I Saw You: V.2.0

From what I observed, and with the flow of traffic at that time, the place for a vehicle travelling at that speed was in the right most lane.
At the speed he/she was travelling, cars were coming up on the bike quickly and having to slow down. The law abiding ones (such as myself) had to wait for the double solid lines to turn into the dotted lines in order to pass the bike and get back into the HOV lane infront of the bike, while others were just crossing the double solid lines and getting infront.

From what I was seeing, he/she was creating a problem when chillin in the right lane would have been more than sufficient for his/her needs.

I feel like any reasonable person should move over to the right when they see multiple vehicles queuing up behind them and/or passing them

While I do agree with you on what that person SHOULD have done, there's nothing technically wrong with what they were actually doing. The limit on that stretch is 100 km/h, so anyone going faster was not law abiding. The HOV isn't a speeding lane, it's just a regular lane reserved for a less common class of vehicle for the purposes of avoiding congestion. I always enter the HOV lane with the expectation of coming up on someone doing the legal limit. If I don't and everyone is speeding, that's a bonus.
Ah I'm glad you brought that up Evo. I believe that is exactly what that rider was doing. They felt safer in the HOV lane, being in the Left most lane and having the somewhat protection of the HOV lines as protection. When I turned to look at the rider as I passed they had a bit of an unexperienced nervous body language.
However at the speeds they were travelling they were turning it into a dangerous situation.

I would have to agree with GG here that they need to stick to the right of the roadway. Especially if they're going slower than the flow of traffic.

Regarding the Legality of sitting in the HOV lane while obviously being an impediment to traffic, I believe there is an HTA referencing having to move to the right to let faster vehicles by. HTA 147 or 148 I believe.

I think the mentality of getting to the left most lane and parking oneself there because the driver/rider feels safer there, regardless of their speed and the surrounding flow of traffic is a clear sign of a bad driver/rider and being just plain inconsiderate.
Your reference to the HTA applies to vehicles travelling less than the speed limit to move over for people travelling faster, but at or below the speed limit. The HTA does not condone people travelling above the limit.
I can see someone new or still apprehensive about highway travel parking themselves in the HOV and almost under all conditions I would support that decision for the aforementioned reason.

Really? I gotta say Evo brother, I feel I have to respectfully challenge your thinking on this one here.

If someone is apprehensive about highway travel, parking themselves in the literal left-most lane and the furthest lane from the right is not the safest place for them.
Though the right lane does have more vehicles entering and exiting into it, if a rider cannot perform the simple act of slowing down or speeding up to make room for these vehicles, then they have no place on a 400 series highway at all.

Once they have mastered the above mentioned art of speeding up and slowing down, they are more skilled at dealing with having to merge in and out of traffic to get to the left lane/HOV lanes.
I think the mentality of getting to the left most lane and parking oneself there because the driver/rider feels safer there, regardless of their speed and the surrounding flow of traffic is a clear sign of a bad driver/rider and being just plain inconsiderate.
Your reference to the HTA applies to vehicles travelling less than the speed limit to move over for people travelling faster, but at or below the speed limit. The HTA does not condone people travelling above the limit.

Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway

There is no mention of the Speed LIMIT in the HTA.
Really? I gotta say Evo brother, I feel I have to respectfully challenge your thinking on this one here.

If someone is apprehensive about highway travel, parking themselves in the literal left-most lane and the furthest lane from the right is not the safest place for them.
Though the right lane does have more vehicles entering and exiting into it, if a rider cannot perform the simple act of slowing down or speeding up to make room for these vehicles, then they have no place on a 400 series highway at all.

Once they have mastered the above mentioned art of speeding up and slowing down, they are more skilled at dealing with having to merge in and out of traffic to get to the left lane/HOV lanes.
You make a good point and as I always teach my students, never get comfortable with any lane/position. Risk is always changing and you need to change with it.

