
Inflation means different things

Working Class = A little more struggling
Rich = Steady as she goes
Poor = Come on working class work harder!
Big Business = Record Profits
She understands the limitations and perks of what we got ourselves in to. Couldn't be happier.
Aussie have a fun term for boxed wine. Goon Sack
Aussie have a fun term for boxed wine. Goon Sack
Some the "wine" in those sacks is the beer equivalent of colt 40 or OE. Vile stuff. Even the teenagers mix it with fruit juice to try to get through it. Similar to Colt or OE though, it is a cheap night of debauchery.
We buy 16L boxes of CabSauve from Magnotta @$119.00 . 16 friggin litres , when we have a big house party I’ll decant about 5 L into various jugs and leave 4 or 5 empty Robert Mondavi bottles sitting on the counter .
Once it’s glass 7 or 8 nobody cares .

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We buy 16L boxes of CabSauve from Magnotta @$119.00 . 16 friggin litres , when we have a big house party I’ll decant about 5 L into various jugs and leave 4 or 5 empty Robert Mondavi bottles sitting on the counter .
Once it’s glass 7 or 8 nobody cares .

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I don't love magnotta but some of them are drinkable. Hard to argue with the price. Many miles better than goon (the closest we have to goon in NA is arbor mist but AM is far better).
We buy 16L boxes of CabSauve from Magnotta @$119.00 . 16 friggin litres , when we have a big house party I’ll decant about 5 L into various jugs and leave 4 or 5 empty Robert Mondavi bottles sitting on the counter .
Once it’s glass 7 or 8 nobody cares .

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We start off our parties with good scotch / whiskey...then on to the Wisers after a few drinks as at that one cares.
While in the subject... can good digestif be bought in Canada or even the US? Jagermeister is a nasty sugary syrup. Someone shared some they brought from Switzerland. It was a pleasant experience.
While in the subject... can good digestif be bought in Canada or even the US? Jagermeister is a nasty sugary syrup. Someone shared some they brought from Switzerland. It was a pleasant experience.
What flavors are you looking for? Chartreuse is available here but much closer in profile to gin than Jager.
We start off our parties with good scotch / whiskey...then on to the Wisers after a few drinks as at that one cares.

Pretty sure this is how Jesus did it. Serve one barrel of wine then once no one could tell split the 2nd barrel into 4 and topped up with water. Jesus kept the party going and it's a miracle and he is praised for a couple thousand years. I'm assuming your guests weren't as thankful.
Flying out of pearson in the near future. Value park isnt so value anymore. A decade ago it was $10/day for surface and $12/day for garage. Now it's $23/day for surface and $27/day for garage. I doubt traffic has increased much. Building cost was fixed long ago. All that changed was they realized how much more they could turn the screws.
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