what I am saying is that CCC is usually provincial. Drugs and firearms are usually Federal. they will generally let the jurisdiction with the "bigger" offence take the whole case though, they don't split the same case up.
Got it.
what I am saying is that CCC is usually provincial. Drugs and firearms are usually Federal. they will generally let the jurisdiction with the "bigger" offence take the whole case though, they don't split the same case up.
The ones that work for the province started at 76. The Feds started at 54
I don't remember the payscales after that tho.
Since this is a firearms offence I think its Federal. Not provincial
I'm sure they get up into the lower-6 range quick enough and remember that the guy starting at 54 is gonna be doing parole hearings, not high media profile cases
LOL why did he call 911? Cuz his house was on fire? Forget about the confrontation with the arsonists, He needed emergency services for the possibility of his house burning down.
It was all CCC and Firearms Act, so yes.
What's CCC?
LOL why did he call 911? Cuz his house was on fire? Forget about the confrontation with the arsonists, He needed emergency services for the possibility of his house burning down.
I am not sure what you are trying to say? that you are "sure" they are really well paid?
Cause I think their pay sucks, is incrediblily off market, and they get paid for only half of the hours they work (if that).
If you think its so awsome, you can always get a job there, they are always hiring.
I know that they work long unpaid hours and that they're paid well below the market rate. Getting a permanent position, at least with provincial Crown office is pretty difficult in any metropolitan area or even the outlying sticks. You have to go to the real sticks in hopes of getting in on a gig and then look to transfer back to civilization. My buddy's going through the process now (temp gig in the sticks at the moment, looks like it'll be permanent) and I heard plenty of his war stories. However those war stories include lots of hardened criminals getting off on technicalities or getting very light brushes (not slaps) on the wrist and makes me wonder why the Crown would attack a law-abiding citizen like Ian Thomson with such ferocity.
I know that they work long unpaid hours and that they're paid well below the market rate.
I'm getting mixed signals here. Previously you said they get paid enough. Is "well below market rate" enough? Please advise. If I misread this somehow please accept my apologies in advance.
They are paid "enough" compared to the rest of us. Over there you have 2 types.. Dedicated public servants and scum with political aspirations, so in addition to the financial compensation which is enough for upper middle-class lifestyle, they either get true job satisfaction (which is more than can be said of 93% Canadians) or they get to further their other career goals. Their BMW's may not be as ritzy as private practice lawyers' BMW's but they still got the propellers on the hoods of their recent vintage cars![]()
2 quik points: ???? and the roundel is not actually a propellor.
I'll try to simplify my statement. While their pay in dollars is less than private lawyer pay in dollars, they still get more dollars than most Canadians and either love what they are doing or use the experience for other jobs.
P.S. Your nitpicking on the BMW logo has nothing to do with the point made by the statement and is bordering on trolling - you are being antagonistic for the sake of being antagonistic - not contributing to the discussion.
Nonsense. Everyone knows 911 is for calling when McDonalds is out of chicken McNuggets.
They are paid "enough" compared to the rest of us. Over there you have 2 types.. Dedicated public servants and scum with political aspirations, so in addition to the financial compensation which is enough for upper middle-class lifestyle, they either get true job satisfaction (which is more than can be said of 93% Canadians) or they get to further their other career goals. Their BMW's may not be as ritzy as private practice lawyers' BMW's but they still got the propellers on the hoods of their recent vintage cars![]()
Everybody knows that only happen in Americuh
True. In Canaduh it was a woman who called 911 because her cat at her cheeseburger.
You're chiding me? Seriously? Why don't you re-read your post #92 and take a moment to reflect. Start with "political scum".