It's time for a revolution, in the downtown core!

Rob MacLennan

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I'm bloody tired of people who blindly walk around while staring down into their cell phones, expecting everyone else to get out of their way. Join me in NOT moving over for them. Just hold your line and let them bounce off you. If it makes them drop their phones, then even better!

Bloody jackasses.
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I do that anyway. And if I see a group of dirty hipsters standing around pretending not to care, blocking the way, I make a special point of going straight through the group, with my shoulders wide while commenting effing hipsters. (using the actual expletive)
People, in the downtown core, are just generally oblivious to common courtesy. The cell phone zombies, however, are a breed unto themselves. Everyone else might be walking to the right, but they'll tool up the left side and get in the way of oncoming walkers. They wander out into crosswalks, when the walk counter is on 2, blocking traffic when the light changes. When you open a door for yourself they crowd through it ahead of you, with faces planted in smart phones.

They must be made to pay.
I was a bit of an intolerant a**hole when I was at Western.

Me - walking by myself down a sidwalk across campus
Them - gaggle of 'western girls' or 'affliction shirt and aviators wearing ****sticks' walking 4 abreast towards me

I'd move over to the edge of the sidewalk and make as much room as i can without leaving the sidewalk or turning sideways. If i go shoulder to shoulder with one of them, so be it.

Them - Eeehhh, why'd you walk right into me?! eeeehhhhhh!!!
Me - Cuz you're a selfish ****!
Them - :O

Them - Yoooo, bro what's your problem guy?! You knocked off my sunglasses and now I gots to re-do my hair!
Me - [insert death glare]
I was a bit of an intolerant a**hole when I was at Western.

Me - walking by myself down a sidwalk across campus
Them - gaggle of 'western girls' or 'affliction shirt and aviators wearing ****sticks' walking 4 abreast towards me

I'd move over to the edge of the sidewalk and make as much room as i can without leaving the sidewalk or turning sideways. If i go shoulder to shoulder with one of them, so be it.

Them - Eeehhh, why'd you walk right into me?! eeeehhhhhh!!!
Me - Cuz you're a selfish ****!
Them - :O

Them - Yoooo, bro what's your problem guy?! You knocked off my sunglasses and now I gots to re-do my hair!
Me - [insert death glare]

I've done that for years. You see me coming and expect me to get off the sidewalk, maybe into the street, so that you 6 can walk side-by-side? Not a chance. Had many people bounce off my shoulders or, in rare cases, right off my chest. I've been giving cell phone zombies a pass though, since they didn't seem to see me coming. Then I realized that they did, in fact, know what was in front of them and just didn't care. Now, no more. They walk at me? I'll keep walking.
I believe walking while texting is just as bad as driving while texting. When I worked in TO and drove around the downtown areas I was continually amazed at how often people would just walk out into traffic without looking up from their devices. Of course if you ran one of them down the pedestrian lobby group would just add that data to their reasoning to lower the speed limit in Toronto to 30 kph.

One of my favourite videos is the one of the girl who fell down the open utility chamber while walking along texting on her smart phone. Unfortunately, instead of accepting that she should have been looking where she was going, she sued because there was no barrier in place. If there had been a barrier, she would have fallen over it and gone head-first down the hole and likely still sued.
I almost had to knock-out a drunken green man at a TFC game last year..staggering along..ran into me..then comes the "Yo brooo...what's going on here!!!"'re a stupid-*** looking drunken ***-hat?? "Ohhh...whaaaa????" "Come on brooo...let's get out of here..." Gotta love the bro-ski **********...sigh..
Fight fire with fire, if you see one, take out your phone and pretend to do the same and crash head-on!! IF they try to say anything, well, they just proved your point and hopefully they will repent and say Hail Mary 300 times.
I don't know why I have never had problems like that. I've bumped into people before and peoplpe have bumped into me, but there has always been an exchange of sorry afterwards.

This is my signature
I don't know why I have never had problems like that. I've bumped into people before and peoplpe have bumped into me, but there has always been an exchange of sorry afterwards.

