Sammy63 » Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:19 12
I know the process intimately. Back in 1995, I traded my '87 Goldwing Interstate in on a VT-1100 Shadow, the standard model at that time, not the ACE. I was simply not doing the touring that I had for the many years before that, and the Wing was just too much machine for my daily and weekend jaunts.
The Shadow, however, just never cut it. Oh, I liked it alright, but it was not really comfortable, and the idiot at Honda that decided to put a 4-speed tranny in that thing should have had the stuffings knocked out of him. I rode it a lot at first, but over time, I rode it less and less. Of course the trouble with my knees and feet also contributed. But, the bike and I just never really connected. So, I sold it!
I was on the verge of hanging up my riding gear, when my dear wife suggested I look into "scooters". Well, I, or course, just scoffed at that stupid idea. No way was I going to ride one of those little 50cc, 2-stroke, buzz boxes. NO WAY! She, of course, politely informed me that they were making some considerable bigger ones and that I should go down to my favorite Honda shop and look. So, I did. I was told about the SilverWing and the interest was piqued.
He was supposed to get a couple in within a few weeks. So, I looked around at other Honda shops to see if I could find one to sit on and get a little "feel" for what they might be. Couldn't find one. Went back a few weeks later and he informed me that he wasn't going to get anymore until mid-Summer. This was in January. I was disappointed.
However, as we were discussing my disappointment, I was looking around the showroom. I spied this white machine that looked "similar" to the SilverWing. It turned out to be a 650 Burgman, used. I looked. I sat. I coned him out of a ride! I then worked out a deal, and bought it.
I've never been this happy with a 2-wheeled purchase in a number of years. I've ridden some other motorcycles since I got the Burgman, and I just can't see replacing it. It's the most enjoyable, all around two-wheeled machine that I've ever owned. And I started riding lightly at the ripe old age of 12, and in earnest at the ripe old age of 13 (I'm closing in on 67 now).
Oh, I got the knees straightened out. Total new right, and cleaned up left. The feet still aren't so hot, but, you can't have everything.
So, yes, I can relate, and fully understand!