I said I would support it, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it. 🙃
Personally I feel safest in the HOV lane. Too much going on and too many poor drivers in the right lane. The only problem is that its too easy to say F-it and go 150
Yep, you free to drive/ride in the left lane at a speed limit in Ontario. HTA doesn’t make much sense, it’s written by slowpokes for slowpokes. And situation is worsened by unrealistic speed limits on Ontario roads.
Personally I feel safest in the HOV lane. Too much going on and too many poor drivers in the right lane. The only problem is that its too easy to say F-it and go 150
Just watch out when the passing lane becomes a parking lot. The impatient ones will be gunning for your HOV spot. This is the only situation where I wouldn’t block the right tire track and would move to a centre or left position in the lane. Knew someone who blocked right, they got smoked by an impatient driver and didn’t live to talk about it… 😢
I don’t feel safe in HOV lanes after I saw a video of a car merged into a rider over the solid lines on QEW few years ago. Rider died, unfortunately.
Yes she was an instructor
Just watch out when the passing lane becomes a parking lot. The impatient ones will be gunning for your HOV spot. This is the only situation where I wouldn’t block the right tire track and would move to a centre or left position in the lane. Knew someone who blocked right, they got smoked by an impatient driver and didn’t live to talk about it… 😢
If HOV is moving fast and fast lane is a parking lot and I'm on a bike, I will wait in the parking lot. Even in the left wheel track you may not have enough time or space to avoid the dickheads. Saving a few minutes isn't worth dying.
You make a good point and as I always teach my students, never get comfortable with any lane/position. Risk is always changing and you need to change with it.

I said I would support it, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it. 🙃

You're a good Motorcycle Sensei 🧑‍🏫 🙂

Just watch out when the passing lane becomes a parking lot. The impatient ones will be gunning for your HOV spot. This is the only situation where I wouldn’t block the right tire track and would move to a centre or left position in the lane. Knew someone who blocked right, they got smoked by an impatient driver and didn’t live to talk about it… 😢

Agreed. I was working that day, and the image of the dash cam footage still bothers me. 😔

When I find myself in this situation it terrifies me, and I've had a few instances where cars/trucks etc have cut into the lane over the double lines and I've had to stand on the brakes. Thankfully all instances in my cage.
When I find myself in this situation it terrifies me, and I've had a few instances where cars/trucks etc have cut into the lane over the double lines and I've had to stand on the brakes. Thankfully all instances in my cage.
Me too and I have a very good chance of surviving an event with a selfish ******* in my cage. Bike, not so much.
Just watch out when the passing lane becomes a parking lot. The impatient ones will be gunning for your HOV spot. This is the only situation where I wouldn’t block the right tire track and would move to a centre or left position in the lane. Knew someone who blocked right, they got smoked by an impatient driver and didn’t live to talk about it… 😢

Oh absolutely. I don't go on the highway when its anywhere near that busy. In that situation (if I ended up in it) I would be very very paranoid.
Oh absolutely. I don't go on the highway when its anywhere near that busy. In that situation (if I ended up in it) I would be very very paranoid.
Another thing I worry about, I am amazed how many cagers dont know that the HOV lanes are open to bikers. I worry about some POS who sees me coming in his left side mirror, and thinks I'm being a dick for using those lanes, and decides to scare the crap out of me by suddenly swerving to the left a little bit.
Another thing I worry about, I am amazed how many cagers dont know that the HOV lanes are open to bikers. I worry about some POS who sees me coming in his left side mirror, and thinks I'm being a dick for using those lanes, and decides to scare the crap out of me by suddenly swerving to the left a little bit.
Be nice if the government had something to show them, I dunno like an updated road sign. I haven’t looked recently but last I checked I didn’t see a motorcycle on there.
Be nice if the government had something to show them, I dunno like an updated road sign. I haven’t looked recently but last I checked I didn’t see a motorcycle on there.
They do. There’s updated signs with motorcycles on them.

That was a horrible accident with that instructor. Remember seeing that footage. IIRC bikes weren’t allowed in HOV lanes at the time, but don’t remember timelines.

If I’m in HOV and the left lane is slow/stopped I drop my speed and then hug the left edge of the lane to give myself maximum space.
They do. There’s updated signs with motorcycles on them.

That was a horrible accident with that instructor. Remember seeing that footage. IIRC bikes weren’t allowed in HOV lanes at the time, but don’t remember timelines.

If I’m in HOV and the left lane is slow/stopped I drop my speed and then hug the left edge of the lane to give myself maximum space.
You are correct, even though she had right of way - motorcycles were not allowed at that time.
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