This is my signature

Obviously you don't spend enough time in downtown Toronto.
Somewhat off topic but one thing that always cracks me up and is another dick measuring contest is when I'm walking somewhere and I see anothe bro that clearly works out walking in the opposite direction. From time to time, ESPECIALLY if he's walking with a chick, the moment he looks up and notices me it's INSTANT ILS, AKA. Imaginary Lat Syndrome. You know, when guys flare their arms out to their side to look as wide as possible. Happened once when I was walkign with my sis and she noticed it too and we were laughing for like the next 10 minutes. :lmao:
Somewhat off topic but one thing that always cracks me up and is another dick measuring contest is when I'm walking somewhere and I see anothe bro that clearly works out walking in the opposite direction. From time to time, ESPECIALLY if he's walking with a chick, the moment he looks up and notices me it's INSTANT ILS, AKA. Imaginary Lat Syndrome. You know, when guys flare their arms out to their side to look as wide as possible. Happened once when I was walkign with my sis and she noticed it too and we were laughing for like the next 10 minutes. :lmao:

Happens a lot out at the bars also, if their also wearing a affliction or tap out shirt its just icing on the cake.
I'm bloody tired of people who blindly walk around while staring down into their cell phones, expecting everyone else to get out of their way. Join me in NOT moving over for them. Just hold your line and let them bounce off you. If it makes them drop their phones, then even better!

Bloody jackasses.

dude im with you ten-fold.

im sick and tired of this younger generation and their lack of common sense. (not to paint em all, but majority for sure)
if its not walking around, its the general attitude and lack of common courtesy and sense.

from the walkers to the "long boarder's" to the cyclists, drivers and the cabbie's...

we need to grow back bones in this city. stop being the typical passive canadians. its hurting us in the end

I realized when I got my first phone that I didn't have the mental faculties to text and walk... especially downtown, that's high risk, low reward
About a metre before they get to you, you can always bend over to tie your shoe...

I like that. Might use it ;)

dude im with you ten-fold.

im sick and tired of this younger generation and their lack of common sense. (not to paint em all, but majority for sure)
if its not walking around, its the general attitude and lack of common courtesy and sense.

from the walkers to the "long boarder's" to the cyclists, drivers and the cabbie's...

we need to grow back bones in this city. stop being the typical passive canadians. its hurting us in the end


It's not just the 'younger generation' with the smart phone thing. I've been walked into by businessmen and grandmothers too. It's part and parcel with the basic issues, that come up with cell phones. People who are talking to you seem to think nothing about dropping the conversation, to pick one up on a cell. I generally glance at it, to make sure it isn't about my house burning down, and continue on with the conversation. And texting. What is so important about a text, that is designed to be waiting for you when you have the time to respond, that it takes precedence over the person you're already talking to?

If I didn't need it for work, the damned Crackberry would go in the nearest dumpster.
i thought this was about running folks over while riding...hahaha...10 points for clipping that little turd jay walking while reading his phone...sidewalk etiquette is a lost art...most people are clueless when walking about...i usually turn my shoulder out when passing people, but from time to time i will turn my shoulder in, usually when the sidewalk is good for 3-4 people walking abreast, and a gaggle of folks are walking my way not giving any's the city, it happens, never had anyone bother me when they get clipped, just more people and i'm more aware than the next's bonus points for the cel phone zombie especially when their gadget makes contact with the's not on purpose, they just don't watch where they are walking...
i thought this was about running folks over while riding...hahaha...10 points for clipping that little turd jay walking while reading his phone...sidewalk etiquette is a lost art...most people are clueless when walking about...i usually turn my shoulder out when passing people, but from time to time i will turn my shoulder in, usually when the sidewalk is good for 3-4 people walking abreast, and a gaggle of folks are walking my way not giving any's the city, it happens, never had anyone bother me when they get clipped, just more people and i'm more aware than the next's bonus points for the cel phone zombie especially when their gadget makes contact with the's not on purpose, they just don't watch where they are walking...

One of the members here once said to me, "It's a good thing I'm not a sociopath. If I was I could kill a dozen people at one shot, by taking a half step off the corner on a red light."
Between your terrible driver video's and now cell phone walking rants, I think it's time you checked in.
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