells awful and will ruin the enjoyment of life of people near it (generally speaking) and is far less toxic than the **** that comes out of a cigarette. If there is no law preventing sulfur from being dumped anywhere and this took place, those people would be up in arms about how their lives are being ruined by this sulfur. It's a symmetric situation with smokers affecting non-smokers.
Similar example 2, to aid in understanding: Nobody cares if you drink yourself silly (the selfish behavior). But when you drink and get behind the wheel of a car (behavior negatively affecting others), that's when the problem arises. Get it?
Is the pattern/symmetry clear? The fact that the behavior is selfish is entirely irrelevant. The fact that the selfish behavior is affecting others is the issue (inconsiderateness towards others due directly to the selfish behavior). I cannot be any more clear on the logic of this matter. If people still don't get it, they're idiots, and thus it cannot be anything other than an idiot-driven problem.
Seriously, I am sooooo sick of little whinny bitches complaining about something that is NONE OF THEIR $%#@ing business! Boooohooo, smokers are evil incarnate, they kill puppies, and rape babies! STFU you little *****! This isn't even coming from a legit cmoker, just a guy who lights one up once in a blue moom when I'm loaded and I smoke a cigar here and there. Tabacco is taxed out the *** in this country and not only that, guess what? SMOKERS DIE YOUNGER! You know what that means? They collect less pension and probably actually SAVE the government money at the end of the day. And don't cry about that 0.00000000000000000000000001 cubic centremeter of ciagette smoke you inhale once a week cause you're withing 1000000000000000m of a smoker. It ain't gonna kill you! You're more likely to die of an *** beating from someone like me.
Phew, I feel better now.![]()
would you agree that banning indoor smoking in a closed and ventilated smoking sections (bubble) is counterproductive?
Had there been designated smoking areas beside each office building, would that have helped?
What would you/me/them do about this? Other than complain and ***** about it.
Yamaha vstar 650 midnight custom
dude im with you ten-fold.
im sick and tired of this younger generation and their lack of common sense. (not to paint em all, but majority for sure)
if its not walking around, its the general attitude and lack of common courtesy and sense.
I like this idea, with a slight modification. Forward outstretched arms with palms towards chest. Oops, pardon me miss.