Why did you get rid of the burgman if you liked it that much?
I explained that elswehere. Because someone paid me a good price for it and it was not an appropriate ride for our cross country trip.
I needed more luggage storage and longer rear tire life and longer range on a tank of fuel.
The Vstrom 650 fit the need - rode it for 15k and then sold it.
Had another Burgman 650 lined up - seller commited and then he sold it out from under me so I snagged my current Wee which I'm taking to the east coast tomorrow...acting as luggage mule once more while the kid plays on the FZ8.
I'll wait for another sharp deal to come along or not on a Burgman 650. I have 3 more years riding in North America left then I'm permanently in Australia where I ride a KLR 650. Last year I had buddy's Burgman 650 to have fun with in the twists. I'm a solid fan. I put 100,000 km on two of them with total failures ...2 batteries. My capital cost depreciation on the 2009 was $3k over 4 years and 63k km ...
The CBF1000 is flat out a lot of fun .....way more than the Wee which is a mule....good suspension, carries a lot, huge range and comfortable ...no buzz tho.
CBF is a sleeper....easy to ride but goes when you want ....Very like the initial Burgman 650 rush but it keeps pulling and it's 100 lb lighter.
Of the three the Burgman handles the twists best, has the best lights, weather protection and convenient storage. Comfortable to ride.
CBF has the best brakes, total fun torque curve and decent for distance tho the Burgman Daylong was by far the best seat ...back to back 1,000 km days. Suspension sucked but was loads of fun in the twists.
CBF1000 can switch to a light liter sports bike by taking off the bags or put them on for touring. Sucky fuel mileage and tank range.
VStrom floats over anything and with K60s is as comfortable off pavement as on. Brakes are just "okay" and lights suck. Burgman far and away had the best lights and I used to ride a lot at night.
I'd wanted to try a D'eauville 700 and did for a few months - meh - sold it for a tidy profit and snagged the current CBF1000 which I like a lot.
I buy and sell bikes regularly as interest permits. Now you are caught up.
Burgman 650 Exec remains the best all around ride and I remain active on the Burgman forum. Many days I miss it.

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