I Saw You: V.2.0

We teach 10 students in tandem, so one does demos & visual walkthroughs, while the other shouts (teaches). Later we switch.
Aug 18 EB 401. Well strapped down scrap. Looked like it had been in a bad fire. Couldnt tell what it started as. Sorry fo potato cam, it is a cropped picture.

Today about 1130PM

You: small group of entry level sport bikes (4-5) just coming into the Bloomington GO parking lot

Me: already hanging out in the parking lot solo for no more than 5min before the special constable pulls up beside me and tells me to leave. As i leave, give you guys the heads up that you will get kicked out too if you havent already. Looks like we all got kicked out. LOL
I’m afraid of this beast.

Nothing against people brave enough to ride it.
What's to be afraid of? It's heavy, expensive to make and I still don't see why it's better but I like it when companies try something different. I wouldn't want to own one as a vintage bike as the parts will be unobtainium and you can't swap in parts from another bike but as a current bike, it's kind of cool.
What's to be afraid of? It's heavy, expensive to make and I still don't see why it's better but I like it when companies try something different. I wouldn't want to own one as a vintage bike as the parts will be unobtainium and you can't swap in parts from another bike but as a current bike, it's kind of cool.
It’s cool, but it‘s behavior is a bit different from a regular bike, so…
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