Re: NEW Burgman 650 Owner - What brought me to the Burgman

R1200 » Fri May 13, 2011 23:09 23
I can remember each motorcycle and scooter I've had over the past 40+ years of riding totaling 19 scooters and 38 motorcycles. Your description and write up is very accurate. I first noticed that the average Burgman riders doesn't feel the need to prove that they are motorcyclist to the world and ride the Burgman for their own personal reasons. Many of them in this forum have very extensive motorcycling experience. There are even motorcyclist who have more years of riding than myself and finally decided to find something easier to ride than the Burgman due to age and/or health reasons, but they still
We also have our share of military active duty and military veterans who couldn't care less about what others think about our motorbikes(Burgman). I just came back yesterday from a round trip L.A. to L.V. for a total of over 600+mi in 2 days and plan another trip next week L.A., CA into AZ next week which should be 1000+mi round trip.
I've had my share of owning BMWs, Harleys, Goldwings, etc. To travel light on my Burgman, rather than fancy luggage -I used grocery bags to separate items then put everything into a tall garbage bag to save space under the Burgman seat. First time I've tried anything like this, but was going for efficiency rather than fancy luggage under the Burgman saddle.
Another interesting note is how Burgman 400 and 650 owners co-exist very peacefully. Some even have both the 400 and 650 Burgman. Riding a Burgman is a choice as long as he/she is riding, no one really gives a 'hoot' what type of Burgman a person rides. This last trip I was very impressed with the Burgman. I made this same trip on my former R1200R and F800GS end of last summer -IMHO, I found that the Burgman more comfortable than both my R1200 and F800.