I understand how the firearms have to be stored - but that's when they are stored. How about when they are not in storage e.g. because you're home and decided to take them out of storage? Apparently a very murky subject (to my surprise) and careless storage is the most common charge that's laid:
"Now, comes in an area which many people find very confusing, the difference between storage and use.
Situation: You are at home, and you have your Remington 700 bolt-action rife sitting on your gun bench. You are cleaning it. The doorbell rings and you leave the firearm sitting on your bench and leave the room to answer the door.
At the door is a police officer.
If he were to enter your home, and see your Remington 700 rifle sitting on the bench, would you be subject to any charges?
Answer: Today, as long as you had a valid firearm license, either an FAC or a POL or PAL, and a registration certificate for the firearm, there would be no charges that he could lay which would hold up in court, because the firearm is not IN STORAGE, so no storage law applies to it.
In some cases like this, the firearm owner has been charged with illegal storage of a firearm, in spite of the fact that the firearm is not in storage, and has been removed from storage."