To the Audi A8 this morning, thanks for the flashing headlights!
excuse my Noob-ness!! LOL!! as I sat there thinking.... geezzz.... Dani Pedrosa sounds sooooo familiar! I googled it and pop....
maybe a PM would have sufficed. and then the exact post with no names would have been a tad more tasteful.
excuse my Noob-ness!! LOL!! as I sat there thinking.... geezzz.... Dani Pedrosa sounds sooooo familiar! I googled it and pop....
My apologies... your thread is now super valid... .and if you PM Dani Pedrosa tell him his bike is sick!!.. LOL
Be prepared, you are going to be painted soon as the bad, weak minded guy who came here to whine about one of ours .... that's how it works here. You are not new, so I am surprised you'd post that.
More importantly, I detest, such riding as much as you do, but that's all we can really do about it .... sadly.
To the squid i saw this morning riding westbound on the 401 at nielson, i think it was a newer suzuki gsx650 or something along those lines... You look like a tool!!!!
This guy had short shorts on, runners with white tube shocks, a under armour t shirt and a spine protector! Apart fron the obvious disregard for your body, you look pretty ridiculous!! Good job buddy!
This is why I carry a gun on morning rides
this is why i carry a gun on morning rides
**** i thought i was the only one...
my tailpack is perfect fit for the 12" grizzly.