It's time for a revolution, in the downtown core!

Gaggle of three people on my left.

Vacant cell phone zombie on the right.

Nowhere to walk around.

This is the reality, that is known as downtown Toronto.

... and should I have to walk around, because people are antisocial morons who feel that the rest of the world must get out of their way?

I love your 1st World Problems. They make me laugh.
Gaggle of three people on my left.

Vacant cell phone zombie on the right.

Nowhere to walk around.

This is the reality, that is known as downtown Toronto.

... and should I have to walk around, because people are antisocial morons who feel that the rest of the world must get out of their way?

squeeze through and grab a girl's butt, say the next guy did it. that will show em!
don't own even a basic cell phone, don't want one

I take the Yonge subway daily....and multiple times per week I damn near walk right over these crackberry addicts when they are exiting the subway

they walk with pace towards the turnstile....go through it....take about 2 steps and then...the head goes down, the crackberry comes up...and they just about stop in their tracks with me coming from's like jamming on your brakes on a packed highway

haven't clipped one yet but it sure is tempting
It's not just COTU. A cousin from MB was in town visiting his sister so we invited him to dinner. We had a bit of a visit between his under-table texts. Same in Panama, not only do they answer the cell while visiting they initiate calls.

Exactly what i was thinking
if i see a hot chick coming looking down at her phone, i spread my chest out and walk straight.
If it is a dude, i walk forward with my knee out.
I personally will not take part in this revolution. The last time I didn't move for a couple guys from Jane and Finch; my dog tags ended up broken, my gold chain snapped, and one of the guys ended up getting stabbed in the face with a Hennessy bottle.
The more distracted they are the higher they jump when I blow my 138dB Stebel.Too bad the air horn is not practical to carry around while walking.
Let's say your put on your grubbiest coveralls and then rolled around in grease and mud before walking down the street. Obviously you would be in the wrong if you bumped into someone but if you just stopped and they walked into you would there be any obligation on your part to pay any cleaning bills?

I guess riding a horse down the sidewalk is out as well.
which is more annoying? op's problem? or people smoking outside malls directly beside a "no smoking within 9 meters" sign?
which is more annoying? op's problem? or people smoking outside malls directly beside a "no smoking within 9 meters" sign?

Tough call.

I also like the folks who finish off their dart with one last huff, toss the butt, then exhale as they're walking through the door to come back inside.

One of the area managers for my building smokes. Smokes every day outside the front doors (within 9 meters and not in one of the designated smoking areas) and flicks his butts into the parking lot. Maybe it's the jerk in me, but every time I see him do it I'm tempted to go outside and toss some garbage in the parking lot too.
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